"I wonder what happened to the owner of this hairpin?"

Su Ziyu's low words echoed in the empty and simple room, and the mirror in Xiao Ye's hand gushed out a dim white glow, and then the vast mist in the mirror twisted and changed, and a sheep intestine path full of gravel and a pair of small black military boots appeared.

Just as the perspective moved upwards, and Su Ziyu was about to see the figure clearly, a large amount of white mist around him rushed over, blocking the field of vision, making it completely impossible to see the situation inside.

"Little night... Keep it up! The

lust soul tried hard to maintain the divination picture, but tens of seconds passed, and the thick fog still could not disperse, blurred.

Divination failed....

Seeing that Xiao Ye was a little breathless, and even his face was slightly pale, Su Ziyu had to take it back to the Chaos Sea to let him rest, pinching his chin and thinking about the divination results just now.

This is not the first time that Su Ziyu has encountered such a situation....

When the priest of the old divination cult was installed in Jiangcheng, the divination also failed because the other party was wearing a zero-order forbidden object 'Adam's Cross'.

"Zhi Yun obviously didn't wear any forbidden items against divination... It could only be the ghost of the guy who took her..." After

thinking for a moment, Su Ziyu immediately grasped the core of the problem.

There seemed to be a prayer in the Sea of Chaos....

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows, quickly collected his mind, and returned to the Chaos Sea.

Above the Sea of Chaos, one of the prayer light balls was emitting an unusually dazzling light.

This is the ultimate manifestation of the power of prayer....

Therefore, there must be something urgent that needs to be dealt with by the Funeral....

Su Ziyu spread out his spiritual touch to the prayer ball of light, and the halo spread, and he saw Lin Huo, who was wearing a tattered church robe, with his hands folded on his chin, half kneeling on the ground, and chanting words in his mouth.

And behind him, followed by a vast number of desert city residents.

From their clothing and mental state, it can be confirmed that it was the group of slaves who escaped from the cellar.

"Something happened..." After

listening to their chanting, Su Ziyu's face gradually became solemn, but he did not change color because of this.

The prayer content of the forest fire fire is:

due to the existence of the astral airspace, they are temporarily trapped in the royal capital, plus the target is too big, it is difficult to hide, they have been targeted by the Seven Star Venerable, and their lives are in danger....

And the culprit who caused this end was the Night Priest.

Originally, Su Ziyu planned to let the Night Lord Priest use the authority of 'concealment' to lead everyone to escape, but the latter immediately changed his face after coming out of the cellar, plus the seal was lifted, and his strength was restored, which was naturally more rampant.

"Huh... The Night Lord... You still came this far after all..." Su

Ziyu shook his head and sighed silently.

Having fought with the Night Lord Priest many times, coupled with the bad reputation of the Old God Sect, Su Ziyu completely and truly trusted the other party.

Therefore, in the potion that unsealed her, Su Ziyu added a little thing into it....

It's called Soul San... The effect is very simple and domineering, after taking, there is no abnormality within an hour, but as the user consumes more spirituality, after an hour, the effect of the drug attacks, the meridians are blocked, and after three hours, the fragments of the Godhead will harden... Until the end, the spirituality of the user is completely inoperable and becomes a wasted person.

"It's almost an hour now... The medicinal effect should also occur..." Based

on the information sent by the forest fire, Su Ziyu vaguely speculated that Zhiyun was probably taken away by the Night Lord Sacrifice.

At that time, the forest fire and the night lord priest and others left the cellar first, so the latter also had more time to take Zhiyun away, not to mention that Diana was abnormal at that time, and Shangguan Miao did not have the extra energy to pay attention to the situation.

And Su Ziyu was so sure because of the divination results just now.

The Lord of the Night Priest studied the 'Night Apocalypse' and had the authority to 'hide', and counter-divination was also possible.

"Very good... Night Lord Sacrifice..." Su

Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the killing intent burst out unabashedly.



"Old demon, let me go!"

Zhi Yun swung his body vigorously, but there was no way to break free from the restraints of that arm.

The Lord of the Night Priest carried Zhi Yun's clothes by the back collar, like carrying a small chicken, walking slowly on a dark street.


The Night Lord Priest was not as relaxed as it seemed, her other hand was pressed to her waist, gently kneading, her face hidden under the hood was pale, and cold sweat filled her forehead.

A violent killing intent suddenly erupted in her eyes, and the hand that twisted Zhiyun suddenly lifted up, and while walking quickly, she quickly pushed it out.



Zhiyun was smashed into a wall, and a large amount of blood spewed out with a wow, and a huge force poured into her chest, causing her to cough vigorously.

"Little girl! Don't challenge my patience! The

hood of the Night Lord Priest was blown off by the wind, revealing that face full of fierceness due to anger, staring at Zhi Yun with eyes full of killing intent, gritting his teeth.

"Remember me? Hehe... On Snakeskin Island... You left a lot of graffiti ... I recognize you, the old village chief showed me your picture at the beginning..."

Hearing this, Zhi Yun was startled for a moment, and coughed violently:

"Have you seen the doodle prophecy?"

"It's really you!"

The excitement on the face of the Night Lord became more and more sick.

After separating from the forest fire, the Night Lord Priest originally wanted to leave Mocheng directly, but was attracted by Diana's battle, and by chance, he caught a glimpse of Zhiyun.

The face of the little girl was the owner of the graffiti prophecy she had seen earlier on Snakeskin Island.

And the picture about the method of repairing the fragment of the Godhead... She also got it on Snakeskin Island.

It was precisely because of her use of that repair method that the fragment of the Godhead was damaged even worse, and so did her mental problems.

Now when you see a real person, how can you not be angry.

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