In the dim and disorderly space, there is a chaotic air flow that seems to never stop, different from the previous endless and empty, but now the system space has changed a lot.

In the distant sky, where you can only look up, stands a huge and incomparable phantom, dragon head demon body, wicker-like arms constantly waving, flashing vertical pupil dragon eyes, behind the dark shadow composed of cloak swinging with the wind, the hem seems to be immersed in the dark, can not see the specific face, from time to time you can see the flickering fear eyeballs.

The breath of the original demon god and the flow of chaotic air flow in the space changed to a strange consistency, and under the body of this terrifying demon god, there was a boundless ocean, black, like black sesame porridge.

Sea of Chaos!

The Sea of Chaos had been spawned in the space of consciousness, and most of the body of the Primordial Demon God was hidden under that dark ocean.

This reminded Su Ziyu of the famous iceberg theory.

The exposed iceberg is only the tip of the whole, and the real body is still buried under the surface of the sea.

It is very likely that the original demon god is also like this.

It was impossible to imagine what a huge body this being would drag out when it really floated up from the Sea of Chaos.

After calming his mood a little, Su Ziyu looked at the colorful materials floating in the air.

In addition to [A Wisp of the Shadow Aura of the Oneness of Everything (Five-Star)], [Rootless Whisker (Three-Star)], [Cursed Black Soul (Four-Star)], several new materials have been added.

They are:

[Calamity Serpent Tail (three-star): The material obtained from the cult group Calamity Serpent Society, they believe in the sea god and obtain the power of the sea, the sea god is also known as the god of the sea serpent, the goddess of calamity, according to legend, fishing boats that do not believe in the sea god often encounter storms and extreme weather at sea, and eventually die in the ocean. It contains the power of calamity, which is a good material. ]

, [The corpse of the enchanting faceless ghost fox (three-star and a half levels): A high-level work of a Morning Star Alchemist, using the Snow Mountain Lone Fox as the core container, stuffed with a hundred female spirit bodies, and then refined with alchemy, born with the strength of the Morning Star Elementary Stage, with strong growth potential, it is a good container material! 】。

[Joker's grotesque smile (three-star): Derived from the professional smile of the priests and believers of the grotesque order, as cultists who believe in the mother of the grotesque, their smile has the effect of causing human panic, fear, irritability and other negative emotions, if it can be used properly, it is a good material! ] After

sorting, there are a total of six materials above level three in the system space, which are [A wisp of the phantom aura of the One of Everything (five-star)], [Rootless Whisker (three-star)], [Calamity Serpent Tail (three-star)], [Cursed Black Soul (four-star)], [The corpse of the enchanting faceless ghost fox (three-star and a half)], [Joker's grotesque smile (three-star)].

Of course, there are still a lot of fragmentary materials below the three-star level, the corpses of sea snakes, the internal organs of sea snakes, etc., but now Su Ziyu is a little disdainful

of these two-star materials, and these materials may also lower the rating of the system when used to edit, especially if there is a five-star material.

Su Ziyu thought that it was better to find a place to sell these low-grade materials and save trouble.

After getting ready, Su Ziyu opened his eyes again, his pupils were already occupied by darkness, floating in mid-air again, the ground trembled in the center, and the Baimu furnace rose out very obediently, like a volcanic eruption.

With a move of his hand, [a wisp of the phantom aura of the One of Everything (five-star)] ball of light flew over, slowly fell into the furnace, and was immediately covered by the magma of creation, making a purring bubbling sound.

The breath of the Oneness of All Things is a small glowing sphere, from different angles, with different sides, dazzling like the sun, if not in the system space, looking directly at this thing is likely to hurt the eyes.

With a flutter, the glowing sphere and the creation magma mixed together, and the breath of the One of Everything immediately dissolved, dyeing this magma into a golden piece, like an ocean illuminated by the sun.

Then, Su Ziyu beckoned again and joined the enchanting faceless ghost fox corpse!

It's just that this corpse, due to Ruan Xiaoqi's greedy play, has no tail, shrouded in glowing creation magma, and every cell penetrates into the golden bubble.

After waiting for every inch of the faceless ghost fox's corpse to be stained with the breath of the One of All Things, Su Ziyu beckoned again, and successively added [Rootless Whisker (three-star level)], [Clown's grotesque smile (three-star level)] and hundreds of [Calamity Serpent Tail (three-star level)].

Among them, the rootless whiskers turned into bones and supported the shriveled body of the faceless ghost fox, and the calamity snake tail rushed in frantically one after another, scrambling to seize the faceless ghost fox's body, but under the immersion of the creation magma and the breath of the Oneness of All Things, there were only ninety-nine that could swing in the end!

It seems that a law is at work, the rules of creation and the way of heaven cannot be violated, ninety-nine snake tails occupy the tail of the faceless ghost fox, become its tail, swing one by one, and at the very end also evolved a snake head, like a snake on the tail, but they still lack expression, and at this time, [Weird Clown Smile] comes in handy.

It covers the end of the snake's tail and makes a strange and strange expression, obviously a snake, but it makes a grotesque expression similar to a human face, just seeing it is chilling.

The bones made from rootless whiskers are also golden and shiny when quenched by the magma of creation.

The faceless ghost fox stood up again, raising its head to the sky and letting out a roar and scream, ninety-nine tails wagging at the same time, and the strange snake head at the end made various mad expressions, grinding people's minds.

The stream-like creation magma surged to the tail of the faceless ghost fox, and the only remaining rootless whisker actually burst out from the middle of the ninety-nine tails, wrapped in creation magma, and turned into a longer tail, and the end also showed a grotesque smile similar to that of a human.

At this moment, the hundred-tailed snake fox was born!



All the eyes of the Hyakume Forge widened and circled, emitting bursts of white qi, contracting inward, turning into a flesh cocoon.

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