Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1042 You caught up with a ghost!

"The above is the basic usage of the projector. Next, we will practice freely. We have prepared a few pictures in advance, and everyone can take turns to try out the training.

Later, craftsmen will help you measure your arm length, weight and other data. In a few days, the specially adjusted projectors will be distributed.

After completing the first stage of training, we will start teaching about ‘flying’. "

On the front deck, Evelin, who was accompanying the ship as a temporary instructor, pointed to several projectiles on the table and said to the hunters in front of her.

She had a subtle sense of déjà vu. More than four years ago, when the special investigation team went to the New World, Mr. Mecca told them almost the same thing.

The difference is that the number of members of the fifth phase team is almost ten times that of the special investigation team.

There are more than thirty elite hunters, with a "recommendation group" composed of three young high-level hunters as the core, and hundreds of craftsmen, scholars, and logistics teams.

It can be said that the number of members of the fifth phase of the investigation team is greater than that of all previous teams combined. Their arrival will completely solve the problem of insufficient manpower in the New World Investigation Team.

Gene eagerly hung a projectile on his left arm and started trying, while Feng Ying and Aiden approached Evelin with a smile.

They had all cooperated in the Styracosaurus blocking battle and were relatively familiar with each other.

Aiden, who is good at sociability, spoke first, "Sister Evelyn, long time no see! Are little Finn and Uncle Ferdy okay?"

Feng Ying next to her couldn't help but complain in her heart: What kind of messed up seniority is this?

Speaking of her family, Evelin, who usually doesn't express much, showed a smile on her face, "They are all very good, what about Julius and the others? There were so many things going on this time that I didn't even have time to meet my old friends."

"Master is still so cold-faced. Senior Nadia originally wanted to come to the New World to see it, but he couldn't leave because of his responsibilities, so he had to stay in the Old World with Master and the others." Aiden scratched the knot on his head. The redhead said.

"I have a problem too! I have a problem too!" Feng Ying shouldered her shoulder and pushed Aiden aside, "We received a letter more than a year ago saying that An Xil and Sister Gale had a child?

Can the two of them go together? Where is the master! Where are Master and Sister Hayata? ! "

Feeling helpless at Feng Ying’s “word choice” style, Evelin glanced at her slightly reproachfully and said: “Fufu’s birth was quite unexpected.

As for Gordon and the others, it seems they have no plans to raise the next generation, maybe they want to wait until this is over. "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!" Feng Ying smiled wickedly. She was already wondering how she wanted to tease her seniors.

Hearing Gordon Hayata's name, Gene also came over.

From a young man to a grown man, he often gave people the impression of being arrogant and exaggerated, but that was just an appearance. Hunters who had worked with him all knew that he was actually a terrifyingly tough guy.

But when it comes to arrogance and arrogance, there is indeed some. He has an unyielding temper, and there are very few people who can gain his respect.

Naturally, Gordon and Hayata, who can be regarded as his guides, are also included.

"By the way, Brother Gordon was already an eight-star hunter before he went to the New World. Has he been promoted to nine stars now?" Gene's question was simple and direct.

Evelin glanced at the tall young man in front of her.

Since the guild's plan to expand the hunter team and vigorously train new recruits was launched seven or eight years ago, a large number of geniuses have emerged in the Old Continent in recent years.

The three people in front of me are the best among them.

She didn't know Jean, but she had read his information.

The former resident hunter of Bokai Village in the Frasia region showed amazing talent early on. After successfully participating in the crusade against the "Black God" Tyrannosaurus last year, he was promoted to Seven Stars at the age of only 23.

This promotion speed is no worse than those in Yinbian.

After pondering for a moment, Evelin answered Gene's question: "No, the conditions for promotion to nine stars are not just as simple as hunting a powerful monster. Eight stars is already the pinnacle of the hunter level in the conventional sense.

But in my personal opinion, Gordon, who is now entering his prime, is no weaker than his predecessors who are respected as 'masters'. "

Jean, who selectively ignored the second half of the sentence, clenched his fists and said, "Catch up!"

Feng Ying on the side rolled her eyes at him like a salty fish, "You've caught up to a ghost, you can't even compare to me, and you're still ahead of Master Gordon!"

