Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1032 Awakening! jpg

Chapter 1032 Awakening! .jpg

The hunters who had filled their bellies lay down to rest early and spent a peaceful, even a little too quiet night.

There is no such thing as falling asleep in the wilderness and being awakened by the howling of animals in the distance from time to time. Even the chirping of insects that can be heard everywhere is drowned out by the less intense wind.

Everything was so peaceful that Pig Chop, who was squatting at the entrance of the cave and responsible for keeping watch, could only count the fluff on his paws to pass the time.

The hunters were able to have a good night's sleep.

Because of this, they got up very early. At two or three in the morning, there were still several hours before dawn. They had already sorted and checked their equipment and left the small cave where they camped.

The guide insects didn't even seem to be awake. Gordon patted the guide insect cage, and then they began to guide the way somewhat sluggishly.

As for why they wake up so early, on the one hand, seven or eight hours of sleep is enough for them to restore their physical strength and energy. Sleeping more will make them more sleepy.

The more important reason is that the Explosive Scale Dragon should have found a place to land and rest at this time. If we pursue it at this time, we might be able to find a chance to get close to it.

The northern mountains were deserted and deserted at night, and last night's speculation made the hunters a little more vigilant.

They advanced under the cover of the mountains.

Finally, before dawn, they discovered the figure of the Exploding Scale Dragon in a mountain col.

It was curled up and sleeping at the bottom of the mountain col. Its broad wings could not be fully folded, so it had to be stretched out on the ground.

The silver-gray body was covered with dried blood, but the wounds were no longer bleeding, and he had obviously recovered a lot.

The hunters exchanged glances and approached cautiously.

The first blow to awaken this sleep was naturally made by Gordon, who was a great swordsman. In fact, it would not be a bad idea to let Ancil use Supernova to start this battle.

However, considering that the Explosive Scale Dragon's abdomen and tail covered with explosive scales are curled up under its body, Supernova may not be able to easily detonate these annoying scales. It is better to save this precious ammunition for a more critical time.

Gordon and Hayata drew their swords and approached slowly from the front and side respectively. The two shooters also found a suitable shooting position on the hillside, loaded the crossbow shells, and locked the target.

Gordon walked lightly to the Exploding Scale Dragon's head. Without any delay, Gordon poured the potion into his mouth as quickly as possible, and then pulled off his visor.

The moment the visor was pulled down, the essence of the fearful Tyrannosaurus hidden in the [Greed] suit was completely released, and the greedy malice that devoured everything emerged.

Subconsciously, everyone's eyes were focused here.

It feels like an angry murderer, roaring in front of you, enveloping you with its big mouth full of sharp teeth, and you can seem to smell the pungent smell of blood on the tip of your nose.

Even though their reason and eyes told them that the person standing there was their companion, and that all this was just an illusion caused by the armor, they still couldn't help but feel frightened at that moment.

"Wow, I'm getting goosebumps." Gale muttered and moved his finger outside the trigger ring, "It almost didn't go off."

Anhil, who heard this not far away, glanced at her speechlessly, not knowing what to complain about.

The dark muscle armor squirmed slightly, squeezing the hunter wrapped in it.

Gordon had the illusion that he was being swallowed by the Tyrannosaurus and being swallowed down his esophagus.

If you are an inexperienced novice, you may scream in panic and have your bones broken by uncontrollable force.

But he has long been accustomed to the "urinary nature" of this equipment, firmly holding on to his own reason, calmly enjoying the blessing of power brought by [Greed], and at the same time abandoning the influence of madness on his thinking.

He even planned to use that madness to a certain extent to maximize the effect of the beast soul possession.

If nothing else, this will be his "strongest sword" since he became a hunter.

But an accident happened

The Explosive Scale Dragon seemed to be always on guard for something, and did not sleep deeply.

After the dangerous aura that was almost the same as that of a living and angry Tyrannosaurus rex exploded, it opened its eyes immediately.

Roaring low and supporting its body with its wing claws, the Explosive Scale Dragon tried to struggle to its feet.

"Tsk." Gordon clicked his tongue.

He had expected that the Explosive Scale Dragon might be awakened by the completely liberated [Greed], but he wanted to bet that the latter would fall into a deep sleep after fighting a fierce battle and wasted a whole day.

Unfortunately, I didn’t win the bet.

The companions have already begun to attack.

But the Explosive Scale Dragon stood up despite their attacks. At this time, it was obviously too late to use the beast soul to possess him. Gordon simply shouldered the inscription sword and entered the charging posture.

Although without the blessing of the beast soul possession, the power of this sword cannot be called the "strongest", but the current situation is obviously not suitable for continuing to deal damage.

Attacks that can hit are meaningful.

Gordon strode forward, carrying the sword, almost touching the face of the Explosive Scale Dragon.

The Explosive Scale Dragon, which had just stood up and stood firm, was about to let out a threatening roar, but the opponent was almost in its mouth, so it subconsciously opened its mouth and bit back.

This is what you've been waiting for!

Gordon took half a step back sideways to avoid being directly taken into the mouth by the Explosive Scale Dragon. At the same time, he swung his sword and struck the short but powerful jaw of the Explosive Scale Dragon.

The great sword was bounced off by the dragon's teeth, and a powerful force that could crush the spine of an ordinary person was transmitted back along the sword body and hilt. Gordon had already tensed his muscles, and Gordon, who was prepared, used this force to instantly complete the charge. .

What a powerful attack!

Gordon roared and slashed the big sword back, hitting the air with one bite. The Explosive Scale Dragon, which was a little weak in strength, was slashed squarely on the side of the face by this sword.

The scales, flesh, and even bones were broken open in an instant, and the powerful force that could not be resolved slashed it to the ground and staggered, and it was about to fall.

Hayata withdrew his moves, ducked to the side of the Explosive Scale Dragon, stabbed the Explosive Scale Dragon leaning towards him with a sharp blade, and then jumped up with inertia.

The air blade condensed, dragging the dazzling red golden blade down.

The next second, a large amount of blood spattered out from the Explosive Scale Dragon's thick neck covered with explosive glands, almost completely dyeing her armor red.

"Roar!" The painful howl of the Explosive Scale Dragon tore through the night.

The instant explosive power of heavy swords cannot be compared to long-range weapons such as ballistae.

The pain of these two consecutive swords made the Explosive Scale Dragon almost go crazy, but its survival instinct told it that if it fell at this time, the consequences might be very serious.

It used its wing claws to support its body, then swung its long tail and struck back at the hunter.

The long tail, which is also covered with explosive glands and explosive scales, is like a heavy sorghum plant, bloated and slack.

Such an attack would not pose any threat to the experienced upper-level hunters, but they had to guard against the exploding scales that spread out with the flick of the tail.

The explosive scales fell to the ground, and upon impact, they immediately emitted a fiery red light from the inside out.

The swordsmen, who were afraid of the explosive power of the explosive scales, had to stop the attack and retreat quickly.

The Explosive Scale Dragon took the opportunity to flap its wings and prepared to take off.

"It won't be too late this time, meow!" Pig Chop, who had already arranged a trap to stop the insects, immediately activated a strong light.

The Explosive Scale Dragon, which was not very high off the ground, was so flashed that it temporarily lost its eyesight, but its excellent flying ability and innate sense of balance prevented it from falling instantly.

Instead, at the last moment, he spread his wings flat, glided, and dived for an emergency landing somewhere.

Looking at the Exploding Scale Dragon, which was covered in "bombs" and swooping down, Gale cursed, put away his weapon, and ran away.

"Why is it me, Nima!"

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