"Mistress, it's your turn."

The dark red nightmare walked out of the house and pointed to the other nightmare with dark green skin and spoke.

The Green Nightmare nodded and followed the dark red-skinned Nightmare into the house.

Pushing into the door, looking at the corpse on the ground, the green-skinned nightmare was startled, and suddenly raised his head to look at Su Ziyu, and the killing intent in his pupils was revealed.

Just as he was about to make a move, he felt a black in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and when he was about to wail, his throat was pierced by some kind of sharp weapon, and blood could not stop gurgling.

Difficult to turn his head to look, only to see Su Ziyu looking at himself indifferently, a hideous look flashed on his face, as if he wanted to say something, but in the next second, his whole body strength suddenly disappeared, his pupils dilated, and he fell to the ground with a pop.

Su Ziyu continued to concoct the same method, transforming into the appearance of this green-skinned nightmare, then got up and went out, and began to call the next one in.



The girls hugged each other tightly, like little sheep in a sheepfold that no one had protected.

They looked at the scene in front of them curiously, and found that after the group of terrifying monsters entered the inner room, they never came out again.

The last nightmare also realized that something was wrong, and just as he was wondering what was happening inside, the captain suddenly came out of the back room and personally called him in.

When this nightmare saw the captain, he didn't think much about it, and immediately followed him, even forgetting to ask where his companion went.

The girls in the cage looked at the empty hall, with a hint of joy hidden between their eyebrows, and rubbed their hands hard, trying to break free from the chains as soon as possible.

The sound of the chain shaking was sonorous, and at this moment, the largest nightmaid slammed open the door and walked out slowly.

With two horizontal bars drawn on his chest, his ugly face was splashed with blood, and he walked over, his aura was exceptionally powerful, and he looked both hideous and violent.

The girls shrunk into a ball of fear, and the thumping footsteps seemed to be a drum beating on their hearts, and each stroke made their hearts beat violently.

Until, the nightmare came up to them, who was so frightened that he closed his eyes directly, his lips pursed, his body trembled violently, and he shouted words like "Don't kill me."

But the long-awaited massacre did not happen, and a few of the more daring girls opened their eyes and saw that the nightmare did not do anything to them, but turned around, walked towards the back room, and waved their hands back.

During this period, Su Ziyu's body sometimes became thin and well-proportioned, sometimes huge like a ghost, and the girls looked at this strange scene, and their little heads were full of confusion.

But the next second, they were carried away by another surprise.

They were rescued.

The nightshade didn't seem to want to kill them or do something strange to them.

Just as they were excited, they suddenly felt a burst of relief in their hands, and when they looked down, they found that the chains that bound them had been broken at some point.

"We were rescued..." The

girls hugged each other tightly, and their bright and pure eyes gazed at each other, filled with the joy of the aftermath.

"If you don't want to die, stay in this building."

Su Ziyu deliberately pretended to be in a low voice.

"Ah..." The

girls were frightened by the sudden hoarse voice, and nervously looked at Su Ziyu's back as she walked farther and farther, until the latter walked into the inner room and closed the door, they were relieved, and then looked at each other and didn't know whether to believe what the monster said.

"He... He seems to have saved

us..." A girl with a pink ponytail pinched her white dress and whispered, "He won't lie to us, after all, he wants to kill us too many chances..."

A few more girls raised their hands, and soon they agreed that it was far safer to stay here than to run outside.

Inside the room, Su Ziyu sat on a pile of bloody corpses, waiting for his physical strength to recover, and wandered around the house, with a purple-red crystal ball in his hand.

"This is the dream soul amethyst heart in their mouths?"

Su Ziyu played with this strangely shaped crystal ball, held it overhead, and through the dim light, he could see that there were many chaotic energy fluids inside that were colliding with each other, giving him a sense of familiarity.


they going to use this gadget to cause a riot of polluters throughout the city and take this opportunity to enter the City of a Thousand Pillars?"

"Are they also afraid that the plan will be destroyed..." Then

again, the City of Thousand Pillars is also Su Ziyu's target, and it can be opened, but the things inside, especially the remnants of the god called the partial trioctahedron, Su Ziyu has already decided.

Sitting down on the chair, Su Ziyu summoned Xiao Ye and used the magic mirror's divination ability to divinate it, and after confirming that the item in his hand was not too dangerous, he included it in the Chaos Sea.

Trigger a riot of polluters across the city....

Sometimes it may be a killer app.

Closing his eyes, a faint smell of blood permeated Su Ziyu's nose, and he was thinking about his next plan of action.

A moment later, he stood up, casually threw a ball of ghost fire to burn the body, and then opened the door and went out.

As soon as Su Ziyu walked out, a pair of pitiful eyes immediately stared at him.

For these innocent girls, Su Ziyu also felt helpless.

To some extent, their luck is not bad, they are not too deeply polluted by the night terror, and they were saved by Su Ziyu, and they can be regarded as survivors of Mocheng.

Glancing at the girls, Su Ziyu felt that they seemed to want to say something, but they were too scared to communicate with themselves.

Just as Su Ziyu wanted to order them to speak, a girl with a pink ponytail suddenly stood up from the crowd, looked directly at Su Ziyu, and pointed out the door:

"Outside... It seems that someone knocked on

the door..." Hearing this, Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows, nodded his head quietly, signaled them not to make a sound, and then slowly walked to the door.

The rhythmic knocking on the door became more and more intense.

"Captain, are you there? The big start is over, I'll report to you.

Su Ziyu pushed open the door, and outside stood a short nightmare, wearing a lady's fisherman's hat, and said with a lewd smile.


Su Ziyu looked at him condescendingly and said lightly.

His attitude startled the night mare who came to report, and he quickly straightened his posture and spoke

: "Many slaves can't stand the high-intensity work, several people died, and there seems to be something wrong with the line we dig..."

Hearing this, Su Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly:

"Lead the way."


The nightmare who reported the intelligence subconsciously glanced in, and after seeing those white flower figures, his eyes were straight, but after catching a glimpse of the indifferent look on Su Ziyu's face, he quickly withdrew his gaze and led the way in front.

With a bang, the door of the stone building was closed, and the group of girls hiding in the back room breathed a sigh of relief.

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