Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1046 The Unexpected Visitor (Additional chapter for leader Crow 13’s reward)

Chapter 1044: An Unexpected Visitor (Added an additional chapter for the reward of Alliance Leader Crow_13)

Feng Ying fell into a daze, and Hayata had no choice but to comfort her by saying, "The commander-in-chief has been prepared for a long time."

April pushed her a glass of ale, but she suddenly jumped up, "I'll never drink again! If I hadn't been hungover and dizzy, how could I have left the room in my underwear?!

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! "

After going crazy, Feng Ying lay on the table and howled, but she finally didn't collapse, which made Hayata relieved.

She asked Nellie many more questions about Uncle Pine and Aunt Marpel.

One of the things made her stunned for a long time - they had another sister.

"When I left the old continent, my aunt was almost forty years old," Hayata confirmed to Nellie with a dry smile.

Nellie also complained about this, "Yeah, we were all scared when we learned that my mother was pregnant. Uncle Pine originally advised her not to give birth for fear of danger, but she still insisted on giving birth. Fortunately, she didn't give birth." What's up."

At this point, Nellie's conversation suddenly changed, "But my sister is very cute, her name is Adela! By the way, I even brought a photo!"

"Show it to me quickly!" Hayata urged.

Feng Ying and the others also came over to watch.

"Hey! Cute and chubby!"

Hearing the screams of the girls, Gordon, who was drinking at another table, looked over and looked away when he saw nothing.

The reason why he is sitting here is because the people at this table are more exciting.

There are expected old friends, and there are also unexpected "intruders".

Alva, who has become much more mature and has begun to approach the leader of the research class in temperament, is holding a glass of low-alcohol sweet wine and drinking it slowly.

But his eyes couldn't stop looking at the ancient giant tree cultivated by the Plant Growth Research Institute.

If it weren't for the fact that doing so was really rude to his friends at the same table, and his wife was staring at him sternly next to him, he would have sneaked over to look at it and study it.

Rania, who came to the New World with her husband, took off the dark velociraptor suit. She has retired from the Dark Night Force, and the codename "Owl" is no longer used.

This time, at the invitation of the Commander-in-Chief, she came to the New World as a guild knight and brought a security team with her, whose responsibilities were somewhat similar to those of a law enforcement officer in a town.

After all, too many people came to the fifth phase of the group at once. If there are no dedicated personnel to enforce discipline in a town with such a high population density, some security incidents will inevitably occur.

As for some unspoken responsibilities, the senior leaders of the investigation team are also well aware of it. After all, they actively invited this team.

What the guild headquarters is worried about is not the so-called "rebellion". After all, the Hunter Guild is not a political system.

This is to avoid the emergence of "madmen" with overly radical ideas among the top brass of the investigation team.

Thirteen high-ranking hunters and dozens of elite hunters, all of whom are young men on the rise in their careers. The investigation team that controls this force is fully capable of launching a meaningless active war against the ancient dragons.

Just look at the Kingdom of Ancient Shuret to see the consequences of doing that.

Although the Commander-in-Chief and others knew that the New World Investigation Team would never do this, since they wanted to apply for this level of support from the guild headquarters, it was necessary to take the initiative to express their attitude.

Inviting guild knights to settle in is this "attitude".

Keenly aware that Gordon was sizing her up, Rania raised her head and smiled at a standard angle.

Gordon immediately withdrew his gaze. Perhaps because of the other person's previous occupation, he felt a little hairy on his body.

He was not the only one who was hairy, but Gale was even more hairy.

She tried hard to keep the smile on her face, although the smile was so stiff that it was scary.

She used to be alone, free and easy, and didn't care about anyone's opinions or comments.

But things are different now. Some people and some things really can’t be fooled by saying “it doesn’t matter.”

An Xil, who was sitting next to her, also had a stiff expression on his face.

The reason was the woman sitting across from them.

Mrs. Sterling, who had almost never tried anything other than long skirts since she was a child and had never left East Doruma, actually appeared here wearing casual clothes that were common in the investigation team.

