This was the twenty-third charge of the forest fire, and like the twenty-second charge before it, this unqualified temporary army only charged a distance of twenty meters, and this short twenty meters sacrificed hundreds of people.

But there is at least four or five hundred meters away from breaking out of the encirclement of that group of monsters....

It's desperate.

"Damn it!"

The forest fire slashed to death a monster that suddenly appeared from the side, turned around and kicked another monster, and at this moment, suddenly a large number of monsters jumped up and frantically poured into this side, densely crowded and breathless.

Lin Huo Huo pinched out a seal with one hand and slowly slashed through the sword body of the Yan Demon Giant Sword, and just as she made this preparatory action, the polluting citizens rushed over, and after being activated by the 'Dream Soul Amethyst Heart', not only did it have spirituality, but also the strength of the physical body would also increase several times.

They lined up and roared, resisting the onslaught of this wave of monsters.

When the citizens resisted the tide of monsters, the seal of the forest fire finished the sword body, and then held the sword in both hands and stabbed it heavily into the earth, the sword blade went several inches deep into the ground, and a flame demon phantom wrapped in flames emerged behind it, and the hot flames poured out along the big sword in all directions, accompanied by a scream of monsters, a large number of monsters were swallowed by the flames and turned into black ash and dissipated.


The forest fire shouted, and everyone scattered in all directions, and then reassembled in five seconds.

At this time, they were only more than four hundred meters away from the breakthrough....

"Damn it..."

Lin Huo gasped, her face flushed from exhaustion, and she gulped.

After twenty-three charges, both physical and spiritual consumption and spiritual consumption were already very serious.

Even, Lin Huo felt that the world in front of him had become a little blurry, and it seemed that he would faint if he didn't go well.

But at this moment, she faintly touched a barrier.

That barrier seems to not exist, but if you feel it with your heart, you will feel that on your way forward, in the distance where your thoughts are about to diverge, something is indeed blocked....

That's a wall....

Also known as a hierarchy barrier....

By chance, under the dual limits of spirit and body, Lin Huo actually touched the threshold of immortal level to sage level.

"It seems to be about to break through..."

muttered, Lin Huo's eyes suddenly became empty, and the movement of his hand stopped, as if the old monk was sitting still.

"Sister Fire!"

"Sister Huohuo, what's wrong with you!"

At this moment, the citizens also noticed the strange appearance of the forest fire, and suddenly their hearts tightened, and they shouted nervously.

Twenty-three attacks, all of which were completed under the organization of forest fire.

The citizens do not understand extraordinary abilities, their pollution factors are amplified to the extreme by the 'Dream Soul Amethyst Exquisite Heart', their spirits and thinking are in an extremely chaotic state, and their brains are not clear enough, naturally they do not know that the forest fire is absorbing spirituality and strengthening the fragments of the godhead in order to upgrade.

"Oh? Someone is going to get promoted?

Suddenly, in the midst of the demon tide, a monster with eyeballs of various colors on its body screamed, driving a large number of monsters to rush forward.

"Not good! The demon tide has begun to riot again!

"Fight with them!"

"What if Sister Huo Huo is not there, we can also slaughter them!"


crowded frantically forward, and the citizens fell in an angry roar, like grass mustard on the side of the road, easily harvested by scythes.

In the core area of the royal capital, on the central high-rise, the Seven Stars Venerable stood as usual on the spire that overlooked the whole city, quietly watching the fire and the flow of people in the distant area.

"It's about to break through?"

The Seven Stars Venerable shook his head, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth under the black robe, "If the breakthrough process is disturbed, hehe... That kind of picture must be very beautiful..."

muttering, the seven-star Venerable fingertips gently touched the sky, the power of the stars condensed into a little into the clouds, a hundreds of zhang star light door suddenly opened, a large number of unknown strange and monsters fell like rain, smashing the ground, smashing buildings, smashing companions...

Falling to the ground, he struggled to get up, let out a strange cry, and rushed towards the area where the forest fire was.

"Seven stars... The time is almost up.

At this moment, slow footsteps and a dull old voice sounded behind him.

"Old Ten... You're coming.

After hearing that old voice, the fingers of the Seven Star Venerable trembled, and he quickly turned to look, only to see an old woman with a handsome posture standing behind him.

Looking at its appearance, it is a young mother-in-law.

Both of her hands were filled.

