Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1061 New combat plan

On other matters, Gordon doesn't have much of an opinion or even join in the discussion.

But once it comes to combat, as the "leader" of the hunters fighting on the front line, he must veto unreasonable tactics, otherwise the casualty figures will be ugly.

"Gordon, and Feng Ying, you can tell me what you think. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. We can discuss it further." The swordsman who sat on the wine barrel and rarely spoke spoke.

He also had no experience in fighting against super giant ancient dragons, but he recognized Gordon's judgment.

"That's right." The Commander-in-Chief was also not the type to become dissatisfied when others opposed him. He looked at the two young juniors with encouragement in his eyes.

Gordon pondered for a moment and said: "In my opinion, setting up obstacles is simply not feasible. If it can crash, dig through mountains, and enter the Grand Canyon, then there is no way we can create a barrier that can stop it.

No matter how thick the city wall is, it can't compare to the mountains.

Assembling people for a decisive battle is also difficult to achieve the effect. All the hunters are dispatched, and they are just fifty ants to the Laoshan Dragon.

However, when we came back for the meeting, the upper-level hunters were already conducting close reconnaissance on the Molten Mountain Dragon. I believe that it won't be long before some weaknesses will be discovered.

The super size of Laoshanosaurus gives it amazing vitality, but this is also good for us. The excessive size difference makes it very difficult for it to notice us.

We can land on it frequently, looking for weak points to destroy.

Don't think about knocking it down all at once. The Molten Dragon moves very slowly and will stop and sleep every time it travels for a period of time.

We have at least one to two months where we can continue to attack and weaken its strength.

It was old and dying, and it might be possible to defeat it before he reached his destination. "

"A long-term war?" The commander-in-chief nodded slowly.

The director of the Institute of Ecology suddenly raised his head, "I suddenly thought of something. The larger the creature, the harder it is to dissipate heat. This is the law of life.

Don't look at the lava dragon carrying a volcano on its back. If its body temperature exceeds a certain threshold, it will also cause serious damage to its internal organs.

We scholars have been discussing how Laoshanlong dissipates heat before.

Laoshanosaurus spends most of its life in the sea, like a living island, and the sea water can take away excess heat.

But after logging in, the efficiency of heat dissipation will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

This may be the real reason why it walks and sleeps for a while - it needs time to let its body temperature drop. "

The leader of the research team pushed up his glasses and said, "From this perspective, there must be some heat dissipation organs in the Laoshan Dragon.

Just like the skin membranes on the back and forehead of Mangnathus, they will expand when angry to help dissipate heat. "

Feng Ying scratched her head, "That guy is carrying a volcano on his back. To dissipate heat, wouldn't it be enough to spray out some magma?"

"It won't be in this way." The leader of the research team shook his head, "A large amount of erupting magma can indeed dissipate heat, but it will also lose a lot of material. In just a few times, it will exhaust the material in the body.

Just like when you feel hot, you can take off your coat to fan yourself, or go for a swim in the sea, but you won’t think about cutting your wrists to bleed. "

"Wonderful metaphor"

The director of the Institute of Ecology looked at Gordon, "Survey squad leader, please remind the hunters that when landing Laoshanlong for reconnaissance, focus on looking for 'high temperature' parts.

These parts are probably the heat dissipation organs of Laoshanosaurus.

In the subsequent battles, we can repeatedly destroy these organs to prevent the Laoshan Dragon from dissipating heat. The heat in its body is accumulating more and more, but it cannot be discharged. There will always be a time when it cannot hold on. "

"I've written it down." Gordon nodded seriously, "We need a lot of explosives. Using explosive bombs to destroy is definitely much more efficient than using swords and ballistas."

The supplies squad leader gave a thumbs up, "Leave the preparation and transportation of combat supplies to us!"

Isn't it just preparing bombs? This is much less laborious than the previous "building a wall" plan.

After everyone discussed it, the battle plan was gradually refined and improved.

The ongoing war of attrition is one aspect. The survey team also plans to set up several "blasting points" in the Grand Canyon.

When the Lava Mountain Dragon passes by and fully presses its body, it detonates a large amount of explosives in one breath, causing huge damage instantly.

Even if it doesn't mean it can kill the Laoshan Dragon, even if it only injures one leg, it can seriously slow down the progress of the Laoshan Dragon and buy more time for the hunters to "stop the heat dissipation".

When the issue of material transportation was mentioned, Feng Ying suddenly raised her hand and asked a question that she had been holding back for a long time.

"Well, I want to ask, why not use an airship?" Feng Ying gestured with her hands, "Just like when we came back this time, our companions asked us to help bring a batch of ammunition and replacement equipment. The pterosaurs were afraid that they would bring Do not move.

It would be too slow to let the transport team transport it. It would be nice to have an airship. It is fast and the transportation efficiency is much higher than that of the pterosaur. "

"This question." The leader of the second phase team scratched his beard helplessly, "Actually, our stars have airships, even larger cargo airships, but..."

Feng Ying blinked, "Just what?"

"It's just that everyone has some psychological shadow."

The commander-in-chief sighed and explained for the leader of the second phase regiment: "The second phase regiment has a very powerful airship developer. More than ten years ago, he was responsible for the design and transformed the ships of the third phase regiment into airships. .

The airship carried the expectant scholars across the Grand Canyon, but unfortunately it was attacked over the coral platform and crashed.

Those scholars are still trapped on the Coral Platform

It was precisely because of this incident that the investigation team suspended the use of airships, and the airship developer became decadent because of self-blame. "

Gordon twitched his lips.

After all these years, he certainly knew about this.

In fact, we can understand the choice of the investigation team. A large number of companions were in danger due to the crash of the airship. It is only one aspect that everyone has lingering fears.

The more important reason is that the survey team, or rather the former survey team, does not have high demand for air transportation.

Due to the natural chasm of the Grand Canyon, the mainland coral platform is home to a large number of wind-drifting dragons, making it a restricted area for airships.

More than 90% of the investigation activities of the investigation team were conducted in the south of the Grand Canyon, that is, the two large areas of the ancient tree forest and the large ant mound wasteland area, and the scope is limited.

It is convenient for a small number of investigators to travel by pterosaurs. Occasionally more manpower and material resources are needed, and the transport fleet of the fourth phase of the regiment can arrive in a week or two.

But now, the situation seems to be somewhat different.

Especially now that we have to fight a protracted battle with the Molten Dragon.

The hunters needed various supplies of combat materials. It was unrealistic for the transportation team of the fourth phase of the regiment to go across the mountains and ridges to deliver large quantities of materials into the Grand Canyon, and the pterosaur transport capacity was extremely limited.

From this point of view, the importance of airboat transportation suddenly became highlighted.

"How about I go and persuade the airship developer?" Feng Ying asked tentatively.

The leader of the second phase of the regiment wiped his shiny bald head covered with scars, "Forget it, let me go. That guy has been decadent for so long. It's time to pick himself up and do something serious!"

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