Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1052 White Wind in the Old Continent

A few kilometers away from the coastline of the New World, a sea ship lowered its anchor and anchored here.

On the deck, Aziz, who was dressed in a transformed ice shark X, looked at the length of the chain on the winch and roughly judged the depth of the seabed here.

His expression became a little embarrassed, "It's a bit deep."

Behind him, followed a young hunter with similar equipment but a more restrained style.

He is a fellow villager of Aziz, his name is Moka, a four-star hunter who is one of the members of the fifth group, and he is also a sea dweller.

If it hadn't been for his arrival, Aziz wouldn't have known that a group of his admirers had appeared among the young seamen in Moga Village. Suddenly, there were several more young people in the village who chose to become hunters.

Everyone takes the deformed ice shark suit as fashionable.

This set of armor is indeed useful and practical for seamen who are good at water warfare. Of course, a young seaman like Aziz who can hunt countless deformed ice sharks and use selected materials to create deformed ice shark x (top) is a nothing.

But the ordinary version of the deformed ice shark also has quite good performance.

"Brother Aziz, the ocean currents around here are also very chaotic. Can we really find the sunken ship?" Moka stared at the sea for a while and muttered.

"It's hard to say, but I have to give it a try. There are so many precious materials and equipment left down there, and it's important to salvage them." Aziz said, pulling off the completely sealed full-face visor.

Moka also took a slow and deep breath along with him, and the two sea people jumped into the sea one after the other.

The huge volcanic rocks discovered by Feng Ying and Ai Bo provided the direction for the investigation team.

Under the arrangements of the Commander-in-Chief, many survey teams have adjusted their survey plans and focused on exploring adjacent areas where volcanic rocks appear.

Several days passed like this, and the information collected by various investigation teams and scholars was summarized and sent to the headquarters.

The commander-in-chief summons the heads of various departments for a meeting.

After receiving the notice, Gordon hurried to the headquarters. In addition to those familiar old faces, Gordon also discovered an unexpected figure.

"Feng Ying? Are you coming to the meeting too?"

Feng Ying hugged her chest and puffed her lips, "Really, Master Gordon, after all, I am also the leader of the fifth group!"

Gordon opened his mouth, pointed at Feng Ying and looked at the pork chop behind him, with a surprised expression on his face like "Is this the guy?"

Zhupa's ears twitched, "After all, she is the strongest among the hunters of the fifth-term group, meow. I did hear a member of the fifth-term group calling her 'leader' when greeting her a while ago, meow."

Some people call her ‘White Wind-sama’ nya. "

"Sir Bai Feng?" Gordon repeated the honorific.

Feng Ying was a little embarrassed now. She smiled dryly and explained, "'Baifeng' is our title in the Old Continent. Of course no one in the New Continent has heard of it, hahaha."

As for 'sir' or something like that, maybe that member is from Shiguo, so he is more accustomed to using this kind of title? "

Gordon rubbed his chin, thinking about the meaning of the title "White Wind".

The wind symbolizes nothing more than "fastness", which Feng Ying now fully understands. What does "white" refer to? Is it the color of fighting spirit emitted under certain circumstances, like Hayata's "Red Blade"?

It seems that "white wind" in some areas in the north also means snowstorm, maybe this is what it means?

While he was thinking, the commander-in-chief quickly walked into the headquarters.

He seemed to have heard some of the exchange between Feng Ying and Gordon. When he passed by Feng Ying, he patted her back and said with a smile, "I hope that one day, you can also become the 'White Wind of the New World'. I believe it." That day can't be too far away.

Okay, everyone has expired, let’s start the meeting. "

Everyone who was communicating in low voices fell silent.

"Based on the clues found by the investigation team in the ancient tree forest, scholars have speculated that the direction of Laoshan Dragon's movement should be toward the east, that is, the Big Ant Mound Wasteland.

