
smile on the black bodhisattva's face didn't last long before it was destroyed by Diana, who suddenly appeared.

The thin face under the black robe looked startled, and then his hands quickly formed a complex seal, spiritual energy gushed out, and his figure disappeared inch by inch.

"Damn it! Leave things behind!

As a cold sound fell, Su Ziyu jumped out of the ruins, and seeing that the black bodhisattva was about to get out with a partial trioctahedron, he gritted his teeth and quickly threw out the dark blue fireball in his palm!


That fireball was hundreds of meters in size, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the space slightly, and it exploded violently in front of the black bodhisattva.

The dark blue fire wave rose up into the sky, turned into a flame tornado and swept away, and when the area was burned into a vacuum, and a large number of spatial black holes appeared, the flames dispersed, where can you still find the figure of the black bodhisattva.

"Oblivious... The smelly boy is really hard... I was able to escape my 'Great Black Bodhi Sea'... The old man of the partial three-octahedron will accept it first, if you want to snatch it back, my Heavenly Emperor will be waiting for you at any time!"

As this voice fell, the figure of the black bodhisattva had completely disappeared, leaving only his echo in the air.

"Damn it!"

Su Ziyu clenched his fists, and his heart was indignant.

Although he has taken away the remnant picture in the partial square three-octahedron, after all, it is also a relic of God, and the specific role will definitely not be simple, just being snatched away like this, anyone will be angry.

Just when he felt unfair about this, he suddenly felt that he was stared at by a malicious gaze, and he turned his head to look away, only to see Diana, who was covered in blood and had bright red long hair, wielding a blood-colored giant sickle and swinging towards him!


Su Ziyu's pupils shrank, and the dragon pattern was instantly activated, gathering the excess power in his body and waving the black blade in his hand.

The black blade and the blood-colored giant scythe collided fiercely, and the terrifying power shook Su Ziyu back, but Diana licked her lips as if she was fine, revealing an even wilder expression, and rushed towards Su Ziyu!

The blood-colored scythe flew frequently, and the entire sky was covered with blood, making it difficult to see the specific situation inside.

"Crimson... It's that magical... The more it hurts... The more it hurts... The more thirsty for blood... The stronger he will be..."The

mother-in-law who looked at the fierce battle in the sky and squeezed her hands solemnly.

Their Fangcai's seal gave Crimson a wedding dress, allowing the latter's strength to recover faster... There is even a faint tendency to break through the old days.

And scarlet will become stronger and stronger when injured....

If Diana really breaks through the past, then everyone who is not present today, even the Northern Alliance, will be in ruins....

Therefore, how to do it, my mother-in-law has already made a decision in her heart.

"Do it!"

Granny Shu's palm slowly pushed out, with an undoubted domineering aura, and the surrounding space was distorted and folded.

"Mother-in-law... That human is still inside! Seeing

this, Demon Hua's face changed, and she quickly shouted loudly.

"Shut up!"

The mother-in-law's face did not change, but her tone suddenly became calm, "Of course I know that there is another human baby still inside... But Scarlet's power is growing... If we don't do it now, we will really not be able to seal it later, not only will we be finished, but the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the entire Northern Alliance will disappear!

"So... I can only shoot!

After saying these words, Grandma Shu's blind eyes tried to open to the maximum, and a majestic spiritual gushing out of her palms made her face instantly turn a little pale.

The huge energy palm print fell with a bang, covering the blood, sweeping everything into the ruins of the City of Thousand Pillars.


The azure energy palm print exploded, turning into countless chains and surging in all directions, wrapping around Diana like a snake and fiercely dragging it into the depths of the ruins.

And Su Ziyu could only watch as the azure chains bound him, and then fell into the depths of the ruins....

Demon Hua looked at this scene and couldn't bear to close her eyes.

She knows the character of her mother-in-law, don't look at her strange nature, but her heart is always pretending to be the world and believers....

It's just that today's ending is a little unfair to the hero who has fought with Crimson for so long....

The demon flower took a deep look at the ruins like a layer of blue turtle shell, and sighed softly.

"No..." In

the ruins of the ruins, a long wail suddenly sounded, and a large amount of blood gushed out from it, rising into the sky, condensing into Diana's hideous face, and roaring at her aunt and demon flower.

"This beast!"

Granny Shu's face turned dark, and then the handprint changed again, and hundreds of zhang of energy palm prints roared out, wrapped in a strong wind that was enough to make the space collapse, like a shocking wave.

"Bang bang!"

With a continuous muffled sound, the earth was bombarded and dented by that terrible force, and the dark blue film became thicker...

The blood was squeezed back, the blood disappeared as if it was rebounding, and with an enduring wail, Diana only had a small arm exposed, and in one breath, that small arm was also buried by the dust of the ruins, and the thick blue film rippled like the surface of the sea.

After doing all this, Granny Shu's face instantly turned pale, her pupils shrank, she spat out a mouthful of blood, covered her chest, and slowly sat on a boulder with the support of the demon flower.

"Sister-in-law, are you all right?"

Demon Hua quickly asked with concern.

"It's over..."

Granny Shu sighed faintly, took out a pill and swallowed it, and her face improved slightly.

"That little brother... There's no way..." Granny

Shu slowly got up and bowed heavily to the ruins covered in blue film, the blind eye closed again, mixed with tears and wisps of red blood.

Demon Hua took out bandages and potions to treat the wound and nodded silently.

A moment later, there was a sudden sound of wind in the distance, followed by three figures approaching rapidly like a divine rainbow.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong?"

Shangguan Miao jumped down from the air, came to her mother-in-law, looked around and asked.

"Brother Xiao Yu!"


Huo Ling'er and An Yuxuan arrived one after another, and their eyes both noticed the dark blue film covering the ruins in the distance, which looked like blueberry-flavored jelly from a distance.

Mother-in-law's eyes were half-narrowed and did not answer.

Demon Hua glanced at her mother-in-law, pursed her lower lips and was about to speak, when Huo Ling'er's exclamation sounded first.

"It's the smell of Brother Xiao Yu..."

Huo Ling'er twitched her nose again, her expression changed slightly, and Jade pointed to the ruins covered in a dark blue film, and after a moment of silence, she said, "It seems to be there... Inside..."

"What's that?"

An Yuxuan was stunned for a moment, and her face muttered a little unnaturally, "How could Ziyu be in that kind of thing... What about the Crimson God? What about Diana?

Perhaps An Yuxuan realized something, her tone suddenly became a little anxious, and her face changed slightly.

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