Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1037 Palm of Tathagata

Ancil's strategy of using armor-piercing grenades to continuously shock the Nergigante worked.

As the armor-piercing grenades nailed to the big horns detonated together, the Nergigante, who was struggling to get up, was blown away and fell back howling.

The hunters stepped up their offensive with all their might.

Gale, who was not sure of wiping the bullet like Ancil, also changed his shooting position to avoid the Nergigante's sight, and used penetrating bullets to fire continuously, attacking the left side of the target's body.

The hunters really hope that this period of falling to the ground can be extended, but Nergigante is not an ordinary monster after all, and it is unrealistic to continue to suppress it through a "head lock".

After several rounds of attacks, it had regained its ability to move. It clasped its limbs on the ground and used force to turn over and jump up.

The broad and powerful wings suddenly spread out, and while whipping up a strong wind, jet-black spikes shot out in all directions.

Due to the previous efforts of the hunters, the number of spikes was not too high.

Hayata saw the attack immediately and avoided the most dangerous wing flip. He then tilted the sword in front of him and tightened his body to reduce the area to be hit as much as possible.

But even so, she was still scratched by two bone spines across her ribs and thighs.

The reliable armor made of the Purple Poison Lady's wing membranes withstood most of the damage, at least the worst penetrating injuries did not occur, and she did not lose her ability to move as a result.

But there was blood seeping out from the broken parts of the armor.

Gordon's situation is not too good either.

He hurriedly blocked with his sword and had no time to hide his body completely. A bone thorn hit his shoulder armor and penetrated deeply into it.

There was a sharp pain in his shoulder as the flesh and blood were being torn apart, but Gordon breathed a sigh of relief.

[Greed] has outstanding defensive performance, and the shoulder armor is even thicker.

This bone spine seemed to be pierced very deep, but it was actually stuck by the shoulder armor. The tip only pierced the flesh and did not penetrate deep into the bone.

What's more fortunate is that there are no toxins on the bone spines that the Nergigante dragon regenerates repeatedly, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

"Gah ah ah ah -!"

The Nergigante, who was pressed down and beaten, was very angry. With the roar that shook the mountains, the remaining white bone spines on its body instantly turned black.

Then, it spread its wings wide again, its limbs worked together with it, and its huge body shot into the sky like a cannonball in an instant.

"Disperse! Be careful!" Gordon forcefully pulled out the bone spine from his shoulder and shouted to remind his companions.

He didn't think that the Nergigante suddenly took off to escape or relocate. Judging from its angry appearance, it was most likely preparing some kind of powerful attack.

Just like when we faced the Celestial Comet Dragon, a large-scale impact like a meteorite hitting the ground?

Gordon, who was most vigilant, put away his sword, stuffed a hardened pill into his mouth as quickly as possible, chewed it, and took another secret potion into his mouth. Then he ran as fast as he could, raising his head to confirm the Nergigante. flight path.

Very good, it's coming towards you.

Gordon didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment, at least this way his companions would be safer.

Others also noticed this. Ancier pressed the remaining Supernova load into the crossbow without hesitation, and Gale replaced the recovery round.

Sandstone played the horn flute to try to distract the Nergigante, and Pork Chop Pandan also threw flash bombs one after another to interfere with the Nergigante's attack.

But the Nergigante's dive was already unstoppable.

Amidst the ear-piercing roar and the howling sound that tears the air, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, one hundred meters, fifty meters, twenty meters

At the last moment when the Nergigante was about to hit the ground, Gordon flew forward with all his strength.


The ground shook violently, and a huge crater was created in the mountain col. This was a blow powerful enough to seriously injure the ancient dragon.

There was suddenly no sound in Gordon's world, and a sharp tinnitus replaced everything.

He was a little confused. He felt as if his whole body had been hit by a sledgehammer, and his eyesight went black. This was just the impact of the shock wave caused by the dive attack.

