"You! You don't talk about credit! This

sentence came out of Old Master Xiao's mouth is really ridiculous enough, if it weren't for Su Ziyu's own strong strength, he would have been disemboweled and eaten by this group of people.

"I'm very trustworthy, did I say that after giving me something, I will leave you with your life?"

Su Ziyu showed a puzzled look, and at the same time the hundred-tailed snake fox under his crotch rushed out, the snake tail fell like a rain of swords in the sky, poking out small holes in the floor, under the smoke, Old Master Xiao was entangled in the snake tail, and the snake spit out the letter and licked his face, making a strange sound.


the mental level was disturbed, Old Master Xiao's eyes turned bloody, his face turned pale, and the screams stopped abruptly after a while.

That tail, opening the big mouth of the snake head, swallowed Old Master Xiao, a human several times his size, into his belly, and with a grunt, Old Master Xiao threw out the statue of the God of Blood Tongue at the moment when he was close to being swallowed, and at the same time his lips buzzed, as if chanting some extremely evil spell, and the air around him was a little thicker.


Old Master Xiao's last voice left only a spell that Su Ziyu couldn't understand.

But after reading that passage, I felt that there was something different around me.

The statue of the God of Blood Tongue in mid-air split from the middle, instantly cracking into countless pieces, the lights of the cellar were extinguished at once, and an extremely strong smell of blood struck.

Su Ziyu focused his gaze on this young man again, and when he just came in, he gave himself an uncomfortable feeling.

Even, the feeling that the young man gave him was much more dangerous than that of Old Master Xiao.

The young man looked at the scene in front of him stunned, his pupils were bloodshot, as if a bug was crawling.

The dark world seemed to be sucked away at once, blood-red paint spilled in, turning this place into a blood-colored world, Su Ziyu looked at the floor, sticky seemed to stand in the sea of blood, the hundred-tailed snake fox kicked his foot in disgust, one snake tail swing after another, dancing.

The young man who fell into the bloody world showed an excited look on his face, stretched out his tongue and licked it at his lips, and the rivets on it cut the skin one by one, and dripping blood dripped down his chin onto the white t-shirt.

The Fear Demon Eye seemed to smell the smell of blood, and it flew out of Su Ziyu's pocket, and the cracked eyeball stretched out a handful of tentacles, quickly devouring those blood, the dark red spirituality spread outward in a circle, the Fear Demon Eye swelled and enlarged violently, and the tentacles flew like raindrops, smashing madly towards the young man.


Bang bang!

When the attack was over, it seemed like a bloody rain, and the young man was still standing there, his body was pierced through small holes, pitch-black blood holes, as if there was no flesh and blood.

His head stretched and lengthened at once, and the rubber flew towards Su Ziyu, and in the process of sweeping, the elongated neck changed many folds, like the bark of a century-old tree, and the head was split from the middle, revealing two rows of white Sensen's teeth, biting on the body of the hundred-tailed snake fox.


In the roar, the hundred-tailed snake fox commanded hundreds of snake tails to strike out at the same time, entwining the young man in a circle, and strange laughter echoed everywhere.

The young man's spirit also seemed to be affected, and the slender neck was like a rubber band that was about to be pulled off, and it was broken, and the tail wrapped around this half of the head, and the snake opened its mouth and ate it.

On the opposite side stood a body without a head and neck, and after a second, the granulation at the neck surged rapidly, quickly turning into a new head.

This time, the young man's eyes were redder, and the bugs in the eyeballs crawled faster and livelier.

At the same time, Su Ziyu felt that he was being pulled into another space, and blood gushed out from the gaps around him, as if he wanted to dye the whole world blood red.

Faintly, this small cellar seemed to meet the gaze of the incredible, and the movements of the hundred-tailed snake fox all paused.

Su Ziyu guessed that the statue shattered just now was likely to welcome the gaze of a certain being.

The Crimson Tongue believes in the God of Blood Tongue, and if it is not good, the God of Blood Tongue has cast his gaze here!

And that young man became a container for the eyes of the God of Blood Tongue!

The old immortal will give me a whole trouble before he dies.

Su Ziyu slandered, the hundred-tailed snake fox also felt the anger of the owner, a hundred snake tails cocked at the same time, one by one the snake heads made a strange smile, and at the same time opened their mouths, spiritual light spots converged in their mouths.

Little by little, getting bigger and brighter.

【Natural Breath】!

Although it is not in a place like the forest or the wilderness, after all, this is a manor, and it is also far from the city, and there are many trees around, and with the help of these natural energies, the natural breath gathered is also amazing.

The natural energy reflected Su Ziyu's face green, and the moment the beam of light swung out at the same time, it was dazzling and unable to see clearly.


Boom -

the spiritual beam carries the power of destroying the world scattered around, and the small cellar began to collapse in a terrifying muffled sound, and the reinforced concrete that made up the cellar and this villa, after the destruction of a [material reconstruction], has long been broken like a hornet's nest, where to withstand the attack of [natural breath].

Under the terrifying coercion, everything in front of him became distorted, leaving only a lone steel skeleton, which disappeared inch by inch under the dazzling light.

Such light poured from the cellar up to the other floors of the villa, the floor, ceiling, all kinds of furniture and appliances, and where the light passed, the wall skin fell off, the red bricks cracked into powder, and finally only the ruins remained.

Ruan Xiaoqi, who was attached to the big eyeballs on the ceiling, also seemed to realize something, and saw the blurry shadow of a 'cold original purple spider' looming, and she jumped out of the nearest window at great speed, and at this time, the natural breath also chased up, sweeping away all the cultists in the banquet hall, and no arms and legs remained.

A villa in Haoduan was in ruins in an instant.

The outside garden, fountain, various works of art and sea bream were also destroyed along with the villa.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ruan Xiaoqi smacked his mouth, sat on the lawn that had not yet been affected, and quietly looked at the ruins.

She could feel that her connection with her master had not been severed.

The owner is still alive....


The cellar under the ruins, Su Ziyu and they were trapped in the rock layer, the so-called cellar is actually the underground parking lot of this villa, the space is not large, after the baptism of [natural breath], the rock above and the fragments in the cellar blocked the intersection.

They were still standing in that blood-red world, and this small space built for some reason was like a field, affecting the people in it all the time.

Su Ziyu and the young man were still watching each other.

It's just that the young man's body has long been crippled, losing half of his body, and the brain pulp on one side of his head is dripping all over the ground, and there seems to be a voice panting very angrily.

The gaze of the God of Blood Tongue is still here!

Still in that young man's body!

Just a gaze, the anger brought by it was like substance, and Su Ziyu was a little breathless.

Worthy of being a true God... A taboo existence beyond the eternity of time, a lord that mortals cannot peep into....

Su Ziyu sighed in his heart, and was about to launch the next round of attack, but the young man's body fell to the ground and quickly lost its vitality, the blood-red world shook all of a sudden, only to see those blood-colored paints frantically rushing towards him, trying to wrap him, something in the air seemed to tremble, a blood-red, amorphous phantom, burrowed into Su Ziyu's eyebrows!

It was the gaze that came from the God of Blood Tongue!

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