Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1056 Join in the fun

Riding on the pterosaur, a little more than half a day later, the hunters of the special investigation team arrived at the investigation team camp located in the northern part of the Great Ant Mound Wasteland.

Before, when there were only a dozen or so people, the members of the investigation team lived crowded together in the camp. After all, that was the safest way.

However, as the number of investigators who came to support gradually increased, some people set up tents in the shelter of the small canyon where the camp was located, and some people moved to other camps farther away.

The small canyon now looks a bit lively, and a temporary dragon shed has even been set up for the pterosaurs to rest.

Landing in the small canyon, Gordon looked around. He once again felt deeply that the New World Survey Team was no longer the small and medium-sized team that was short of manpower.

The high-ranking hunters who came with him on this trip were not "all together".

The Alcohol Team was ordered to deal with an incident in which a Explosive Scale Dragon invaded the ancient tree forest. The existence of the Explosive Scale Dragon seriously affected the investigation team's collection of war preparation materials, and the investigation team decided to punish it.

In the past few years, the Alcohol Team has hunted many Explosive Scale Dragons and has become an expert in dealing with Explosive Scale Dragon problems.

The armor of the Explosive Scale Dragon series has become the "standard" equipment of their team, which matches their rough style.

Aziz is also very busy, and this time it’s not just about fishing.

Since Laoshanosaurus landed in the New World, the coastline on the southern side of the New World has become increasingly chaotic.

Multi-headed sea dragon monsters appear in coastal areas and even build nests. He is leading several young hunters who are good at water fighting to clean up.

Therefore, the only hunters from the special investigation team who came to the Big Ant Mound Wasteland were the three of them Yin Bian, plus Evelin and his wife.

"Let's go see Feng Ying and the three uncles (Sunshine, Happy, and Cheerful) first to confirm the progress of the investigation." After giving the Sour Pterodactyl a gesture to let it go foraging on its own, Gordon said to his companions .

Naturally, the others had no objections, and the five of them came to the camp in the canyon.

In a large tent outside the camp, they met the three dragon-human scholars who were inseparable.

The three uncles were lying on a huge map, summarizing the information reported by each team.

The map is so densely packed with circles, arrows and notes that it makes people dizzy.

Gordon and others said hello.

The old man from the dragon clan wearing a turban jumped up and said in a high voice: "You are here too, come here quickly, we just made some new discoveries!"

As he said that, the three uncles started drawing pictures on the map.

The general meaning is that Feng Ying and the others discovered a large piece of volcanic stone before, and with that piece of volcanic stone as the center, the investigators launched a dragnet-style investigation.

Continuously, the investigators discovered a lot of scattered volcanic debris. After connecting these locations, they obtained an intermittent line. This line was probably the path of the Laoshan Dragon.

Anhil glanced at the map, "In this way, wouldn't it be easy to confirm the whereabouts of the Molten Mountain Dragon?"

"Theoretically, that's the case." The dragon scholar wearing a strange dust mask sighed: "But I don't know why, we sent people to search repeatedly on the predicted route, but we couldn't find the big guy.

It's most likely that it burrowed into the ground. It's unbelievable that a monster of that size can actually burrow into the ground. "

Sophia, who was the editor of Hayata this time, adjusted her glasses and said: "Did such a majestic creature burrow into the ground without leaving any obvious traces?"

It was a super giant ancient dragon with a head and body length of over 250 meters and a height of nearly 150 meters.

Fengshan Dragon lay beside it, looking like a fat-headed fish.

"Of course there are traces, but the northern part of the Great Ant Mound Wasteland is a typical karst landform, with a large number of underground caves of staggering scale. Because of this, ground subsidence and ground fissures occur frequently.

It can be said that there are caves and rifts everywhere, and we can only check them one by one, so the progress is slow. "

"So that's it." Gordon pondered, but there were more and more doubts in his heart.

He couldn't help but flash that word again in his mind - veins of the earth.

In other words, Leyline Corridor.

