[Stomach bag of the deep-sea python (five-star): The stomach bag originally belonging to the deep-sea python has the authority to devour and split, belongs to the elemental material, versatile type, and the best choice can create marine monsters. 】

Sea monsters?

After only one day of sailing on the sea, he encountered a sea beast sneak attack, and Su Ziyu actually began to think about whether to create a sea beast that could survive in the ocean, so that it would be more convenient to fight at sea.

However, at present, there is not enough material, and it needs to continue to be collected.

After exiting the system space, Su Ziyu looked at the full moon in the sky, sleepiness struck, and after letting the Fear Demon Eye help him guard the door, he gradually fell asleep.


next few days of sailing did not encounter any more strange sea beast attacks, but it took some more time to transfer from this sea area to the established route.

During the period, they also encountered a not dangerous rainstorm, and finally sailed on the safe channel according to the original plan, according to Su Ziyu's plan for Ma Dameng, they need to go to the closest island to this sea area - Aurora Island, the maritime power controlled by the Northern Alliance is only a small part of the entire ocean, and this Aurora Island is an exception.

It was an island controlled by merchants and local forces, but due to the political stability, merchants and ships passing by were willing to rest and operate here.

In order to expand the scale of business, local armed forces will even allow pirates to enter the island, but there will be a stricter system for the number of pirates on the island and various security management, if there is a pirate attack on the island, then the local armed forces will personally take control.

It is also because of such a tough attitude that this small island has developed rapidly in recent years.

According to the original plan, the Trojan Horse was to stay on the island for half a day, on the one hand to replenish materials and rest the crew, on the other hand, to send the old merchant and other ordinary people to the island.

This small island also has three major orthodox missionaries, as long as they have the identity of the Northern Alliance, they can contact the person in charge of the city wall to which they belong, and then they can naturally follow the caravan back.

Su Ziyu and they were replenishing supplies and left in the afternoon near dusk.

From Aurora Island, take another channel to the Furious Sea.

Su Ziyu also checked his bank account on this small island, and there were more than 30 million alliance coins on the alliance account.

Ten million was given by Ma Dameng, twenty million was given by the old merchant, and the other scattered ones were given by the little couple and the middle-aged man.

This trip came out and directly earned more than 30 million, which is also a bonus.

Su Ziyu directly withdrew all the money, and then transferred it to another anonymous account, which was the account he opened in Jiangcheng, and now belongs to Ruan Xiaoqi for safekeeping.

Clouds cover the half-large moon, the lonely moonlight shines on the sea, shining with starlight, and the Trojan horse lines up the waves and quietly gallops on the sea.

A week later....

According to the map given by Su Ziyu, they had already entered the interior of the Berserk Sea.

The waves here are as rough as wild beasts, and reefs and extreme weather are abundant.

Ma Dameng and the rest of the crew had not closed their eyes for three days and nights.

This sea is too fierce, and the slightest distraction may be buried here.

However, Su Ziyu is resting well, and he will not have HNA technology, so he can only rest if he can't help anything.

Rest and rest, he also arranged for the Fear Demon Eye and the Void Shadow Beast to pay attention to the sea beasts and weirdness at any time.


Martha wiped the water stains on his face, flicked his wet hair, and a few strands were still stubbornly stuck to his forehead:

"His grandmother's, no wonder this sea area is called the Furious Sea, my mother's sea has been traversing the sea for more than ten years, and I have never been so embarrassed."

They have just dealt with a crisis, and this sea is like an old man with an unstable temper, losing his temper from time to time, making people tired of coping.

The sailors leaned against the deck fence, drenched, and in a strange smell mixed with the smell of fishy and sweat, some pulled their heads and were about to fall asleep, others looked sleepily at the sky, their faces were full of exhaustion, and more people were bowing their heads, and their heads were lit like chickens pecking rice.

Ma Dameng did not have the strength to reprimand the little brother again, now he is also sitting on the chair with a tired face, scanning the sea with difficulty, the second thin monkey leans next to him, and is constantly observing the sea and the weather with a telescope, a person who is usually so energetic, after experiencing the torture of the violent sea, his face has lost a large circle, and he is almost a white bone essence.

The third is even more miserable, the injuries on his body are not complete, and he has experienced several shipwrecks and violent storms, and he is lying unconscious in the lounge inside at the moment.

Well, Su Ziyu's hand on him at that time was indeed a little heavier, but it was also the third man who really disgusted him.

As the Trojan Horse moved, the entire ship was shrouded in fog at some point, and visibility was reduced to a minimum, but Ma Da suddenly woke up in time and looked at the sea nervously.

Suddenly Ma Da frowned, he covered his ears, stood up again and looked nervously left and right, looking at the second thin monkey: "Have you heard a strange singing?" The

thin monkey looked at Shangma's fierce eyes and nodded his head in horror: "Yes!"

"Boss, it looks like someone is singing?"

"Hey, hey, who's singing, it's a weird and scary situation!"

"It's like... It seems to be coming from a distance!


to the discussion of the little brothers, Ma Dameng also reacted, and everyone heard the strange singing!

Then he looked at Su Ziyu again, and saw that Su Ziyu nodded with himself, and his face suddenly became even worse.

"Mr. Su... This...... What's going on here?

"Ma Da Meng was a little overwhelmed for a while, a sea shrouded in gray mist, there was actually a singing voice, how to think is not normal!

"Don't worry." Su Ziyu calmly looked in one of the directions and comforted, "Let everyone cover their ears first, and put on earplugs conditionally to prevent any pollution from this song."

Su Ziyu's calmness did make Ma Dameng slightly relieved, and he quickly ordered the younger brothers to put on earplugs or cover their ears.

Through the gray mist, he could barely see the endless black sea, and only the sporadic lights emitted from his ship could drive out the darkness.

The song is mournful for a long time, ethereal and tactful, seems to be singing sad love, the tragic story of lovers from acquaintance to separation, the sound is clear, but under the sad tone but hidden an inexplicable madness, as if there are various unknown crises lurking under the surface of the ancient sea, which is disturbing.

The voice seemed to come from all directions, without a fixed direction, seemed to be everywhere, and seemed to rise from the bottom of the heart.

An indescribable panic spread throughout the ship.

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