To say this kind of cultivation method, only a genius professor like An Yuxuan can think of it.

"What is your relationship with the Church of Knowledge now? I see that you are not wearing their robes, so you should not be considered a member, right?

Su Ziyu remembered that An Yuxuan had specially written to ask about herself because of this matter.

"According to what you said, as their peripheral special personnel, although they have not joined, they are given treatment according to the highest standard."

Hearing this, Su Ziyu became a little envious.

It seems that talented people are rushing to ask for it everywhere.

"By the way, why did you come with that Shangguan Lord Priest."

Su Ziyu asked.

"Teacher Shangguan is the high priest of the Northwest Region of the Alliance, and after receiving the distress signal from Bishop Lan Hao, he brought someone to rush over, and then I know that you will also come to Yangcheng, and by the way, ask to come together. It's just that another thing delayed the trip, otherwise we should have arrived three days ago.

"Another thing?"

Su Ziyu suddenly thought that Bishop Lan had also said earlier that the main strength of the church was focused on the investigation of another matter, could it be that what the two said was the same thing?

Thinking of this, Su Ziyu suddenly became a little interested in that matter, and casually asked,

"What is actually comparable to the abyss catastrophe in Yangcheng?"

For Su Ziyu, An Yuxuan has always been unfortified, and seeing that the other party was interested, she also said casually:

"Mocheng, a marginal town in the northwest region, has become a city that has lost sleep."

"The city that has lost sleep?"

Su Ziyu was stunned, he had traveled to various forbidden places in Blue Star, he had seen villages ruled by mermaids, ancient cities buried under the sea, vampires and the Isis people with a long history, but he had never heard of such a strange thing.

"Yes, according to the investigation, there are several super polluted areas in Mocheng, and nearly ninety percent of the citizens lose sleep, work all day, and even hold evil bloody ceremonies..."

Su Ziyu wondered.

Mocheng, a large city located on the edge of the northwest region, Su Ziyu, has also heard of it, and it is also one of the very famous main cities of the Northern Alliance.

It is also the oldest and oldest of all the main cities, and it is rumored that it was once ruled by an ancient race called the Sand tribe, and later the dynasty changed, because of its geographical location and customs, the Northern Alliance did not send its own people to directly administer it.

Instead, let the Shadu dynasty of Mocheng join the Northern Alliance, and then install officials to coordinate management.

The advantages of this are easy to rule, and the disadvantages are naturally obvious.

Giving Mocheng too much autonomy is prone to problems.

"The Shadu Dynasty officials in Mocheng have almost disappeared... We are still trying to get in touch with the king, and if we don't know the specific situation in the city, it is very dangerous to enter it, and if we can, we generally do not do such a dangerous move.

An Yuxuan explained.

After listening to her explanation, Su Ziyu could also feel how tricky this place was.

After a moment of silence, An Yuxuan suddenly spoke,

"Do you want to go together?" Teacher Shangguan is the main person in charge this time, presumably she is also very satisfied with your strength, if you want, I can go and talk to her. "

Although it is An Yuxuan's invitation, Su Ziyu can't go to a muddy water for no reason, especially a place that sounds very dangerous, try to think about it, with the size of the knowledge church, you need to send out the arch-priest of angelic strength to lead the team, enough to imagine what a terrifying danger is hidden in Mo City.

Of course, An Yuxuan knew Su Ziyu's character, too cautious, and would not agree without sufficient benefits, and immediately muttered:

"We got signs that there are old god sect activities in Mocheng... I know that you have a festival with this mysterious organization..." Hearing

this, Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows, although he was also very concerned about the recent situation of the old God Sect, but the strength of this church in front of him was no longer the existence that needed to be looked up to before, after being promoted to the Sage level, the Old God Sect would no longer pose much danger to him, so Su Ziyu's mood only fluctuated slightly, and he calmed down.

"Hehe, I know this news can't attract you anymore." An Yuxuan deliberately got closer, and the girl's unique fragrance drifted into Su Ziyu's nose, so comfortable that people felt that their pores were relaxed.

If it weren't for her confidence in An Yuxuan's character, Su Ziyu thought that this nizi wanted to seduce herself.

Leaning next to Su Ziyu's ear, An Yuxuan exhaled a beautiful orchid, and the warm gas touched Su Ziyu's ear, making people feel itchy in their hearts:

"The changes in Mo City seem to be related to that mysterious ancient holy city, the City of a Thousand Pillars."

As soon as these words came out, although Su Ziyu did not have much obvious expression on his face, he was like turning the river and the sea in his heart.

In the city of a thousand pillars, Su Ziyu also learned a few words from some taboo books.

It is known as the ancient holy city, the capital of civilization, and the legendary place where the gods met to discuss things during the era of the gods of the First Age!

In addition, there is also a stone wall called the 'Wall of Truth' in the city of a thousand pillars, which is the most famous.

Rumor has it that this stone wall contains many secrets, and that anyone who touches it will receive a prophecy, a prophecy about themselves....

This stone wall has always been a legendary thing, and even the so-called City of a Thousand Pillars is only active in novels or strange stories passed down by word of mouth.

Unexpectedly, this legendary town actually has news, and it is still in Mocheng.

Su Ziyu has always been interested in the 'wall of truth' that can predict himself.

He always had an idea in his mind to experiment, and if the function of the Wall of Truth was true, then this was the best choice.

He had always wondered what would happen when the original demon god touched the 'wall of truth'?

Or... Is this demon god, who represents the beginning and the end, hidden in some unknown secret?

Su Ziyu's premonition of crisis has become stronger and stronger

..."Perhaps...'The 'Wall of Truth' is a perfect choice."

After this thought flashed in his heart, Su Ziyu also made a certain decision.


Su Ziyu took a deep breath, trying to make himself look less nervous, and asked casually.

"Nine times out of ten." Seeing that Su Ziyu showed signs of letting go, An Yuxuan also said positively.

"I'll go."

"Hehe, I knew you would be interested in that place."

An Yuxuan laughed, and her eyes narrowed, looking like a cunning fox who had succeeded.

"Then I'll talk to the teacher later, I believe she will definitely welcome you to join you very much."

A few people chatted for a while, and the nine demon dragons carried a few people to the outside of the camp, and then under An Yuxuan's arrangement, Su Ziyu and the three were each arranged a tent.

"You guys rest here for a while, I'll go help the teacher, and tell the teacher about that by the way."

An Yuxuan winked mischievously at Su Ziyu.


After letting Zhiyun and Junshang go back to rest separately, Su Ziyu sat cross-legged in the camp tent, summoned the curtain dark beast to guard the surroundings, and at the same time converged his mind and entered the system space.

The matter of Yangcheng is over, and it is time to edit the new monster.

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