Monster Factory

: 1068: Furious Soldier

A new type of ballistic missile in the Yamsk Ballistic Missile Test Base is being prepared for the final launch in an orderly manner.

The recently tested ballistic missile is called "Iskander" and is numbered ss-26 modified.

The new ballistic missile was introduced two years ago by the Russian missile family, which uses a single-tube solid rocket engine. When the projectile hits the target, it can do irregular ballistic orbital, and the missile overload can reach 30g when it is rushing near the target.

In addition to the track change, the missile also uses a gridless tail design, the body surface is coated with a stealth coating, so that the radar reflection cross section is greatly reduced, increasing the difficulty of enemy interception.

And these are just the data when they were installed for 16 years.

The one to be tested now not only has an increase in range and accuracy, but also has revolutionized the way of warfare.

This is a theoretical ballistic missile that can attack large surface ship targets.

At present, only China has installed ballistic anti-ship missiles.

Russia is not far behind, this ballistic missile is the starting point of their anti-ship model.

Two months ago, the -26 modified ballistic missile was also tested here for comprehensive performance.

From launching vehicles to missile weapon systems, and nighttime simulation launch operations.

Then go to the instrument life test, standby test, emission test in low temperature environment and high wind environment test, as well as the most important complex electromagnetic environment, and the simulated emission test in the nuclear explosion environment.

The above tests have achieved good results.

So they decided to carry out the most important live fire test on tomorrow.

Launched a ss-26 modified ballistic missile, after a high-speed attack of 900 kilometers, to see if it can hit the target ship arranged on the sea of ​​Okhotsk.

This experiment touched the nerves of the entire Russian military, as well as the nerves of other countries.

No country, I don't want to know the test data of this missile.

Of course, the warning work in the Yamsk ballistic missile test base is now called the iron wall.

All the roads are centered on the 50-kilometer martial law, and all the intersections have armored vehicles to be vigilant. More than 2,000 soldiers are on foot to conduct patrols on foot.

Near the test base, it is a strict barrier.

There is a s-400 anti-aircraft battalion dedicated to high-altitude targets, and a pantsyr-s1 short-range air defense system for low- and medium-air targets.

It was the set that was stationed around the World Cup Stadium a few months ago.

Air-to-air missiles require radar support, and there is an air-to-air radar search station in the southwest of the base.

Originally, the atmosphere of the radar station was not arrogant. Since the establishment of the missile test base, it was only in the 1960s and 1970s that Western reconnaissance planes came over to carry out high-altitude reconnaissance.

Of course, you can't give up the air defense because there is no enemy reconnaissance plane.

There are no enemy electronic reconnaissance planes, that is, their air defense system has shaken the enemy.

Once the air defense is lifted, the missile test base is over the air and guaranteed to be more lively than Moscow International Airport.

In the quiet radar station, the first harsh warning sounded.

Several radar officers on duty were chatting, and the radar screen in front of them was as clean as white paper.

When the warning lasted for half a second, the red target aperture of the radar screen suddenly locked a large low-altitude target that was only a few tens of kilometers away from them, and the radar officers on duty suddenly stumbled.

They stared at the radar screen, and the consciousness was full of confusion.

They have never encountered this situation, even if they have not encountered various target simulation exercises.

A huge aircraft appeared in the sky without any warning?

If you change to normal, they may think it is a radar failure. But now the missile test base is carrying out the highest level of military alert, and it is the day of the ss-26 modified ballistic missile live test.

The observer, who was closest to the radar equipment, slammed the palm on the red emergency button in front of him.


The screaming alarm sound was transmitted to the duty room of the close air defense system. Four rounds of guns all around the base were combined into a near-anti-weapon system and immediately entered the combat state.

The short-range missile is ready to go, and the low-altitude fire-control radar is spinning wildly to find the target.

The direction is 16.221 degrees.

The vertical height is 251 meters.

The speed is 311 kilometers.

"Drip ~"

The fire control radar prompts the target to be locked and can be launched.

The weapon operator was shaken by the sudden enemy situation. He did not dare to deal with it. He immediately grabbed the communicator and shouted: "Command, command, we locked an unidentified large aircraft. Is it open?"

There was noisy on the other side of the command, and it seemed that they were scared to panic.

Just as someone grabbed the talker on the other side of the command and prepared to convey the order, the target on the fire-control radar suddenly disappeared.

The target on the large air-to-air radar has also disappeared.

At this moment, the missile test base is in the midst of an enemy.