Even though he couldn't think clearly, the muscle habits developed through years of fighting allowed him to adjust his body posture the moment before landing.

After rolling twice, he stood up and squatted with the sword in front of him.

This subconscious action saved his life again.

Large swaths of jet-black bone spines formed a fan shape, following the shock wave.

Perhaps thanks to the power of the swooping attack that seemed to be able to destroy the world, the power of these black spines was far from what it was the previous two times.

If the power of the bone spines was like a crossbow shell before, then every bone spine that hit the surface of the inscription sword was like a cannonball.

Gordon gritted his teeth and maintained a defensive posture. He knew very well that once the defensive posture was broken, the power of these bone spines would be enough to pierce through his armor.


A bone spine exploded beside him, and the sharp bone fragment hit his faceplate. His head jerked back, his neck bones were almost broken, and even his faceplate was shattered.

Bone fragments whirled across the side of his face, and blood spurted out.

"Gordon!" Hayata, who was rushing at full speed, witnessed this scene and screamed in panic.

Gordon almost lost his breath after receiving this blow, but he gritted his teeth and held on, shook his head hard, and staggered to his feet.

Panting heavily, he chewed the secret medicine in his mouth and swallowed it.

Unstoppable blood covered half of his face. Perhaps if the angle of the bone fragments were a little more correct, it wouldn't just be as simple as leaving a bone-crushing wound on his cheek.

"I'm fine!" Gordon shouted.

Although he was not as energetic as before, he was not weak either, which made Hayata's heart drop.

He looked a bit scary at this time. The flying bone spine fragments were not just the one that hit his face. There were at least seven or eight bloody wounds all over his body.

These wounds were deep and shallow, and the flowing blood almost dyed the armor dark red.

Several recovery bombs were fired from a distance.

The medicine splashed everywhere, covering the scattered wounds on Gordon's body, speeding up the bleeding.

After confirming that Gordon was fine, Hayata did not continue to approach, but faced the Nergigante alone.

She must buy time for the former to regroup.

Xianglan rushed over quickly, pulled out the healing chimney from the waist of Gordon who was still a little dizzy, stuck it on the ground, and was about to jump up and stuff the secret medicine into his mouth.

He moved his limbs, made sure there were no fractures, then waved his hands and said, "I'm fine, it's just a skin injury. I've taken the secret medicine."

"It's a skin injury, meow." Xianglan muttered, put away the secret medicine, and played the motivational instrument again, hoping to use the effect of the instrument to help the hunter adjust his condition.

Gordon spit out the remaining blood in his mouth, adjusted the sling of his great sword, and accelerated towards the Nergigante.

Hayata alone can't hold off the Nergigante for too long.

At this time, the bone spines on the Nergigante Dragon's body had disappeared. It was obvious that the previous claw strikes that fell from the sky had consumed a lot of it, both in terms of bone spines and physical strength.

Even the attack movements have become a little slower.

As Gordon returned to the battlefield, the two swordsmen cooperated to contain it again.

As if he didn't expect Gordon to come back alive, the Nergigante roared again, and large white bone spines quickly appeared on its front paws, back, wings, and tail.

The changes in this are already very clear. The fragile white bone spines will turn black and hard over time, and the black bone spines can be launched with great power. After losing the black bone spines, the white bone spines will turn black and hard again in a short time. Internal regeneration.

This is the core combat cycle of Nergigante.

Taking advantage of Nergigante's poor condition, Gordon aggressively attacked and forced the Nergigante back with another heavy charged strike. Hayata followed closely and used his air blade to slash, and chopped Nergigante staggering. A few steps.

"Retreat!" Ancier's reminder came from afar.

Gordon and Hayata, who were preparing to take advantage of the situation, put away their weapons and distanced themselves without hesitation.

Nergigante was about to counterattack when the supernova crossbow missiles flew towards it and accurately hit the big horn above its head.

Explosive flames as dazzling as the sun enveloped its body.

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