At the moment when the two teams missed, Su Ziyu withdrew his gaze, the jailer flicked the scorched black long whip full of bone spurs in his hand, the ground was hit, and there was a crisp sound, and several desert city residents who did not obey discipline were slapped by the long whip, and immediately wailed, and their skin was brought down a large piece of flesh and blood.

When someone was injured, everyone became nervous, and even more so they held their heads and cried.

Under the urging of the jailer, the large team slowly walked out of the dungeon, and the harsh sunlight outside made everyone unable to open their eyes, their hands were forcibly locked behind them, and there was no way to take them in front of them to resist the sunlight.

A procession of thousands of people walked mightily within the royal capital, and after bypassing several long and short streets, they arrived at a clearing, obscured by verdant greenery in front of them, and their eyes were full of green.

"Come in one by one!"

The jailer Nightmare Zhang Lai roared with his fangs, his fierce eyes swept over everyone, and he said with a sinister smile, "Give me to stay honest outside, if I find out that someone is making trouble, Lao Tzu will immediately eat him!" Being

roared by the nightmare like this, everyone couldn't help but hug their bodies and tremble differently.

Seeing this, the jailer Nightmare nodded his head in satisfaction, pointed to the first place in the row, and shouted sharply:

"Start with you!" Come out! "


was pointed to a gangster in his twenties, with a scarlet tiger tattooed on his shoulder, but after being drunk by the nightstorm, his body trembled violently, and he ran out of the queue with a roll.

Nightmare smiled disdainfully, raised his leg to the bastard's ass and kicked it, only to hear a wail, the latter was like a watermelon, rolling into the dense forest, and a few minutes later, a muffled sound was heard coming from it, apparently covered by a cellar.


Nightshade shouted without looking back.

Subsequently, one by one, the citizens of the desert city, shrouded in fear, ran into the dense forest like a solitaire, and then there was a muffled sound of popping inside.

Soon after, it was Su Ziyu's turn.

After the demonstration of so many people in front, Su Ziyu walked into the dense forest in a similar way.

In front of him, except for a few thorny vines hanging from the sky, about fifty meters ahead, stood a dark cellar entrance.

Su Ziyu glanced at those vine mans who seemed to be about to pounce, raised his eyebrows, and without waiting for the other party to make a move, he quickly rushed into the cellar.

The body is descending rapidly, everything around the scene is retracting at an extremely fast speed, Su Ziyu silently recited the countdown in his heart, and when the number jumped to ten seconds, there was a sudden feeling of stepping on the ground under his feet, which made him feel a little relieved.

After standing firm, Su Ziyu first looked up at the passage leading to the cellar, and there were many small black dots at the end of the end that were landing rapidly.

And the citizens who arrived in the cellar earlier, covered all parts of their bodies, standing with grins and waiting.

Falling from such a high position, although their mental state is more excited, and the feeling of pain is not so obvious, they still grit their teeth and gasp for air.

"Have you arrived?"

The jailer jumped down from the mouth of the cellar with a bang, and after landing on the ground, he smashed two deep or shallow footprints, and the ugly grimace swept around, and said sadly.

After confirming that the number of people was OK, the jailer flicked the long whip in his hand again, only to hear a muffled bang, and the ground was slammed with a force, splashing rubble, spreading out of the road cracks.

"Come with me."

Then, the two nightmare jailers divided the team of hundreds into two groups and walked in different directions on both sides.

"Oops... I'm old.

Zhang Hu walked at the end of the crowd, cold air crept in through the gap between his exposed teeth, causing him to inhale the cold air in pain.

"Lao Zhang, bear with me."

Su Ziyu stepped forward and comforted softly.

"Little brother..." Zhang Hu sighed and said in a low voice, "I don't know where they are going to take us..." Su

Ziyu shook his head lightly, signaling that the other party did not need to be nervous.

The long procession marched methodically, circling around the underground cave, walking through many winding narrow paths, and stopping in a fairly empty clearing.

"Your mission is to dig this stone wall."

One of the nightshades threw out a black backpack with iron pickaxes and various tools for opening mountains, and the equipment was very primitive.


After seeing the heavy stone wall, many people's faces had begun to turn green, and even noticed the sporadic blood stains hanging on the stone wall, and their bodies couldn't stop trembling.

"Let's get started."

Nightmare smiled cruelly, and at the same time the long whip in his hand slapped the ground, causing a scream at the same time, and everyone ran up to take iron pickaxes and other tools.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of iron pickaxes clashing against stone walls echoed in the cellar.

Nightmare sat on an uneven stone bench, watching the crazy people like an overseer.

During this period, several citizens who did not obey discipline were directly shot to death, and then eaten into the stomach by the night mare in front of everyone.

Slowly, everyone began to become honest.

Even if they were too tired to wave the iron pickaxe in their hands, even though the sweat had soaked their whole body, they still did not dare to stop.

Nightmare treats male slaves who disobey the arrangement and eats them directly, and for female slaves, it is even more cruel...