Meanwhile, the Forest of Ancient Trees.

Gordon put down the telescope and "confirmed that a Barbarian jaw dragon is located twenty kilometers northwest of the ancient giant tree. It is at a safe enough distance from the stronghold that there is no need to hunt."

Pig Chop took a small notebook to record Gordon's words.

Gordon grabbed hold of the vines and slid down from the big tree where he was observing the Brachygnathus. After landing, he held his fingers in his mouth and let out a sharp whistle.

Porkchop jumped onto his back very skillfully and grabbed hold.

An exceptionally strong acid pterosaur swooped down and led them out of the forest.

Tens of minutes later, they returned to the Star Stronghold.

I bought some fresh fish from the Deters who were carrying their catch, and threw them to the Sour Pterodactyl as a reward. After sending them away, Gordon stretched himself.

"Today's task is very simple, you can go home early!"

Zhupa looked at him sideways, "I think you need to find a permanent editor partner, meow."

"Isn't there something wrong?"

"What pig language are you talking about? I'm just a cat!" Pig Chop looked a little angry.

After several years of practice, the two-person action mode of hunter and editor has proven its convenience and high efficiency.

Unless it is a hunting operation that requires the participation of multiple hunters, most investigative tasks are carried out by one hunter and one editor.

The two high-ranking teams, Silver Bian and Jiujiu, are quite special. Most of the time, they act as a group and are responsible for eliminating some high-risk targets, such as the Explosive Scale Dragon.

But there are times when they investigate alone. For example, today, there is no need to send out a whole team of high-ranking hunters to investigate the movements of the Cephalosaurus.

Therefore, most of the high-ranking hunters in the Special Investigation Team have found regular partners.

For example, Aziz and Lin (a lonely fish investigator) who are passionate about fish surveys, Hayata often cooperates with Herta, and Gale catches grubs.

Ancier's situation is quite special. Under the arrangement of the Commander-in-Chief, he rarely performs single-person investigation missions and spends most of his time promoting the formation of a special team.

This plan originally originated from Gale's original suggestion. Yes, it was the Qimian clan-style suggestion that "everyone has a rocket launcher, and the ancient dragon has to kneel when he sees it."

This outrageous proposal was, of course, not adopted, but it partly inspired another of Ancier’s ideas.

The fire suppression effect of mortar-type diffusion bombs has been recognized by everyone, but this thing is destined to be unable to cooperate with the swordsmen.

So Ancil asked whether it was possible to form a team composed entirely of heavy crossbowmen.

It is not a fixed team like Yinbian, but when necessary, these heavy crossbowmen are gathered together and jointly use diffusion bombs to form extremely powerful fire suppression through concentrated fire.

The commander-in-chief attaches great importance to this plan.

After evaluation, an attack team composed of four skilled heavy crossbowmen has a suppressive ability that is not inferior to four fixed artillery pieces when concentrated use of spread bombs.

Under certain circumstances, such as when a super-giant ancient dragon attacks, such a "diffusion team" may play an extremely critical role.

However, there are two problems that need to be solved urgently. One is the shortage of manpower. The investigation team currently has only two heavy crossbowmen, Ancier, and a middle-aged shooter in his forties from the fourth phase team.

This problem should be solved smoothly after the arrival of the fifth phase of the team.

Another problem is weapons.

Not all heavy crossbows can mortar diffusion bombs, and there are even fewer heavy crossbows that can fire lv3 diffusion bombs.

The current alternative is a heavy crossbow made from Thieving Dragon materials - the Tooth Dragon Heavy Ballista.

The advantage of this type of heavy crossbow is that it is low-cost to build, easy to buy, and has good power. The disadvantage is that it can only launch lv2 diffusion bombs and cannot fire the most powerful lv3.

In recent days, Anhir has been worried about this.


I would like to emphasize that militarized hunting teams are used under certain special circumstances. For example, when the Molten Dragon attacks, or when fighting against the Huilong, the heavy crossbowmen temporarily gather together to jointly suppress. It does not mean that An Xi I left Silverside and formed a new team.

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