"Eight hundred levels..."

Passing through the black thunder array just now, Su Ziyu was greeted by a void pale yellow mist.

At first, Su Ziyu thought it was some kind of poison.

When the mist approached like a rising tide, the sense of crisis that would be directly erased made his hair stand on end.

"Hiss... It's so cold..." Su

Ziyu subconsciously hugged his hands to his chest, took a step back, and the pale yellow mist stopped in front of the eight hundred steps, as if that danger had some kind of barrier and could not be surpassed.

However, Su Ziyu was stepping on the seven hundred and ninety-nine steps, and black thunder hundreds of zhang in size fell one after another, smashing on Su Ziyu's body with a bang.

While resisting the impact of the black thunder, Su Ziyu groped for the origin of those pale yellow mist.

With a flick of his finger, a beam of energy condensed by spiritual energy flew out, spreading the light yellow mist, and then as if swallowed by the mouth of the giant beast, it did not cause any other movement.

Opening the all-seeing true eye, Su Ziyu Dingqing saw that many data streams flowed into his brain, and a moment later, his pupils returned to normal again, his expression was calm, but his heart was set off by monstrous waves.

"Historical fog..." These

pale yellow fogs in front of you are precisely the historical fog that carries the aura of decay....

What stands in the way of truth is the fog that covers history.

Only by clearing the clouds can we truly glimpse the truth of history.

After the analysis of the all-seeing true eye just now, the decaying breath of the historical fog can devour what is touched, if it is touched, I am afraid that the whole person will be lost in the fog, and then forgotten by time, waiting for death....

After a short thought, the black angry thunder became more and more ferocious, and it fell one after another, even exceeding the absorption limit of the dragon pattern.

The ladder trial only has to move forward, not backward.

Just take a step back and the punishment will double....

Su Ziyu gritted his teeth, looked up at the pale yellow cloud in front of him, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, and stepped into it!

The fog of history took the initiative to rise, instantly swallowing Su Ziyu's figure.

Above the ladder, it became empty at this moment, only the pale yellow mist sometimes swirled, sometimes swayed.

Su Ziyu opened his eyes, and the vision in front of him was a pale yellow.

He touched himself, not swallowed by the clouds... At least all parts are fine, and there are no signs of corruption....

"The original breath is really useful..."

At this time, Su Ziyu, the outer layer of the spiritual armor, was covered by a dark purple air flow.

Next, Su Ziyu went on a rampage in the fog of history, although he couldn't tell the specific direction, he could step on the ladder and had only one goal, that is, to reach the top.

So, he doesn't need to know the bearings, just go all the way up.

Even if he was in the fog, even if he lost his bearings, Su Ziyu still had only one belief in his heart, that is, all the way up!

Until, when the number of steps he silently counted in his heart reached a thousand, he stopped.

Not yet.

The fog of history ahead was so thick that it was completely impossible to see the specific situation, and a feeling of even more palpitations emanated from that fog.

Su Ziyu did not choose to step in rashly, but stood in front of a thousand steps, staring ahead, in the quiet fog, it seemed that only his breathing could be heard.


After a pause of a few seconds, Su Ziyu stepped in, and the surrounding historical fog seemed to come to life, mixed together, transformed into the shape of a skeleton head, and opened its huge mouth to bite him.

The primordial aura on the body surface suddenly skyrocketed by two to three times, and then condensed into the figure of the primordial demon god.

As soon as this demon god appeared, the skull that roared and wailed was suddenly washed away, condensed, and scattered again, and so on many times.

And Su Ziyu's feet were still hanging in the air, and he never stepped on them completely.

He felt that an invisible force was holding him up in the fog, and the feeling of pushing and shoving became stronger and stronger, as if it would overthrow Su Ziyu to the ground in the next second.

"Scatter me!"

Su Ziyu let out a low roar, the huge body of the Primordial Demon God suddenly swung up, and the vertical pupil dragon eye that exuded dragon power burst out with a burst of darkness, and the surrounding fog seemed to be afraid of the coercion of the Demon God, and actually took the initiative to avoid it, which also made the vision in front of him gradually become clearer.

Looking down, the one thousand and one steps were a long path, and Su Ziyu's feet had not fully stepped on.

He gritted his teeth, his forehead was bruised, and his suspended feet always fought against another force, and he could not completely step on it.

Until, his eyes drilled out a primordial worm, and then the whole body turned into the primordial worm's conjunction....

Mythological form.

The Primordial Demon God opened his arms, hugged Su Ziyu, and clinged to his back, gradually, the two merged into one, accompanied by an angry low roar, Su Ziyu stepped on it fiercely.


His foot hit the ground, the ground was shattered into a cobweb-like shape by the sudden huge force, the soles of his feet were sunk several inches deep, and then, retracting his left foot, he also stepped on the steps.

The surrounding historical fog automatically dispersed, and just when Su Ziyu thought that he had completed the Heavenly Ladder Trial, in the depths of the long Yong Dao, a demon beast condensed by the fog of history suddenly drilled out, landing on all fours, running like a hyena, with a conical face, and was galloping towards him.

Dogs of the Mist!

A monster that feeds on the fog of history.

"Get out!"

Seeing this, Su Ziyu took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth and emitted a mighty sound wave.

The Primordial Demon God was controlled by him, and also let out a roar, and the entire heavenly ladder seemed to tremble, and the misty dog trembled as if frightened, and immediately turned into a fog and dissipated.

And the surrounding historical fog also seemed to be afraid of the original breath and did not dare to approach, which made Su Ziyu breathe a sigh of relief and walk towards the depths of this corridor.

On both sides of the passage, a pale yellow historical fog floated, reflecting a dull light, falling on Su Ziyu, as poetic as the evening of the afterglow.

He looked up and found an ancient gate towering to the dome standing in front of him.

On both sides stood two angel statues with six pairs of wings on their backs, and the moment Su Ziyu walked by, he seemed to open his eyes.

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