The hundred-tailed snake fox let out a sharp roar, and immediately forced back the faceless people around, Su Ziyu, who was sitting on his back, stretched out a hand to the red yarn, and the red yarn who was stunned for a while still reacted, caught Su Ziyu's palm, sat on the back seat, and his face was so crimson that he didn't dare to say more.

"Sit tight!"

Su Ziyu suddenly whispered.

The hundred-tailed snake fox instantly opened [Swift], and flew out of the encirclement, its strong and disorderly tail flew around, but all the faceless people who dared to approach were drawn bloodily, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Hongying, who had not yet sat firmly, was naturally startled, and her body unconsciously squeezed forward, leaning on Su Ziyu's back, which suddenly made her even more shy.

Su Ziyu didn't seem to care, came to Wei Kang's side, once the hundred-tailed snake fox came, the faceless man died and injured, and he had no combat effectiveness at all.

In Wei Kang's shocked and terrified eyes, Su Ziyu sent the red silk down, and saw that the support troops of the special department in the distance were rushing over, and there was also the breath of a morning star powerhouse approaching.

He had no intention of staying for long, and was about to leave after putting down the red yarn, who expected the red yarn to suddenly shout:

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Su Ziyu's movements stopped for a moment, and in the field of vision that Wei Kang and Hongying couldn't see, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he slowly said:

"You can call me, Stigmata Alchemist."

As soon as the words fell, in the messy and shocked eyes of Wei Kang and Hongying, the hundred-tailed snake fox quickly left with Su Ziyu, and after a while, his figure gradually became thin until he finally disappeared.

"Stigmata Alchemist?"

Hongying said in surprise: "It is indeed an alchemist!" With such a strong strength, it is likely to be a closed disciple affiliated with a certain big force?

She saw that Su Ziyu was still very young, and her thoughts inevitably went over there.

Looking at the red flower, Wei Kang helplessly lowered his forehead, but he still retained his respect for Su Ziyu in his eyes.

In this world, the strong are respected, and people with great strength like Su Ziyu will be respected wherever they go.

The messy two in the wind did not wait long, armed cars drove in, among them there were many extraordinary people, everyone was like a great enemy, but when they came in, they only saw the injured red yarn and Wei Kang, the servant of the wind and dust.

Under Wei Kang's orders, Hongying was put on various instruments by the logistics force to test, and after determining that the vital signs were still stable, he was carried on a stretcher and sent to the back compartment of the medical car.

In the carriage, Hongying was lying on a stretcher, Professor Bai was sitting on a chair on one side, wiping his glasses, and when he saw Wei Kang coming up, he immediately pointed to the seat and signaled him to sit down.

"I heard that a man claiming to be a Stigmata Alchemist saved you?"

Professor Bai put the clean glasses back on and looked at Wei Kang with a little curiosity.

Wei Kang suddenly took a military posture and reported, "Yes!" Judging from his strength in solving that flesh and blood monster, at least he was a strong man of the Morning Star!

Professor Bai was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Could it be that the gate of the abyss was closed by him?" "

Gate of the Abyss?"

Hongying and Wei Kang frowned at the same time, and after glancing at each other, they seemed to think of something, their pupils widened, and their faces were full of disbelief, "You mean that the gate floating in the air is the gate of the abyss?"

Professor Bai nodded: "That's right.

"Didn't you destroy it, Professor Bai?" I thought you arrived in time..."

Wei Kang and the red yarn lying on the stretcher bed both looked at Professor Bai with wide eyes.

He sighed lightly and said helplessly: "When I arrived, the scene had been razed, the third church was in ruins, there were no living things within a radius of ten kilometers, it can be determined that there was a life and death battle there, it is clear that the plan of the cult group failed, and the gate of the abyss was closed." "


Hongying and Wei Kang looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, so shocked that they couldn't say anything for a while.

I thought that Professor Bai had solved that cult, but who would have thought that it was an outsider passing by?

The big red eyes lit up with a fine light, and I don't know what this nizi thought, and there was a hint of excitement on her little face.

"I will ask the logistics department to pay attention to the traces of alchemists who have been active in Jiangcheng recently, this matter does not need to worry about you, after all, from the results, that stigmata alchemist has no hostility, but has helped us a lot, and I don't know which force or other new generation who came out to practice within the city walls."

After a pause, Professor Bai originally wanted to light a cigarette, thinking that there was a patient who simply held it in his mouth and did not light it, took a deep breath and said: "What makes us more concerned now is that the intelligence department has just sent a message over

, basically it can be determined that the organization that attacked the main city tonight and tried to open the gate of the abyss is called the Old God Sect

, this sect is very secretive, and has not even left a trace on the alliance, this time they tried to invade Jiangcheng, the purpose is unknown, the motive is unknown." ...... This is the most headache..." Hearing

this, Wei Kang's eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Could it be that the Funeral Venerable and the King in Yellow that appeared before are related to this mysterious organization?"

Professor Bai glanced at Wei Kang approvingly, "Now we also guess so, but the specific situation needs to be continued by the intelligence department."

"Next, you prepare a report, if something like this happens in the main city, the administrative department will definitely want us to make a good report, and those old guys will know to give orders."

Professor Bai complained slightly dissatisfied.

Hongying nodded and asked again: "There are still many of those Faceless People who have not been cleaned up, do you want to..."

Professor Bai smiled and said: "You don't have to care about this, Zero and A Bing have led the team over, and the cleanup of the Faceless People will be handed over to them." "




Su Ziyu received Ruan Xiaoqi in a parish, and the two of them came to the outside of the city while the main city was still in the chaos created by the old God Sect.

In the state of turning on [Swift], ordinary people can almost only feel a gust of wind blowing by, and even the figure of the hundred-tailed snake fox cannot be captured, and after a burst of running, he briefly escaped into the spirit world, and the surrounding environment suddenly became distorted, colorful and thick in tone, as if living in an abstract painting.

In the middle of the night, Su Ziyu finally returned to the villa located in Acropolis No. 2, on the southern outskirts of the city.

When the day passes, you can take the train, and it takes almost half a day to reach the main city, and with the [Swiftness] of the Hundred Tailed Snake Fox, you can reach the second acropolis in about two hours.

However, such an approach is only possible when the main city is in crisis and the entire administrative department and special departments are in chaos.

If you really ride a hundred-tailed snake fox during the day, you will definitely be intercepted by the protection system of the main city, and it will be worth the loss at that time.

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