Two fighters parked at the airport took off in an emergency, and soldiers patrolling the perimeter rushed to the place where the target finally disappeared.

There are also armed helicopters, air defense armored vehicles.


The radar has a low-altitude blind zone. Below a certain altitude, it will be affected by terrain obstacles and cannot be detected.

The Boeing 747 has landed on the runway and the radar will of course lose its target.

But two fighters loaded with fighting missiles have already rushed out of the runway and can fly here in less than five minutes.

The other two giant laborers were not idle. They carried violent disassembly equipment and high-temperature cutting guns, and entered the aircraft warehouse from the rear wheel in the shortest time.

Any commercial airliner is equipped with a "black box".

The Boeing 747 has two pieces, one is responsible for recording the flight altitude, heading, rate of climb, descent rate and other flight data within two hours of the aircraft, and one is responsible for recording all the calls of the pilot.

The Boeing 747, without the black box and the cockpit recorder, was helpless in the dark night sky.

When the two pilots closed the mysterious hatch in front of them, they heard the sound of the fighters roaring further.

It is a pity that they can no longer see it, and Juli worked **** them until the lord's battleship plunged high and disappeared under the stars.

In the cabin, the director of the South Berna was lying on the ground in pain, and he also pressed a flight attendant.

The flight attendant wanted to persuade him to return to the seat belt, and as a result, Mr. Secretary became her "meat pad."

Only the orange emergency light in the cabin is on.

"We...we are you landing?" The injured air hostess struggled to get up. The professional spirit told her that the first moment of the plane's forced landing, the hatch was opened and the emergency escape cushion was pulled down.

She thought so and did the same.

The heavy hatch was pushed open by her, and the escape cushion rushed open, and quickly inflated into a slide to the outside world.

It is dark outside.

"Everyone... leave the plane quickly." The flight attendant shouted in front of the hatch.

It was only very quickly that the flight attendant found her cry and was drowned by another voice.

"Boom ~ booming and banging ~"

This roaring roar is no stranger.

This is the sound of the fighter's high speed.

The next moment, two flashing blue tail flames cut through the night and spurred from the flight attendant's head.

A few minutes later, the two blue tail flames were pulled back from the other direction. They seemed to be roaring and some people dared to break into their territory.

The flight attendant stunned, and the passengers seated in the seat with seat belts also stumbled.

It is a pity that they didn't have time to return to God. With the hovering of the top fighters, there were several other voices joining soon. It was the helicopter rotor.

A blazing white light hit the Boeing 747.

This abandoned runway, which was originally submerged in the dark, became as dazzling as the first Luzhniki Stadium that hosted the World Cup.

The flight attendant standing at the door of the cabin, at the moment, feels like Messi lying on the lawn, especially panic.

Six card-52 helicopters were surrounded by formations, and the muzzle of the lower cannon pods pointed to the flight attendant.

Then came the strong light from the distance, these lights joined together, as the terrain continued to fluctuate.

In the fierce roar of the exhaust pipes, dozens of armored vehicles and more than 20 bulletproof military vehicles sneaked out from the boundless night, and they slammed around the Boeing 747.

The door was opened and it was a row of armed soldiers armed with assault rifles.

The director, Nei Nebona, was lying in the cabin in pain, until he was caught in the collar and squatted from the ground.

"Who, who dares to... move me?"

Answering him is a cold **** on his face.

The Secretary of the South China Bona was black and immediately fell into a coma.

Looking at the group of stunned Russian soldiers, the other passengers in the cabin huddled and shivered in the seat, they did not understand where they were from the beginning.

They only knew that the plane landed in a dark environment, and they were completely surrounded by murderous armed vehicles and planes before they escaped from the cabin.

"Ah~ I... I am a reporter from the Columbia Radio and Television Station in Taiwan. What are you doing?"


Another shot.

With the example of a physical test, the cabin is quiet immediately. Other passengers could only watch as they were picked up from the seat and then violently brought a pair of plastic tying ropes.

Outside the plane, more than a thousand soldiers gathered here, and they received a carpet search mission centered on the abandoned runway.

at the same time.

In the headquarters of the ballistic missile test base, a soldier wearing the title entered the office alone and closed the soundproofed door.

The general looked coldly and picked up a red phone on the table.

"dudu ~ toot ~"

The phone rang twice and was connected. There was a questioning voice without emotion. "Hello, here is the strategic duty room of the Kremlin. Please report your situation."

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1068: Furious Soldier (Page 1/1)

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