Coming to the towering iron fence and drilling through a hole on the west side, Su Ziyu glanced back at the hole and the curved wire thread on it, and continued to walk inside thoughtfully.

The door opened outside, half of the iron doors disappeared, the other half was swept into a hornet's nest by heavy machine guns, many bullet holes were clearly visible on it, Su Ziyu walked to the door, noticed a slender blood-colored mark on the floor, and saw some fragments of what had happened here under the vision of the true eye.

The armed warrior's terrified expression, the indiscriminate spray of bullets, and the weird silver bell-like laughter of a girl, the last picture is the armed warrior standing in the corpse of a group of companions with a desperate face, lying on the ground trying to reach the walkie-talkie, and then being held down by a white palm, clicking, the warrior's wrists and joints are completely detached, blood fills the entire picture, and then collapses.

This is part of the ability of the All-Seeing True Eye to simply retrace something that happened in ten minutes.

However, what happened here was obviously beyond ten minutes, and Su Ziyu could only see a few blurry pictures.

"Did you run out?"

Su Ziyu secretly raised his vigilance, and the palm placed in his pocket gently pressed the fear demon eye, and the fear demon eye after lifting the furious state became the size of a palm, and its feathers grabbed Su Ziyu's palm to remind the owner that it was ready to fight at any time.

In front of a dark walkway, the light bulb on the ceiling flickered and flickered, Su Ziyu steadied his mind, to the end, the elevator has been completely scrapped, and at this time it is more dangerous to take the elevator, Su Ziyu opened his pocket a little, and then walked up the steps.

Walking around the corner of the second floor, Su Ziyu stood on this long dark corridor, each room was tightly closed, and there was no light in it.


Suddenly, there was a cool breeze behind him, and Su Ziyu who looked around was prepared, turned around slightly, and the black shadow flew into the air, and then quickly disappeared into the aisle like a mouse.

"Little mouse?"

Su Ziyu patted his shoulder, which had just been soiled by dust due to dodging, and laughed softly.

As if it hadn't happened just now, he continued to take a step forward, and at this moment, a pair of eyes appeared on the ceiling full of shadows behind him!

Found you!

Su Ziyu quickly turned around, and at the same time raised his hand to throw a small shadow, the fear demon eye stretched out in mid-air, like an octopus attached to the ceiling

, and then there was a sound of steel colliding with each other, the fear demon eye tore off the hood of the vent, accompanied by a low scream, the rivet-like teeth under the feather were stained with blood.

With a bang, after the hood of the vent was disassembled, the Fear Demon Eye also squeezed in, its body became two football-sized at once due to its bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and the eyeball split from the middle, stretching out a tentacle as dense as a hair, and slapped down indiscriminately causing the collapse of the entire vent.

The rubble and iron fell in sections, and among them there was a figure curled up to the extreme, stretching its body in mid-air as soon as it fell, and finally it was more than two meters long, it was hard to imagine how such a figure could hide in such a narrow vent.

Then, it actually stepped on those gravel and wanted to pounce on Su Ziyu in midair.

Before that black shadow touched Su Ziyu, suddenly a scarlet color lit up in front of his eyes, and pupilless eyes without eyelashes appeared in the blood-colored picture!

At this moment, [Crimson Purgatory] was launched!

The black shadow seemed to see something amazing, under strong fear, the body trembled slightly, and then lost the balance of the body and fell to the ground, and at the same time the fear demon eye also moved, and the dense tentacles slammed down, firmly nailing the black shadow to the ground.

Without high-speed movement, Su Ziyu was finally able to see the true face of that black shadow.

And he finally knew where the guards defending this S-class shelter had been arrested....

I saw that it was a person, no, maybe it was more appropriate to say that it was a creature, because it was like a monster put together by countless pieces of human skin, each of its joints was reversed, left and right and extremely asymmetrical, one of the two eyes was normal, and the other actually grew to the forehead horn, a large one and a small one, extremely strange.

The left hand and the right hand are also opposite, with the wrist one inward and the other outward, and this incongruous feeling does not seem to be naturally formed, but rather like someone's bad work.

The skin is more like a patchwork mark, dense thick black lines can be seen at the interface, and the color of the skin changes color every time, it is like a monster put together by many different creatures and humans, and it is like the weird work of a certain master tailor, but it is more mad.

Su Ziyu watched quietly, and did not show much surprise.

He knew that this patchwork monster was not the protagonist he was looking for, and that such toys were the one who liked to do the most.

Su Ziyu pinched his chin and glanced up at the third floor thoughtfully.

However, the patchwork monster seemed unwilling to be caught by Su Ziyu, and was still trying hard to break free, its throat roared, and as its strength increased, its body gradually shrunk, its feet were close to its back, and its head was tucked between its legs, as if it wanted to break free with such an action.

Seeing that this guy was still not honest, the fear demon eye babbled, and the swinging tentacles once again came to sweep like an attack.

Bang bang!

It fell like a storm, and the tentacles lifted up the rubble, poking out small holes, some of which even penetrated the ceiling of the first floor.

The patchwork monster finally had no strength to continue resisting, its body could no longer find a single intact place, its worn-out sackcloth head was full of holes, and its brain pulp and various unknown liquids flowed all over the place.

The tentacles stopped, and Su Ziyu also heard an angry gasp.

"Are you finally willing to show up?"

The corners of Su Ziyu's mouth rose slightly, like a hunter waiting for his prey to appear.

"My toy! You pay me for the toy!

Suddenly, a girl-like voice mixed with anger sounded.

At the same time, the ceiling of the third floor seemed to be distorted by some kind of mental power, and the invisible spirituality blew through like a violent wind, and it didn't take a single place to completely dent into it, and then flew out at various strange angles,


Finally, the ceiling fell like debris, and at the same time, a black shadow in the dust rushed towards Su Ziyu at an extremely fast speed!

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