Chapter 499

Although his terrifying recovery ability was frantically repairing his body, Asmodee still looked very embarrassed at this time, and the aura that even the abyss monsters were afraid of also seemed extremely weak at this time.

"Although I don't know how you got that existence dress... But you can't continue to borrow His power... Your state may be hidden from others, but it can't escape my eyes. Asmode's eyes widened suddenly, and his pupils lit up with a strange red glow, "Your mental body can no longer continue to bear the pollution of that existence..." It

seems that because of discovering the basis for Su Ziyu's sudden strengthening, Asmode's bloodshot ugly face actually appeared with a disdainful smile, but due to the injury, it looked a little hideous and ugly.

"Huh... There is still a chance..."

Asmodeus stepped forward, the skeleton staff in his hand transformed into a sharp bone sword, and stabbed out sharply, although it was only an ordinary sword, but it seemed to transform into several phantoms, Su Ziyu only felt that hundreds of continuous stabbing strikes flashed in front of his eyes, each containing a terrifying power that could split the mountain peak and tear the space.

"Who said I've reached my limit!"

Su Ziyu, who had been lowering his head, raised his head abruptly, the tentacles came out of the mask, and the eyeballs opened from the tail of the tentacles, and then the original breath wrapped it, and between breaths, a face with strange facial features and violating the laws of human physics appeared in front of Asmode.

That face, the moment he saw Asmode, the corners of his mouth suddenly split to the sides, outlining a miserable white and weird smile, and then worms covered in scorched black bristles and various strange runes painted on the body crawled in and out of that face.

Until the end, the smiley face was pulled to the maximum moment, the face and body collapsed at the same time, and then turned into a dense weird worm, climbing delicately.

Primordial worm, this is Su Ziyu's preliminary 'mythical form'!

And Asmode, who saw this scene, also covered his eyes and screamed, and then he felt a touch of coldness on his neck, and then a dark golden light flashed in front of his eyes, only to hear a muffled click, and a round head popped to the ground, it was Asmode, with a shocked expression on his face before death.

"Whew..." The

black blade was forcefully inserted into the scorched black earth, Su Ziyu took advantage of the black blade, panting, after a little rest, he took off the yellow robe, and then pressed his face with his hand, the tentacles retracted one by one, pulled hard, no response, the pale mask seemed to be fixed, unable to move.

Su Ziyu frowned and pulled hard again, this time the mask was torn off, along with bloody flesh and a pinch of blood.

He took a breath of cold air, ignored the sharp pain, and continued to pull hard, looking as if he was taking a slice of a sliced pizza that was in a brushed state.


The sound of paper tearing sounded, and the moment the pale mask was taken off, Su Ziyu's face was also torn off alive, and his face instantly became unrecognizable and bloody and blurry.

Not long after taking it off, the scarlet blood stained on the pale mask and yellow robe was actually all absorbed and disappeared, Su Ziyu took a heavy breath, and then threw this complete set of 'King of Yellow Suit' into the sea of chaos, staggered to Asmode's body, squatted, stretched out his palm and whispered:

"Extract the material!"

After retracting the Sucai ball of light, Su Ziyu slowly stood up, and the moment he raised his head, the bloody face finally recovered to almost the same, and only then did he dare to turn around and walk towards Junshang.

While walking towards Junshang, he manipulated the spirit scissors to cut off the contaminated parts of the mental body.

Fortunately, he has the ability to remove spiritual pollutants at any time, and even if he can temporarily improve his strength with the help of the 'King of Yellow Suit', he will later become a monster because of this pollution.


Seeing Su Ziyu walking over, Jun Shang quickly got up and greeted him, and hugged him in the former's unprepared gaze.

Such an active junshang made Su Ziyu feel a little stunned.

Feeling a slightly moist shoulder, Su Ziyu rubbed Junshang's head and said softly:

"It's okay."

He knew that Jun Shang must have endured a lot alone.

Since he was a child, he was forced to sign a contract with a demon, and he would often be harassed by that demon in his dreams, such a day, after more than twenty years, was enough to drive people crazy, but Junshang chose to endure silently, in addition to his somewhat cold and withdrawn personality, he did not go astray.

After hugging each other for a while, the two separated from each other, Su Ziyu gently wiped away the tear marks on Jun Shang's face, and smiled indifferently:

"It's all over."

Looking at Su Ziyu's face, Jun didn't know what to say for a while, but there was still the intense brewing of emotions in her heart, and when it became more and more turbulent, she stood on tiptoe and quickly touched his lips.

Warm and sweet.



Asmode's death was no small matter, at least within the abyss.

It was clear that the abyss that only descended to the fourth layer suddenly appeared a five-layer abyss monster, and while disrupting the rules, it seemed that something bad was happening.

For example, the abyss that was summoned this time is collapsing and disintegrating at an extremely fast speed.

Just as Su Ziyu was about to leave, he suddenly felt several strong auras lock him.

His heart sank, and just when he thought that another enemy was chasing, he raised his head and saw a group of black-pressed people standing in the corner of the sky, all of them were dressed in white robes, and there was a heavy book pattern tattooed on the back of the robe, and his gaze fell on that pattern, and Su Ziyu's tense expression relaxed a little.

Reinforcements from the Church of Knowledge are coming....

Well, it came very exactly....

"Is he? What about that extremely evil demonic aura? Suddenly, among the group of Knowledge Church believers, a woman wearing women's glasses and looking quite graceful and noble spoke, "And it's still a high-ranking demon..."

She glanced around, her gaze fell on Su Ziyu, and suddenly became cold:

"Is that you?" That upper demon?

After a moment, she suddenly shook her head again:

"No... It's not like, although the breath is disordered and contaminated with some mysterious ancient aura, it is not a demon..." The

woman seemed to be very sensitive to the breath, and after gently glancing at Su Ziyu, the killing intent in her eyes dissipated somewhat;

"Why are you here? What about the demon on the head just now?

This sentence was obviously a question to Su Ziyu.

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