"When the time comes, settle them together."

Qixing's plain words came again.


Wang Zhiyewei threw himself to the ground, his butt cocked high, and shouted loyally, "It will not be humiliated!"

Qixing did not dwell too much on this topic, and after a moment of silence, he then asked:

"How many dream powers are left before the Star Gate can be opened?"

"Tomorrow night at the latest!"

Wang Zhiye said without hesitation.

"You should know what kind of result I want for this mission, right?" Qixing said, "Do you need any other help?" Think clearly before answering.

After this period of getting along, Wang Zhiyewei also understood the temper of the mysterious man in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly said:

"Need..." "

You take these undead away."

With a wave of his hand, the pile of Senran white bones kneeling on the ground suddenly erupted into a strange green glow, and then several dark green spirit bodies floated out of it and stayed in midair.

Their expressions were hideous, their postures were resentful, and their eyes were filled with a lot of hatred.


After being pulled out, the empty eyes of Nitoheus, who was sitting high on the king's chair, suddenly lit up, and the terrifying aura was vented, and when he was about to suppress the group of undead, Qixing suddenly waved his black robe, a pale arm was exposed, and the space suddenly fluctuated violently, and then the strong aura instantly dissipated.

The undead regained their freedom, and after letting out a free roar, they rushed towards the Seven Stars and the King's Nightmare.


Qixing sneered, revealing the thin fingers outside the black robe lightly, and the fingertips lit up with dazzling light, and then, the undead who were still crazy and hideous just now, suddenly all stopped, as if they had been pressed a pause button.


The seven-star sleeve robe waved, and the undead were all slapped into the mouth of the king's night nightmare.

"Thank you Lord Seven Star for the gift."

Wang Zhiyewei swallowed his saliva and said excitedly.

"Hmm." Qixing waved his hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Go back." "

The subordinate retreats..."

After going out, the King's Night Nightmare fled quickly, and it was not until he came out of the catacombs that the pressure became easier.

Touching the cold sweat on his forehead, Wang Zhiyewei leaned against the broken city wall and exhaled a heavy breath:

"Damn it... That guy is still so scary..." Recalling

the words that the group of mysterious people in star-patterned black robes suddenly woke up, a look of horror appeared in the pupils of the king night again.

"I am the Seven Stars Venerable of the Bishop of the Star Wisdom Sect, and now I ask you to cooperate with our work, of course, you can not accept it, then, the end will be the same as him."

After speaking, the mysterious man in a star-patterned black robe stretched out his thin and white arm and grabbed the corpse of a nightmare, but this corpse was like a shriveled balloon, with various folds floating on the surface, looking hideous and ugly.


The nightmare subconsciously lowered his head, his lips twitched, and although his face had a look of adoration, his tone trembled violently.

The king of the nightmare actually turned into a cold corpse.

And the murderer is looking at himself with a smile.

Almost instinctively, the nightmare quickly knelt down, hugged Qixing's thigh, and begged, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll help you." "

Huh... Very good. Qixing's mysterious face hidden under the black robe seemed to smile, "That's right, our new king..."

The picture in his mind flashed here, and the king night flickered up, with a cold sweat, and swept towards the distance.



At the same time.

Mocheng Imperial Capital, a certain corner.

A figure with a big sword jumped rapidly between tall buildings, and behind her, a group of black-pressed figures followed, they spread their hands, and the huge bat-like flesh wings slowly fanned, rolling up the icy hurricane, releasing one after another spiritual training, and rushed towards the figure in front.

"Bang bang!"

That sturdy figure moved left and right, dodged the bombardment of several spiritual training, very competently took off the giant sword behind it, rolled up gusts of wind pressure, and swung sharply behind him, the fierce spirit compressed the power into a ball of air cannon, flew out with a boom, and quickly bounced off several spiritual pursuits, tiptoe, a deafening roar erupted in the dark night sky, a huge phantom wearing heavy armor, the face could not see the true face, and the huge phantom bathed in the dusk instantly appeared in mid-air.

"Miss Ben will go first."

The sturdy figure turned around and smiled, the speed under his feet increased, and between jumping left and right, the fiery red ponytail flicked at will, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

And the group of nightmare still wanted to catch up, but they were scattered by the spiritual energy wave burst from the dusk warrior's phantom, and they could only watch the beautiful shadow leave.

"Damn, several brothers were killed again... Has that human woman been addicted lately, and she has to come over almost every day.

The leading nightmage took a sharp bite and said with an extremely unkind face.

"Three days have passed, and she has not been caught, if only the king knew... Should we not..."

Several younger brothers also showed worried looks on their faces.

"Old Eight, the king asked you to go back."

Just when everyone was worried, the space on the side suddenly opened, and then a taller statue with three bars tattooed on his chest ran out, his eyes swept over everyone present, and said coldly.

"Go back? What's wrong?

The leading nightmare quickly lowered his head, while the younger brothers behind him were bent over, their heads almost down to their toes.

"There are a few little bugs coming, and the king asked us to receive them well."

The three-bar nightmare smiled cruelly.

"But... That woman we haven't..."

