"Xiaojun hasn't returned since his last mission..."

a white-eyed elder sighed and looked worried, "Now Asmode's response has sped up again... Could it be..." The

Great Elder sitting at the top had a gloomy face, his thin fists clenched tightly, as if he was trembling slightly from anger, his lips twitched many times, and he suddenly stared angrily at the picture on the table:


The ancient gloomy demonic words instantly floated out, and the several elders present suddenly felt their heads swollen and their chests tight, even if they had been weakened by the Sacrifice Gate, they still made their faces turn the color of pig liver, and they could only stiffen their bodies.

Just when everyone was barely resisting, suddenly the spiritual weight quickly receded like a tide, and everyone's hearts felt a sense of relief, and their faces eased a little.

The runes engraved on the stone table suddenly lit up with a more dazzling blood-colored light, and then the mirror-like aperture stretched and changed, turning into a carved light door less than one meter, accompanied by a fishy smell gushing out, the terrifying abyss aura turned into the phantom of Asmode, huge and strange, scarlet eyes full of lustful and killing intent stared at the elders, and the empty and vicious voice slowly floated out.

"Old guys, finally met."

"Get out of here!"

After a brief period of surprise and silence, the Great Elder suddenly burst out, his forehead beating vigorously, and roared.

"Huh? You went to great lengths to get in touch with me with an oversized sacrifice ceremony... An attempt to gain an exchange of power ... Really thought the deal with the devil was so easy to cancel?

Asmodee said with a dismissive smile.

"The 'lamb' of your sacrifice is in the abyss... Look, this is what fate arranged... Remember! When making deals with demons, it's best to keep your head clear..."

Asmodeus didn't seem to have a habit of wasting his tongue, his flat voice barely undulating, and as the last word fell, the door of sacrifice slowly closed.

"Whew..." The

oppressive atmosphere lasted for a moment, and was finally broken by a sigh from the Great Elder.

"How did Xiaojun go to the abyss?!" The fifth elder said hoarsely.

Asmode's sudden arrival just now made the backs of the elders soaked.

"What now... Xiaojun is in the abyss, Asmode's attack on it is very easy..."

"For now, I can only open the shadow tomb and awaken the ancestor!"

"Damn it!"

The Great Elder slammed the stone table hard, and said with a gloomy face, "Xiaojun is already trapped in the abyss, even if the ancestor comes out of the mountain, it will take a lot of effort to enter the abyss, not to mention that we have no time to wait!"

"What do you mean?"

All the elders turned their eyes in confusion.

"Being able to affect the situation within the abyss in a short period of time... Perhaps only the power of the gods can do it!

"I'll go and pray for the protection of the Lords of Shadows!"

The Great Elder stood up abruptly and walked towards the outside of the house.

"Lord of Shadows..."

the five elders and several other elders looked at each other with disdain, and muttered in a low voice, "Does that being really care about such a thing... Moreover, the ceremony was held because Lord Shadow Demon did not respond... If His Majesty thinks that our actions offend Him... Therefore, the consequences of divine punishment are unimaginable!

"But you can't watch Xiaojun being taken away by a demon... Asmodeus enjoys the title of a lustful demon in the abyss... If Xiaojun is really taken away, God knows what kind of torture he will suffer..."

"That His Majesty personally reshaped the Kingdom of Shadow God for us, and with his measurement, he must understand our original suffering... What's more, the officiant of that ceremony had already been executed..."

one of the elders pondered.

"Hey... I can only try it.

Finally, the fifth elder sighed helplessly and got up to follow the Great Elder.

Seeing this, although there was still a hesitant look on the faces of the other elders, after hesitating for two seconds, they also followed.



The three layers of the abyss, the void and the realm of death.

In a strangely shaped hall, a silhouette is sitting on a chair, wearing a black star flower long dress, black as a waterfall silky long hair draped over the shoulders, the cold temperament gives people a sense of sacredness that cannot be desecrated.


Jun Shang pursed his mouth, clasped his hands together against his chin, and the prayer in his heart did not stop.

Finally, at a certain moment, Jun Shang opened her beautiful eyes, and a crystal tear rolled down her cheek, wetting her long black dress, making her look more lovingly weak.

"Is it finally coming..."

Jun Shang lifted the cuffs, the arm that was as white as a swan, there was a twisted sarcoma-like mark that was slightly luminous and expanding, and it was faintly visible that the sarcoma was creeping and changing, and seemed to be forming a twisted demon face.

From the moment that ceremony was completed, the king already knew his destiny....

She has always shown a lonely temperament to the outside world, and she dares not contact love, because she knows that her fate has already been arranged, and the demon will come to ask for her body when the time comes.

Until she met Su Ziyu, the heart that was frozen finally began to melt slowly, and even completely soaked in the shadow of that young man, even after knowing his true identity, Junshang was willing to follow.

No bang, just love in its purest form.

"Asmode..." staring

at the sarcoma, a look of determination flashed in Jun Shang's beautiful eyes, and with a wave of his other hand, a dagger emerged, and after holding the dagger, he stabbed down towards the sarcoma!


There was no accident, the sarcoma actually differentiated a lot of bloodshot dragged the dagger, creeping and differentiating, forming a strange face.

"Little beauty, how can I be willing to let you hurt yourself."

That devilish face actually spat out words, and the lustful color on his face made people feel disgusting.

"You demon!"

Jun Shang's small face stood up, his arm went down hard, but he couldn't break through the bloodshot power, and finally he only heard a click, and the dagger shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the ground suddenly began to shake violently, and the various ornaments around it also made a crackling muffled sound, and then this vibration intensified, and Jun Shang was even shaken to the ground, and terrible spiritual power poured in from the outside world, instantly destroying this magnificent hall, the ceiling was lifted, and this layer of abyssal sky also appeared in her field of vision, blood red.

The clouds stirred, and a huge gap was torn apart, and then a pillar of energy light gushed out from it, falling on the ground like a meteorite, smashing out a deep pit.

The surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand the coercion, and was shattered into pieces, and in that void space, a tall figure was slowly walking out, dressed in black armor and wearing a frog-beaked helmet, it was the fifth layer of the abyss - the layer master of the sea of dead corpses, Asmode, lustful demon!

In the bare ruins, Jun Shang stood there dumbfounded, holding a jade pendant tightly in his palm, and his heart sank to the bottom.

What should be faced, after all, must be faced.

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