When An Yuxuan woke up, she found herself in the middle of the ocean.

Her body was wrapped in heavy water pressure, and the terrible pressure backlogged over her face, making her almost breathless.

It feels like you're being pressed on your head, pressed into the water, and it's hard to even breathe.

"Where am I..."

Just as An Yuxuan's consciousness gradually sank, a large number of dark blue water streams suddenly appeared behind her, surrounding her body, the light blue light flickered on and off, and in a few breaths, an octopus-headed monster phantom appeared, one tentacle spread out, pulling away the sea water, surrounding An Yuxuan's body, and the pale white spiritual light film covered it, isolating the impact of the surrounding seawater.

"This is..." In

a daze, An Yuxuan opened her eyes, looked around, the first thing that entered her eyes was a whole darkness, you could vaguely hear the sound of water flowing past her ears, trying to open her eyes wide, looking at it for a while, her pupils dilated, "In the sea? How could it be... Could it be that this is the inside of that Rubik's Cube? Thinking

of this, An Yuxuan controlled her body to try to stand up, floating in the seawater, the pale white light film isolated the impact of the Black Sea, raised her head, through the barrier of the seawater, you can see many dark purple fragments floating outside....

"It is indeed the inside of the Ten Thousand Eternal Magic Cube..." An

Yuxuan glanced at the dark surroundings, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, her hands quickly formed a seal, and the spirituality wrapped around her fingertips, with the completion of a seal, the phantom shadow of the octopus-headed monster became solidified in vain, and there was a deafening roar, and the sea water was affected by the sound wave and shook violently.

Then, she quickly raised her hand, wiped her eyes, the light blue spirituality lit up, her eyes closed and opened again, a breath containing truth vented out, and her pupils instantly shrank into needles, and then dissipated into invisible, turning into white.

S-class forbidden technique, all-knowing eye!

For the use of this skill and the success rate, An Yuxuan is far less mature than Shangguan Miao.

But now that she has encountered this situation, there is no chance for her to choose.


Gritting her silver teeth, An Yuxuan's eyes were finally all filled with white, and after looking at those seawaters, her gaze flew to infinity, and at the same time, rows of data flowed in her pupils.

"This is..."

Her gaze peered in this dark ocean for nearly five minutes or so, and a huge illusory shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, huge, strange, eerie...

"My believer... Accept my favor! The

vicissitudes of ancient words floated out, An Yuxuan's body was shocked, looking at the huge phantom in disbelief, only to see that his whole body was shrouded in a huge dark purple cloak, the position of his face exposed the silver-purple unicorn in front of his forehead, two light blue eyes shot straight out, the cloak was lined with water pressure, no wind danced, hunting and hunting.

"Dark... Sage of the Night! "

After recognizing the octopus-headed monster phantom in front of her, An Yuxuan's pupils shrank, and the 'All-Knowing True Eye' was automatically lifted, she didn't have the guts to use this skill to interpret the Night Sage....

Doing so would only send her into a quick drive into madness.

After all, it is a matter of the analysis of the gods, even if it is just a projection, it must be cautious and cautious.

"He knows me?"

After the panic, An Yuxuan suddenly realized this more serious problem.

"Little one... The breath on you... Well, it's really like that guy... I can't forget it!

In the infinite distance of the pitch-black ocean, the Night Sage spoke again.

His voice cascaded through the infinite space and echoed in the dark water.

"Hiss..." Seeing

that he was really noticed by the Night Sage, An Yuxuan really panicked, her small face instantly turned pale, her fists clenched sharply, overlapped together, and squeezed out a handprint.


When the sound fell, the octopus head phantom behind An Yuxuan instantly swelled, spreading out huge tentacles, discharging the sea water and surrounding it.

And An Yuxuan also took advantage of this opportunity, kicked her feet back sharply, swung her hands vigorously, and swam quickly like a crucian carp.

While swimming wildly in the sea, An Yuxuan's mind couldn't stop welling up with many thoughts.

"Why... Why did the Night Sage appear here..."

If I am still within the Magic Cube, then that means that the Night Sage is attracted to the Magic Cube?

"Is this the scary thing about the Magic Cube..."

The state of that Night Sage doesn't seem quite right... The books record the coming of the true God... It could never be as calm as it is now... Other words... Isn't he really the Night Sage? "

Projection? Is it just a projection? Thinking

of this, the fear in An Yuxuan's heart dissipated a little, and the speed of swimming miraculously became much faster.

"Projection... The Magic Cube can only project the projection of the gods in..." An

Yuxuan swam forward like crazy, and the night sage behind him didn't seem to move, but no matter how far the former moved, the latter always followed behind it, and even the distance between the two didn't seem to change.


An Yuxuan exclaimed in a low voice, her hands and feet swung more powerfully, and her speed increased a lot, but in the next second, she suddenly felt that her vision in front of her was blocked, and Ding Qing saw that an illusory huge figure was floating in that area.

"The Sage of the Night... He has followed!

"Damn it!"

An Yuxuan cursed helplessly, crossed her hands, and the octopus head phantom behind her began to wave its tentacles wildly, stirring the sea water and forming one after another submarine hurricanes.

At this moment, the face of the Night Sage hidden under the cloak seemed to smile, slowly raised his arm, and his fingertips condensed a dark ball of light, which quickly flew towards An Yuxuan's forehead.

"My faithful believer... This imprint of knowledge will be given to you first... I await the day when you come to me in person... Hahaha... Hahaha..." The

exaggerated tone and laughter echoed wildly in this ocean, the sound wave rolled up the waves, the water pressure pressed against An Yuxuan again, she was tired of coping and could only be swallowed by the sea, and at the moment when her consciousness was about to be broken, the knowledge mark flew into her forehead accurately.

The consciousness that was strong was also cut off at this moment.

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