"That guy put it aside first, this is the latest order of the king, of course, if you can solve them all, it is best, the specific matters are up to you."

After the three bars of the nightmare finished explaining, the flesh wings flapped violently, and the figure disappeared into the space again.



Similarly, in the Mocheng King's Capital, a realm that goes deeper.

The cold and silent moonlight poked out from the clouds, sprinkled wantonly on the ground, and suddenly a gust of wind pressure, several nightmare flew in front of the huge moon disk, sowing dream crystal powder, so that everyone in the city could sleep well and have a good dream.

"Let's take a break."

One of the nightmare glanced at the urban agglomeration below and suddenly spoke.

"Hey, yes." A nightmare on the side sharply retracted its flesh wings and licked her lower lip greedily, "I haven't tasted a human woman for a long time... Gee, or sneak lazy tonight, brothers go cool off?

"That's okay."

As he spoke, the three nightmare retracted their flesh wings and swept towards the downside.

Nightshades are generally males who also have their own mating needs and prefer to leave their genetic material in the bodies of human females rather than their congeners.

Although it does not cause pregnancy, it can cause human women to explode and die.

This exaggerated and selfish practice has killed many young girls.

Just when the three-headed nightmare swooped down in the shape of a 'pin', suddenly a scream sounded in the sky, and then the surrounding space quickly fluctuated, a beautiful figure wearing a lady's top hat and a long black dress emerged, the cold and beautiful face just flashed, and the figure turned into a black thunderbolt, shuttling and colliding in the night.

A few seconds later, three corpses of nightmare fell from the sky, and blood clattered down.

And that beautiful shadow appeared in the center of the battle circle, wearing a long black dress, wearing a tall lady's top hat, and a fine sand mesh hanging down from the brim, making her appearance look shadowy and very mysterious.

If Su Ziyu stood here, he was afraid that he would shout lowly:

"Night Lord!"

This noble lady wearing a lady's top hat was the night chief priest who had hunted down Su Ziyu in Jiangcheng before due to the plot of the Yi clan.

"Damn, the entrance is there..." The

Night Lord Priest gently flicked the black longsword in his hand, flicked the blood away, put away the longsword, and was about to make the next move, when he suddenly felt a convulsion in the depths of his brain.

Then, the grim look on her face suddenly converged, replaced by an extremely serious face:


My youth bird will never come back..." "My youth bird will never come back..."

"Hahahaha... Hahahahaha..." In

the shrill strange laughter, the night priest covered his face and gradually disappeared into the night.



Overnight, the wind and clouds were blowing.

In the small desert city, many forces appeared.

And their target seems to be that rumored holy place, the City of a Thousand Pillars!

The next day, the cold moonlight faded, and the earth reappeared under the sun's care, radiating a vibrant breath.

Despite this, the pedestrians on the road are listless, their eyelids are heavy, and their walking is shaky, like a drunk.

Some people even fell to the ground while waiting for the traffic light, or even crossed the road in a daze, and then were directly hit by a car.

On the road and in office buildings, various accidents occur.

It seems that the pollution level of the residents of Mocheng City has become more and more serious.

Su Ziyu and his party took a modified van and drove through the cluttered streets towards the royal capital.

This time, the black pig did not bring his little brother out again, plus after encountering the nightmare cub, most of the dead and wounded, and less than seven people with combat effectiveness.

A modified van is just right enough to sit down, and the target appears smaller.

Guided by Granny Qing, the black pig drove, occasionally blocked by crazy citizens, killed by Zhiyun and An Yuxuan, and several people cooperated with each other and drove to the royal capital with a sense of rhythm.

It wasn't until dusk that the van finally pulled into a city wall and was interrogated by the guards.

"These people..."

Looking at the guards holding halberds and wearing armor, Granny Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she whispered, "If you left earlier, the king should already be gone... Where did the people here come from? "

Less nonsense, check."

A guard stepped forward and smashed the window with a punch, and his originally lazy expression suddenly became extremely excited, almost instantly, after reacting, a punch smashed towards Su Ziyu's face.


Su Ziyu didn't even look at him, slapped it over, directly knocked the guard away, and then kicked the accelerator, the engine roared, and slammed into the front, and the remaining guards' faces changed slightly, and they dodged to the sides.

"It's the one Wang wants to catch! Hurry up! "


As soon as the guards drank, their bloodshot eyes suddenly turned scarlet, rushing up like demons, and more and more guards emerged from all corners, and then rushed up together.

Su Ziyu's eyes were calm, and he did not affect his mind because of the surge of people, added the accelerator to the end, slammed the steering wheel with both hands, and rushed straight out of this street and drove towards the depths of the royal capital.

Many crazy polluters were directly topped, and for these people, Su Ziyu wanted to save, but he was powerless.

The contamination they have suffered is so deep that there is no possibility of treatment.

Perhaps a direct end to their lives is a real relief.

And just after Su Ziyu rushed through the three streets in such a savage way, suddenly the road in front of him became wider, and there stood a row of noble clothes dressed in ancient styles, and what people cared about most was the skeleton-like body and empty eyes.


Looking at the row of mysterious white bones in front of him, Su Ziyu's pupils shrank slightly.

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