"Thousand Hand Demon Cave Seal!"

Su Ziyu's shot was also the most powerful killing move.

The surrounding body was full of spirituality, condensed into a silver-white spear, and roared towards the Seven Star Venerable!

The Seven Stars Venerable's face did not change, his gestures changed in vain, and a large number of Star Energy Long Swords suddenly fell from the vortex above the dome, colliding with the silver spear.

The thumping sound was endless, and the surrounding space was torn open one crack after another, and the crazy spiritual energy cleared this area into a vacuum.

Now, Su Ziyu's strength has already stepped into the angel level, and naturally he can also probe the true strength of the Seven Star Venerable.

Angel-level mid-level peak!

Although Su Ziyu had only just stepped into the threshold of the angel level, with the advantages of the visualization map and the system, he did not have the slightest chance of winning against the Seven Stars Venerable.

On the other side, Zhiyun was fighting fiercely with the Imperial Wind Lord Sacrifice.

One person is the fire attribute, and the other person is the wind attribute.

Energy monsters with different heads rushed towards Zhiyun one after another, they included dragons, tigers, snakes, and various rare monsters...

In the face of the beast tide, Zhiyun's nasal cavity emitted a coquettish snort, the jade hand was lightly raised, and the fire attribute spirituality stirred out, condensing into various monster figures.


With a finger of Zhi Yunyu's hand, the demon beast condensed by the golden flame roared, fighting fiercely with the demon beast condensed by the wind attribute.

At this time, above the sky, various fierce battle scenes of Warcraft are being staged.

A dragon made of golden flames bit off the neck of the giant tiger formed by wind attribute condensation, and then it was killed by another lion condensed by wind attribute, such a fierce battle is happening all the time.

The battle between the two went from saber rattling at the beginning to who was more patient, whose spirituality was more enduring, and who was more focused.

The Imperial Wind Lord Priest was still full of confidence, but after ten minutes, he gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

The girl in front of her is not as simple as it seems.

The wind control technique he was most proud of seemed to be much worse in front of the other party's fire control technique.



The battle lasted half an hour.

Su Ziyu held the cross in one hand and the black blade in the other, swinging it continuously, and finally forced the Seven Star Venerable to retreat.

The thunder on his toes flashed, and he slammed into the stone wall on one side like a roaring thunder.

A muffled sound came out, the stone wall had not yet collapsed, Su Ziyu opened his eyes and saw that it was the Seven Stars Venerable who stopped in front of him, and the pair of lonely eyes were staring at him.

"Leave things behind!"

The star-patterned black robe of the Seven Star Venerable had already been damaged in the battle, revealing that emaciated face that was only covered in skin and bones.

"I have the ability to get it."

Su Ziyu sneered, his toes were thunderous, and he was about to leave, how could the Seven Stars Venerable let him get his wish, and his palm grabbed his chest at an extremely fast speed.

"Star Picker!"

The Seven Stars Venerable drank fiercely, and Su Ziyu suddenly felt as if his heart was attracted by something, and he was about to burst out.

With a tightening in his heart, he quickly activated the dragon pattern, and with a faint dragon roar, the heart movement stopped, and at the same time, he brandished two weapons and slashed hard into the brain door of the Seven Star Venerable.

If this blow hits, I am afraid that the Seven Stars Venerable will burst his brain on the spot.

Seeing that Su Ziyu's aura suddenly skyrocketed, the Seven Stars Venerable was startled, and immediately stretched out his hand, and the blood-colored scythe that was inserted into the depths of the ground flew to his palm as if summoned.

Blood began to spread from his palm, covering his arm, and the scythe, which was only the size of a dragon's eye, also turned into a huge scythe of about one meter and five meters in an instant.

Holding the scythe in both hands, the bloodshot spread accelerated, and in one breath, the whole body of the Seven Stars Venerable was covered with bloodshots, even his eyes were stuffed, and the bloodshots swayed like poisonous snakes.

"What is that..." Sensing

the other party's rapidly rising breath, Su Ziyu's heart sank, opened the 'mysterious isomorphism', and his body turned into a small piece of the Rubik's cube, and was about to slip away.

"Leave it to me!"

The Seven Stars Venerable's face turned red, his green tendons burst out, and the movement of wielding the scythe seemed to be swinging a heavy object with a sense of great power, and he slashed down towards Su Ziyu!

Unable to dodge, Su Ziyu had to hold the cross and the black blade tightly, and cross it over his chest.


The blood-colored scythe turned into a thick blood-colored long mark in mid-air and smashed down heavily.

Su Ziyu only felt that his hands trembled, and blood gushed out from the mouth of the tiger, and then it was absorbed by the blood-colored scythe, spreading more blood, and some of it actually drilled into his body.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu's pupils shrank, and the shadow behind him drilled out of the curtain dark beast, releasing a large range of shadow realms, and the ink-black dark shadow ocean engulfed the Seven Star Venerable.

"Such a weak shadow power..." The

Seven Stars Venerable shook his head in disdain, his chest bulged, and he let out a roar, and the shadow pool was instantly shattered, but taking advantage of this extremely short time, Su Ziyu was about to get out.

At this moment, the bloodshot spread from the blood-colored scythe suddenly accelerated, touched the wrist, and then quickly circled, firmly pulling its figure.

Su Ziyu's secret path was not good, a head of system monsters suddenly appeared on his side, and when he was about to show his powers, blood suddenly burrowed into his sleeve robe, hooked, and quickly withdrew, and the square three-octahedron cut a perfect curve in mid-air and flew towards the Seven Star Venerable.

"Not good..."

Su Ziyu's face changed slightly, and he was about to reach out to take it, but he suddenly felt a soft touch behind him, and then his arm was grabbed by a white palm.

Turning her head, Su Ziyu saw Diana lying behind her, locking herself like an octopus.

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