At this time, she didn't even put on the most basic makeup, and even took off her jewelry. She didn't look like the "elegant lady" she used to be.

He just hugged Fufu and kept kissing her. Even when he took a breath, he had to bury his nose and mouth in Fufu's hair. It seemed that in this way he could inhale a little more of the "granddaughter's milk aroma".

Fufu struggled hard and looked at her mother for help.

Gale ignored her of course.

She had no choice but to look at her father reluctantly.

The corner of Anhil's mouth twitched, he cleared his throat and spoke, "Mother, you have been staying well in the Old World, why do you suddenly think of coming to the New World?"

The so-called "running to the New World" is not as simple as it sounds.

At present, the routes between the New and Old Continents have not yet been "civilized". If you want to come to the New Continent, joining the New Continent Investigation Team under the Hunter Guild is almost the only option.

Mother was neither a hunter, a craftsman, a scholar, or any of the other talents needed by the New World Survey Team.

The knowledge she is proficient in such as "fashion", "jewelry appraisal" and "family management" is basically useless in the New World.

But she just pretended to be a "costume design consultant" and came over as a member of the craftsman group of the fifth phase of the group.

No matter which angle you look at it, it doesn't quite follow the rules.

The Commander-in-Chief is not someone who would agree to such a request casually. The only possible explanation is that the Sterling family gave too much.

Mrs. Sterling smacked Fu Fu's cheek again, then raised her head and said with an indifferent expression: "According to your sister, I think my granddaughter is already crazy about it.

I don’t want to see my friends anymore, I don’t want to go to tea parties or banquets anymore. I’m going crazy when I think that my lovely granddaughter is thousands of miles away on the other side of the ocean, and I may never be able to see her in person in this life.

During that time, I suffered from severe anxiety and insomnia. Your father felt that I might not be able to survive for a few years if this continued, so he was going to send someone to take Fufu back to the old continent.

But I heard that the shipwreck rate of ships traveling to the New World is as high as more than 10%, and the dangers of ocean voyages for young children are doubled. So of course I can't let my baby take risks.

So I asked your father and sister to find a way to arrange for me to come over and let me help take care of the children.

In the future, if Fufu wants to go back, I will accompany her back. If she wants to settle down in the New World, I will stay here forever! "

"You can still take care of children?" An Xier couldn't believe it.

Wasn’t it the maid at home who raised my sister and me?

Mrs. Sterling glared at him, "Didn't your letter say that your housekeeper Ellu can take care of it? I can learn from it!"

The conversation between the two was a bit complicated. Fufu didn't understand it very well, but she probably understood that this "father's mother" came specifically for her?

She blinked and asked: "So dad's mom can"

"Call grandma." Anhil corrected him.

"It's okay, Fufu can call her whatever she wants!"


Fu Fu twisted her body and looked at her grandma, "So Lai Lai can let daddy tell Fu Fu a story?"

"Fufu wants to hear a story! Tell it quickly!"

"Can daddy dance for Fufu?"


Fufu's eyes were shining, and her expression was very dangerous.

Ancil's face was distorted, Gordon watched the show with interest, but Gale couldn't sit still.

She thought she had doted on Fufu enough, but what happened was something even more outrageous?

If this continues, there's no telling how spoiled Fufu will become.

After struggling for a moment, she spoke, "Mrs. Abel Sterling, Fufu is a naughty guy. If you continue like this, she will become lawless."

Mrs. Sterling turned her gaze, stared at Gale in slight surprise for a few seconds, and then said with a smile: “What you said makes sense, I will pay attention.

By the way, you are Anhil's wife and Fufu's mother. From now on, just call me mom or mother. Of course, if you are willing, you can also call me like when we first met. "

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Gale's face. She didn't expect that after all these years, Mrs. Sterling would still remember the encounter in the East Doruma Tavern.

But she also noticed that Mrs. Sterling didn't seem to be joking?

"Sister?" she called tentatively.

Mrs. Sterling immediately beamed, "You'll call me that from now on! If Ancil bullies you, I'll support you!"

Gale looked at Ancil, his eyes were shining, and he had the same dangerous smile on his face as Fufu.

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