It even caused public indignation among many men.

Three hours later, Nightmare finally gave them a five-minute rest, and during this time, the monsters chose a muscular man named Cao Long, who replaced him as an overseer and supervised the work.

He even gave the overseer the privilege of killing and seizing.

For this move that Nightmare suddenly made, Su Ziyu could only secretly say that it was not good.

It seems that Nightmare is not a reckless monster, at least willing to use his brain.

The selection of supervisors among the crowd, and the use of the rotation system of supervisors, greatly reduces the cohesion of the group and increases the division of the group.

Transferring everyone's contradictions to the Nightmare group into everyone's internal contradictions, this is an operation skill, Su Ziyu also had to sigh.

"It's really insidious..."

Zhang Hu obviously saw Nightmare thoughts, and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

The two of them are in the same work area, and they are relatively close, and occasionally they can exchange two words, but they will not seem so lonely.

"Just do our own work."

Su Ziyu said softly.

"Brother, if you really can't, remember to rest for a while, I can help you."

Zhang Hu glanced at Su Ziyu, who was working hard, and couldn't help but remind him.

"Thank you brother for reminding."

Su Ziyu smiled and clasped his fists and smiled.

"Give me all a little more serious!"

Cao Long happened to pass by the area of the two, pinched the long whip, and smiled sadly.

As soon as the words fell, a series of sonorous sounds immediately sounded in this area, and the electric sparks generated by the friction between the iron pickaxe and the stone wall were connected into a string.

Su Ziyu silently waved the iron pickaxe, and when Cao Long walked away, he immediately released a wisp of spiritual energy penetrating into it, and then closed his eyes, and the noisy sounds around him instantly became quiet, and a wave of mixed spiritual energy perception swayed out, converged to a point, and rushed towards the stone wall in front of his sight.

Su Ziyu felt that the Abyss Perception seemed to be being resisted by a stronger force, entering the stone wall and trying to drill in.

At this time, Su Ziyu did not dare to hold up, and quickly continued to gather more abyss perception, and finally successfully reached the stone wall under the third impact.

I saw that it was pitch black inside, but in the inky darkness, it seemed to contain some mysterious power, sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered.

"What an ancient breath..."

has not yet seen its true face, but through the huge and deep stone wall, Su Ziyu can intuitively feel the antiquity and mystery of that breath.

Su Ziyu originally wanted to continue to go deeper, but after touching something different, he immediately canceled this thought, converged his mind, and his perception dissipated in an instant.

He had a hunch that if he continued to explore, he was afraid that he would get some incredible information, and that information would also affect him and even endanger his life.

Just as Su Ziyu had just retracted his perception and continued to wield the iron pickaxe instantly, Cao Long walked past him and shouted unceremoniously:

"Don't be lazy!" Give me all the cheers! What Lord Nightmare needs is results! We need your hard work! Give me all the work! Then

, under the leadership of Cao Long, everyone began to vigorously wield iron pickaxes again, banging on the stone wall.

Another three hours passed, and Su Ziyu felt that the spirituality in his body was suppressed, and the frequency and amplitude of raising his hand were not as smooth and smooth as before.

"Lao Zhang, go."

During the break, Su Ziyu reported to Cao Long that he needed to go to the toilet, and then took Zhang Hu into a side path.

The two pulled down their pants, and when they let out the water, they talked in low voices.

"Lao Zhang, eat this first." Su Ziyu glanced left and right, and after confirming that there was no one, he quickly took out a bottle of orange-yellow potion and handed it to Zhang Hu, "It is called the Heart Guarding Agent, it has the effect of stabilizing the mind and body, and it can also heal internal injuries." "

Little brother..."

Zhang Hu only felt that his eyes were slightly red, and without saying a word, he directly drank the heart guard, and suddenly felt refreshed, and laughed in a low voice, "Thank you!"

"Hey... What a wonderful girl... It turned out to be tortured like this.

Zhang Hu squinted at a tortured immortal corpse and sighed softly.

"Judging from the scale of this cellar, it is impossible that it has only started in the past two days, and it is likely that preparations have already been underway... Perhaps due to the urgency of time, people from the city were arrested. Su Ziyu said with a solemn expression, "Old Zhang, you have to take your time, that stone wall is stained with blood... You should know what I mean. "

I know."

Zhang Huhan laughed, and for the first time, his eyes changed slightly when he looked at Su Ziyu.

Originally, he just thought that Su Ziyu's mental state was relatively normal and talkative, and because he was lonely and bored, he found a companion to chat with.

Who knew that this young man who looked unattractive would be so calm at such a moment, and he took the initiative to remind himself to be careful.

This had to make Zhang Hu greatly improve his impression of Su Ziyu.

Of course, Zhang Hu's psychological activities Su Ziyu is not clear, and now his mind is all in this cellar.

From the moment he came here, Su Ziyu had a hunch that he had not come to the wrong place.

This cellar is probably related to the eccentric trioctahedron, or the city of a thousand columns, or both.

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