One hand carries an ugly head drenched in blood like a demon, and the other carries an unconscious blonde girl.

'Bang' two muffled sounds, the young mother-in-law threw the head of the king night nightmare on the ground, and sneered:

"As you said, gouge out your teeth, cut off your eyes, and cut a thousand cuts... Ah Qi, you are still so cruel to traitors. "

Huh..." the old face under the black robe of the Seven Star Venerable trembled, "Traitors, they have always been dead... And it doesn't make any sense to be fooled by such a simple trick and continue to stay.

"Lord... The body of the Lord? The

Seven Stars Venerable tilted his head and looked at the blood-colored long-haired girl who was covered in blood, the killing intent in his eyes was replaced by piety, and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Twenty-two years of protection... It can finally come in handy. The

young mother-in-law let out a turbid breath, raised her arm, grabbed her palm to her face, pulled hard, and a scrawled face was directly torn off.

And under the skin of that eighty-year-old old man's face, there was a face that looked like an eighteen-year-old girl, but her body was still squirmish, and her skin was still full of age spots....

The whole looks weird.

Try to imagine how strange it is to see the body of an eighty-year-old old man with the face of an eighteen-year-old girl.

"You still like to look like this ghost..." The

Seven Stars Venerable glanced at Granny Qing and said lightly.

"Huh... You don't understand, young people said that this society is about appearance ... Old guys like you can't keep up with the trend anymore. The beautiful face of the young lady bloomed with a smile, revealing her white teeth, "Do you want me to help you design a handsome man's face?" "

Not interested."

The Seven Stars Venerable said coldly, "It's still important to deal with the business first.

Immediately, the Seven Stars Venerable walked slowly towards Diana, and at this time, the latter was once again wrapped in those bloodshots, and the whole person seemed to be lying in a pool of blood.

It's both glamorous and ghostly.

The Seven Stars Venerable slowly squatted, his thin and old arm emerged from under the black robe, and his fingers like eagle claws ran across Diana's face, and where he passed, the bloodshot actually took the initiative to avoid it, disappearing inch by inch.

But if you look closely, you will find that some of those bloodshots actually actively drilled into the body of the Seven Star Venerable, causing him to groan comfortably.

"The Lord is still so gentle... His power is still so charming..." At

this time, the Seven Star Venerable looked like a drug addict.

Slowly, he raised his head and stared

at the sun, "It's almost time..." Biting

his finger, he smeared the blood on the scythe mold, and with the release of blood-colored light, he gripped the scythe and carved the following urgent symbols on the roof of this tall building.

This palace tower was quickly covered in blood, and then with it as the center, it gushed out in all directions.

Earth, buildings of all kinds, rocks, human or monster corpses... It's all bloodshot.

Feeling that everything was changing in the city, the Seven Stars Venerable got up satisfactorily and plunged the small scythe into Diana's chest.

Bloodshot, spreading faster.

"The little girl who is breaking through will be handed over to me..." The

young woman's gaze turned to the direction of the forest fire, licked her lower lips, and disappeared in place.



Lin Huo frowned, she could feel that there was a lot of noise around her, but she inexplicably didn't want to wake up.

Because she realized that she had more important things to do.

In front of him, there is a wall, as long as this wall is broken, he can only break this wall....

After many impacts, the walls were covered with cracks, and it seemed that they would shatter into pieces with the slightest touch.

But at such a critical time, she felt a cold dead qi wrapped in a strong killing intent rushing towards her, causing her to shiver slightly.

The outside world....

It's already a mess.

The arrival of the young mother-in-law broke through the defense line that the citizens had finally pulled up, and the slaughter on one side began....

The human defense line was quickly torn open a hole, and the motionless forest fire that was breaking through was so exposed to the sight of scarlet eyes.

Lin Huohuo tightly grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands, and his body trembled unconsciously.

The young mother-in-law jumped into the crowd, waved her hand casually, tore off one face after another, and after taking a look, she threw it on the ground with great disgust, and those citizens who were torn off their human skins abruptly turned into a cold corpse in their wailing.

"It's all too smelly..."

muttered the young mother-in-law, looking at the forest fire that was meditating and breaking through, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Chick, your face is so nice... I like it so much..." Granny Qing came to Lin Huohuo, squatted down, carefully looked at the other party's pretty face, and nodded slowly after a long time, "I really want it... It's time for a different face..."

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