"Shan Dust! The master said! If I meet you again, let me take your life!" Since you appeared on your own today, it saved me the effort of searching around! The

loud shouts fell, Bishop Lan Hao's spiritual wings vibrated violently, and he came to Shan Chen like lightning, and behind him condensed into the shadow of an old man holding a book, wearing a purple pointed hat, and the heavy books in his arms instantly became larger, like a mountain under heavy pressure.

The terrifying weight caused the surrounding space to be shattered, and in the face of the terrible pressure that could easily pinch it to death, Shan Chen glanced at the mountain-sized book above with an unchanged face, and sighed:

"I didn't expect that old guy to be willing to give you the visualization map of the 'Purple Hat Sage'..." As

soon as the palm was turned, the palm-sized pamphlet appeared, floating in mid-air, and opened one of its pages, and the red light flashed, Shan Chen's hand suddenly had a giant axe bathed in blood, and then aimed at the heavy book in the sky and slashed down hard.


The giant axe first cut open the heavy energy book, and the remaining strength directly swept away the space, and the terrifying spiritual energy raged wildly, and Bishop Lan Lu covered his chest and flew out upside down, and a blood line slipped into the air.

"Quasi-angelic... Your strength has improved again?!

Clutching his chest, Bishop Lan Lu leaned against a mountain wall and looked in horror at the dust above the sky in the distance.

The quasi-angel level is a small level required to transition from the Sage level to the angel level.

In fact, there is no obvious division of this level, and the strength of different quasi-angelic levels is not the same.

Although the quasi-angel level and the real angel level are still a big difference, in the face of any level of sage-level powerhouses, it is crushing.

"It can only be said that you guys came too early..." Shan Chen sighed softly, a smug look flashed at the corner of his eyes, "If you come a little later, maybe you can meet the real angel level." "

The angelic level has long been the overlord of the extraordinary world, and it can execute hundreds of millions of lives at will with a light wave of his hand.

That feeling of dominance fascinates anyone.

"Hey... What a hassle... Let's solve you guys quickly, if you chase down those old immortals, there will be no good life. Shan Chen glanced at the fallen Bishop Lan Chen, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "That old guy also signed you up for the 'Book of Sages'... It's really important to you. "


"Performing without an audience is always boring, and you should be honored to see my new experimental products here." Shan Chen suddenly showed a maniacal smile, "I think you have already seen my laboratory on the third floor, and you have also seen the materials inside... So... You must be no stranger to 'Angel Nine'..."

"Since the audience is here, I can't sell it."

Open your eyes and see what Angel Nine really is! "

The earth shook violently at this moment, cracking one after another arm-thick cracks, rubble flying, if you look down from the sky, you can see a line of earth in the distance that quickly bulges, like a long centipede, and there seems to be some mysterious creature swimming rapidly below.

"Come on!"

Shan Chen opened his hands towards the sky, and suddenly the dirt splashed, the rubble flew, and with a rumbling hum, a huge snow-white worm rushed to the ground and threw its body.

"Everyone, get to know this big fellow, Abyss Worm, and my ninth angel!"

Shan Chen's hands were unfolded, and his expression was crazy.

"The master of the fourth layer... The Abyss Monster that guards the Key Gate, the Abyss Worm... Strength Sage-level high-level peak... I didn't expect that it had actually been controlled by Shan Chen..." Looking

at the huge worm with a snow-white body and a length of hundreds of feet, Bishop Lan Hao's pupils shrank and shouted in a low voice.

"Abyss Worm?"

When the abyss worm drilled out of the earth, Su Ziyu's gaze naturally fell, "It turns out that the group of little insects was born by you?"

"Its ability is far more than reproduction and division..." Shan Chen landed on the head of the abyss worm, as if introducing his own proud work to the audience, and said passionately, "You must be very familiar with such things..."

He gently patted the head of the abyss worm, and the latter's butt position suddenly pouted, only to hear a muffled sound of 'poof', and the green gas permeated out, and where it passed, the ghost-faced trees that grew in the abyss instantly withered.

"Poisonous mist..."

Su Ziyu and the two were stunned.

It turned out that the poisonous fog that permeated the entire Yangcheng was actually released by this abyss worm?


Several muffled sounds sounded one after another, and the lower abdomen of the abyss worm suddenly cracked a fist-sized gap, and then one by one the round eggshells rolled to the ground, touching the air, and the life in the eggshell immediately woke up, kicked away the eggshell fragments, and then one by one the female demon worms came out of it.


Shan Chen beckoned lightly, picked up one of the female demon insects, carefully examined it, and muttered, "What a perfect little creature..." "

I really don't know how you, a former intellectual church believer, have not changed your aesthetics after reading so many books?" Su Ziyu shook his head, with an extremely disdainful and disgusted expression on his face, "Just such an ugly thing do you mean to call it perfect?" You can also call it an angel for something like this?

Su Ziyu laughed.

Laugh loudly, laugh very indulgently.

Shan Chen, however, was in this wave of laughter, his face was extremely blue.

"Stinky boy, you are really looking for death!"

Shan Chen growled.

"Bishop Lan, have you rested enough?" Su Ziyu flicked his shoulders, a black blade emerged, and the dragon pattern on his chest also lit up with blood-red light again, and his breath suddenly rose to the peak of the intermediate rank of the Sage Level, "That old immortal guy handed over to me, and that big bug was handed over to you, how?" "

You..." Bishop Lan Yu couldn't help but hesitate when he saw that Su Ziyu was actually going to fight with the quasi-angel-level Shan Chen, "Shan Chen's strength..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Ziyu, who turned his head to look at him and said lightly, "Maybe it's only me who can fight him here, right?" Am I not going to sit and wait to die?

After listening to these words, Bishop Lan Xi's heart was actually moved.

After killing the virtuous priest, Su Ziyu has completed revenge, and he can find a way to go back, but he didn't expect that the other party actually stayed with him, and he was an extraordinary person with a very strong sense of justice.

However, Su Ziyu's inner activity was completely opposite to what Bishop Lan Xi thought.

"Be sure to get the remnants of the remnants in the hands of that guy from Shan Chen..."

Su Ziyu clenched the black blade and prepared to attack.

"Brother Su, Shan Chen's visualization map is likely to be related to the so-called 'Gate of Truth'....

Also, after he defected to the church, he stole a very terrifying fifth-order forbidden item in the church, the forbidden of the void. "

This forbidden item's ability to replicate the rest of the forbidden item... It's tricky, so you have to be careful. "

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