Could it be that the Molten Dragon moved through the Earth Corridor, so it had never been discovered? But the Leyline Corridor is very deep underground. Even if the Molten Dragon can get in, it probably won't be able to get in and out frequently.

After thinking for a moment, Gordon, who couldn't come up with an answer, simply stopped worrying and said, "Please assign us a task. The sooner the Molten Dragon is found, the sooner targeted reconnaissance can begin."

At this moment, someone opened the tent door and walked in.

When he subconsciously turned around and saw the person coming, Gordon couldn't help but be surprised, "Mr. Mecca?!"

The last time I saw this man, I had just arrived in the New World. After that, this dragon hunter never returned to the stars.

"It's Gordon." The dragon hunter said hello, "I've heard about the ancient dragon people. It's no wonder the commander-in-chief sent so many elites here."

Out of caution, Ancier asked confirmingly, "Mr. Mecca, do you think the 'veins of the earth' mentioned by the ancient dragon people refer to the earth vein corridor?"

"There is no doubt." Mecca nodded: "The veins of the earth, the corridor of the earth, and the river of life all refer to the same thing."

"If the Lava Dragon dies deep in the Earth Corridor, the burst of energy will destroy the entire New World. Do you think this is credible?" Hayata couldn't help but ask.

Mecca thought for a moment, "I can only say that it is possible. It is not that the power of the Molten Dragon itself is enough to destroy the New World. It is more like a lead, or a weight that destroys the balance.

Its death is likely to cause a series of events such as changes in the earth's veins, turmoil among the ancient dragons, and volcanic eruptions. By then, it is not difficult to imagine the destruction of the New World. "

The atmosphere in the tent was more solemn.

"But it's not without good news." The dragon hunter suddenly changed the topic, "Not long ago, we discovered a rift valley with a lot of volcanic rock fragments scattered inside.

Judging from the scale of the rift valley, the Lava Mountain Dragon may have slept in it for a while. If you look in this direction, you may be able to find its location soon. "

"Where is it?" the cheerful dragon scholar asked loudly.

Mecca walked over to the map and marked the location.

"Is this direction the Grand Canyon?" Another uncle shouted with his eyes wide open.

"It's possible, it's possible!"

"Call back the investigators who went south and strengthen the investigation of the route to the Grand Canyon!"

"We can also participate in the investigation." Evelin took the initiative.

Just as the cheerful Draconian scholar was about to agree, several more people broke into the tent.

It was Feng Ying, Ai Bo, and a young dragon man (a biologist whose whereabouts were unknown) wearing a turban and looking panicked.

"We have made important discoveries in the swamp area to the south!" Feng Ying said in a hurried tone. Her hair was messy. It was obvious that she had just come back all the way on a pterosaur.

"Huh? The south swamp?" The three uncles had questions on their heads.

We just determined the direction of investigation to the north, and you made important discoveries to the south? !

"The Earth Sand Dragon was killed! But it wasn't the Mud Fish Dragon who did it, it was that guy! That scary guy!" The young dragon-human scholar was incoherent, as if he had been stimulated by something.

Gordon frowned, "Tell me slowly, what is the specific situation."

Feng Ying ignored the greetings and explained quickly: "We found a large number of bone spines on a dead Sand Dragon. When we got close to the body of the Sand Dragon, the guide insects also emitted a bright blue light.

Master Gordon, you said that the blue light represents the ancient dragon species, right? "

Gordon and the three looked at each other.

"Have you brought back any specimens of the bone spines you mentioned?" Hayata asked.

"Yes, yes, April!"

"Here it is!" Ai Bo hurriedly took out a pitch-black bone spine fragment from his bag.

Gordon calmly reached out and took the piece.

The scar on my cheek hurts.

"Are you here to join in the fun?"

ps. The Easter egg chapter is the last picture in this set, Gordon's picture, but to be honest, I am very dissatisfied with this one. The artist's painting style is too small and fresh, not macho orz at all, and the others are okay. , Gordon is really inappropriate.

So I asked another friend to draw it again. Although the painting style was different, the image was more consistent =v=

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