Monster Factory

: 1044: I want to insert a sentence

Two days passed by.

It is only two hours away from the opening ceremony of the world-famous Europa Medical Federation.

It’s already time for people to start coming in.

The venue was placed in the famous Bourget Exhibition Center. In order to run the conference, the Paris government specially sent more than 500 staff members to the venue, and the Medical Federation also sent a large volunteer team.

Reporters from all over the world gather here, including China, and official TV stations in many countries will follow up on everything here.

Even President Mr. Manuel will deliver a speech at the opening ceremony.

There are more than 900 participants, and these more than 900 people represent almost the highest level of medical technology in the world.

Each of them has declared to the patient that "you are not saved, except God appears," and the patient is confident that he is 100% medicated.

Wang Yanyu is not a participant. He has finally mixed up with an accompanying identity.

The Europa Medical Association not only exchanges academics but also exchanges medical equipment and equipment.

Jiang Shuya and Mead Hospital spent a lot of effort to declare a successful medical equipment quota and brought Wang Yanyu into the venue as a device technician.

The entry began, and more than 900 people gathered in the lounge on the side of the exhibition center, and the staff organized the personnel to enter the scene.

By convention, all participants will have a small signature event before entering the venue.

Class hierarchy is everywhere, just like Jiang Shuya is only sitting in the ordinary lounge.

Those Nobel Prize winners and famous doctors can sit in the VIP lounge area and talk to President Manuel.

Undoubtedly, the first signing of the amnesty is definitely the winner of the five Nobel Prize winners.

They also have a special signature area.

The number plate that Jiang Shuya received was arranged to No. 931.

"That... Dr. Jiang, do you want to have a meeting at the meeting, will the President be there all the time?"

Even if he has simulated it in his heart for countless times, Wang Yanyu can't avoid the tension on the spot. He sits on the side of Jiang Shuya and keeps shaking his legs. "If the president has been there, I am afraid that I have just been open for a long time and I was safely taken out by the venue." ”

In front of these medical predecessors, Jiang Shuya is also a tender pole.

She is also very nervous.

"No!" Jiang Shuya clenched her fist. "I have seen the video of the previous conferences. The presidents are all swearing. After the meeting is officially started, they will drive away."

"Then you said that even if the president is not there, will we be safely punished because of too much trouble?"

"This..." Jiang Shuya is more nervous.


When the first Nobel Prize winner in medicine signed the name of his dragon and phoenix dance on the huge signature wall, it also represented the official opening of the opening ceremony.

The Bourget Exhibition Center, which is made of silver metal, is also attracting the attention of the world at this moment.

The media seat opposite the signature wall, where the flash is flashing, and the stars are more than the sky.

Every Nobel Prize winner in medicine is the object of media competition.

Any experience they have at the conference will often become a medical practitioner in the world, and respect the new rules of the industry.

Then came the world-famous physicians who were generally in their 60s, and there was almost no accident. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine next year will only be born from these people.

Jiang Shuya looked at her eyes and finally waited for her chance to go to the venue.

At this time on the signature wall, the place suitable for signing has long been fully signed. Jiang Shuya, wearing a suit, can only pick up his toes and find a corner sign.

The signature can't be overwritten by someone else's handwriting. This is a minimum etiquette.

Of course, this lame movement seems a bit funny. In addition to the photographers of the official TV station in China, they are looking for a suitable angle to take pictures. Other journalists from all over the world have not looked at it. They are busy packing up the equipment and transferring the venue.

"Hurry up the time." Next to the staff responsible for handwriting, also quietly urged Jiang Shuya.

Jiang Shuya sat in the penultimate row of the venue.

The entire venue is over 5,000 square feet and the seats are from low to high. At the forefront is a guest seat in a red leather seat with a guest name on each seat.

The middle of the middle is of course the position of President Manuel. Jiang Shuya sat behind and could only see his oily bright back.

Wang Yanyu didn't even have a seat. He only had a chance to appear on the medical equipment display.

The time went to 10 am and the world-famous Europa Medical Association officially began.

There are no grand performances and no stage effects with flashing lights.

More than 900 famous doctors gathered here to bring the atmosphere of the venue to the atmosphere, and even the media seats on both sides became silent.

This is a conference that promotes the level of human medical technology.

In this serious atmosphere, the current president of the Europa Medical Association, first came to power to deliver a speech.

"Mr. President, distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen."

"Today we gathered in Paris and attended the Europa Medical Federation. This shows that diseases and viruses can't stop our determination."

"Take this opportunity, I would like to extend my highest regards to those who are fighting the disease around the world."

“I am also grateful to the people of Paris and Mr. President for their meticulous preparations for the Europa Medical Federation. I thank all the members.”

"The purpose of our Europa Medical Association is to enhance human resistance to disease and to achieve the ultimate determination to eliminate them..."

The current president of the Europa Medical Federation, the speech lasted for ten minutes.

These ten minutes, both the media and the members are silent.

Even when the speech was over, he invited the President to take the stage to give a speech with only a slight applause.

This is a group of members of the average age of more than 50 years old. They have been working tirelessly in the medical field and have long cultivated a quiet and quiet character.

More than 900 conference members are listening and thinking.

In addition to Jiang Shuya...

Jiang Shuya's graceful slender legs are slightly dithered, and the face with delicate makeup is hard to hide.

Seeing the French President Manuel’s speech on the stage, Jiang Shuya took a deep breath.

I can feel nervous.

But she must not allow herself to fall.

"Mr. Dear President, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone."

"It is my personal honour to be able to attend the Europa Medical Association. It is also an honor for Paris. Here, we are about to verify the birth of the world's most advanced medical technology in the new year."

Mr. President looked around in a circle and said in a gentle language: "Here, I want to quote a famous quote from Nightingale."

"She once said that God is kind, and for the sake of human consideration, he said a lot of comfort words."

"I want to say that the disease is cruel. Even God can't spread pity on every patient."

"So ~ I sat with everyone."

"We are fighting against the disease. We also believe that relying on the efforts of the distinguished guests, those diseases that have been labeled as impossible to be overcome will become miracles one after another."

The speech came here, and the president paused for a moment.

Then came the applause, and more than 900 conference members stood up and applauded.

The applause fell and the speech continued.

After speaking for five minutes, the applause sounded again at the pause.

This applause ended very quickly, because according to the meeting process, Mr. President has already finished speaking. Below is the time for reporters and members of the parliament to ask questions.

Of course~

These questions are arranged in advance, and there are questions and answers.

First of all, the French TV station reporter stood up and asked the President, what efforts have been made by the French government for this conference.

The answer is naturally something that highlights the French government and attaches great importance to the global medical industry.

This was followed by a question from the US Nobel Prize in Medicine, Roth Bash.

Rosbach’s question is what progress has the French side made in medical equipment?

The answer is that there is a lot of progress.

As the host country of the conference, the French side can of course enjoy the different treatment of advertising.

According to the process manual issued to the members before the meeting, Mr. President will introduce the name of the medical equipment that will be displayed at the conference.

The medical equipment nominated by the President himself will of course be the focus of all media.

It will also receive the attention of the global medical industry.


Jiang Shuya is sitting in danger, her eyes staring, the green button on the base of the microphone in front of her.

Because according to the process manual, after Mr. President nominated the name of the medical device, Rosbach would invite the doctor representative of the hospital where the medical device was to speak.

The representative stood up and introduced a few words.

Jiang Shuya wants to insert a sentence at that time.

She also has a book.

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