The next investigation center will be transferred there, and I will arrange for a group of scholars to go there in advance. The Big Ant Mound Wasteland has not been peaceful recently, and their team needs the protection of hunters.

Is the adaptive training of the hunters in the fifth group almost complete? "

The Commander-in-Chief asked this while looking at Gordon and Feng Ying. One of them is the squad leader of the investigation team and is theoretically the "head" of all the field investigators of the investigation team. The other is the leader of the fifth phase of the team. The newcomers are all It's her group member.

"Hunters are no longer a problem." Gordon nodded and said: "The hunters in the fifth phase of the group are also veterans. They adapted quickly and can already devote themselves to various tasks.

However, some of the editors have no previous experience in field operations and may need some time to adapt. "

He didn't mean to look down on the compiler, but it was a fact.

There was no such profession as "editor" in the Old World. The new editors who came to the New World were basically members of the scrivener team, young scholars, or clerical staff such as outstanding performance girls.

Except for scriveners who would participate in field surveys, few had experience in field operations.

Even if he had intensive training before coming to the New World and at least passed the basic physical fitness test, it would still take a period of adaptation to become a mature editor.

"Is that so?" the Commander-in-Chief thought for a moment, "No problem, let the editors continue to act with their partner hunters, while emphasizing concealment and self-protection training.

We don’t have time to let the editors adapt slowly, we can only let them grow in practice. "

After all, the senior investigators from each group in previous years also came here this way.


"I will also remind everyone to let the experienced team members help the inexperienced newcomers." Feng Ying added.

After the commander-in-chief nodded, he said in a serious tone: "The fifth phase of the regiment has just arrived in the New World. There are too many places that need manpower, and the material gap caused by the shipwreck also needs to be filled urgently.

Unfortunately, we cannot devote too much manpower to the Laoshan Dragon matter, but this matter cannot be ignored, so we decided to send a small number of elites to follow up throughout the process.

Feng Ying, you are responsible for investigating the traces and behavior of Laoshan Dragon. You will lead the recommendation team members to escort the scholars’ convoy to the Great Ant Mound Wasteland and launch an investigation. "

"Understood." Feng Ying answered simply.

"Captain of the supplies squad, have you sorted out the list of missing supplies?"

The monitor of the supplies class looked tired, and dark circles could even be seen on his dark-skinned face.

"It's been sorted out. The other parts are okay. The main losses are a large amount of gunpowder raw materials and the equipment of elite hunters.

I have asked Az to salvage as much as possible, hoping to catch at least a few pieces of equipment. As for the gunpowder raw materials, they are definitely all useless. "

The expression on Feng Ying's face switched back and forth between disappointment and expectation, which was very complicated.

The commander-in-chief thought for a few seconds and said: "Assign personnel to step up collection. The director of the Plant Plant Research Institute has suspended the plan to use our ancient trees to cultivate other plants, and will do his best to promote the growth of gunpowder.

Next we may face a big war. Gunpowder is the most critical material and cannot be lacking.

The leader of the second phase regiment, the processing house has recently shifted its focus to the production of artillery shells and heavy crossbow bolts.

The material squad leader keeps records and reports on the reserve status of these strategic materials. "

"Understood!" Everyone agreed.

Toward the end of the meeting, Gordon suddenly raised his hand.

The Commander-in-Chief shifted his gaze.

"Commander-in-Chief, I would like to apply for a period of leave."


"When our special investigation team just arrived in the New World, we had an encounter with an ancient dragon man in the ancient tree forest. He was very vague at the time, but he mentioned that 'the chaos will decrease' and 'a few years later'.

He may know something about Laoshan Dragon, and I plan to investigate it myself. "

"Ask for help from the ancient dragon people? This is indeed an idea." The commander-in-chief nodded in approval, "I'll leave this matter to you."


There are so many more "personnel" than in the game plot, and the progress of the investigation will definitely be accelerated. Otherwise, Feng Ying would work alone, and it would be too mysterious for the rest of the team to fish.

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