Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1064 Dragon Love

The acid pterosaur controlled by the hunters landed on the back of the lava dragon. When it was still two or three meters above the ground, Ancil and Gale released the rope of the projector and landed steadily.

After making a gesture to keep the Acid Pterosaur from flying too far and hovering nearby on standby, Anhil looked around.

The gray-black basalt floor, the cliff-like protrusions, the faint magma coming out of the cracks in the rocks, the distorted air under the heat wave, and the smell of sulfur diffused at the tip of the nose.

All this makes it difficult for hunters to believe that they are standing on the back of a creature.

Even the vibrations when the latter walks are inevitably reminiscent of the small earthquakes that frequently occur in volcanic areas.

"This is completely an 'active' volcano." Gale lifted up his visor and fanned himself with his hand. "Nima is so hot."

Anxier took out a bottle of cold drink and threw it to her, "The daytime temperature in this Gobi desert is already close to forty degrees, and when it is steamed by the heat wave of the magma, the heat is natural."

Gale pulled off the bottle cap and put the cold drink into her mouth. The sudden coldness made her head hurt. She covered her head and shivered, "Wow!"

Anxier smiled, took out a bottle of cold drink himself, and drank slowly, "You need to take cold drinks (not used in the game) to avoid heat stroke when you are active on the back of a molten mountain dragon for a long time. This must be reported to Xingchen and asked them to take it. Cold drinks are added to the supplies.”

Gale threw away the empty glass medicine bottle. At this time, there was no need to pay too much attention to "environmental protection".

The glass bottle fell to the ground and shattered into countless fine slag.

Some fragments slipped into the crevices of the rock that glowed red, and soon softened with red heat and became part of the magma.

Glancing at the cracks in the rocks where magma was flowing, Anhil warned, "Be careful of burns."

"I know~!" Gale smiled and blew him a kiss.

Anhir snorted, "Don't waste time, let's get started."

The main purpose of their landing on Laoshan Dragon this time was to test the attack effects of various crossbow shells.

But to be honest, when seeing this ancient dragon that can only be described as "magnificent", no one would think that the swords and crossbows used by hunters could cause harm to such a creature.

Unless a weak point is found, even heavy artillery is nothing more than a joke in front of this guy.

"I always feel like it's wasted effort." Gale muttered, took off the black feather crossbow, replaced it with a new magazine, pointed at the ground a few meters away and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three penetrating bullets were fired out quickly, and then bounced off the volcanic rock ground with flowing lines of magma.

Penetrating bombs were completely unable to penetrate into it, leaving only a few inconspicuous small craters on the ground.

"What's the difference between this and shooting the ground?" Gale put down the muzzle and lost interest in continuing to try.

Ancier was more rigorous and experimented with penetrating bullets, shotguns, armor-piercing grenades, diffusion bullets, and even rare crossbow bullets such as dragon strike bullets.

The ground in front of him became bumpy, but that was all. Not to mention hurting the Lava Mountain Dragon, the opponent didn't even notice the attack.

In the end, Ancier had no choice but to fold and put away the heavy crossbow, sighing: "This is a pure waste of ammunition."

"Who says it's not?" Gale shrugged, "Let me tell you, maybe this thing is more useful. Look at those over there, they look like exposed veins of minerals."

As she spoke, she took out an iron pickaxe from behind her.

Under Anhil's strange gaze, Gale moved his arms and waist, then came to a cliff-like ridge and started banging it.

"Wow! Honey, look! It's a dragon stone!"

".Can you be more serious?"

After finishing today's investigation, the first thing Ancil and Gale did when they returned to the camp on the pterosaur was to pass on the intelligence they had detected about the Molten Dragon to the compilers.

The most important of these is the map.

Although it sounds ridiculous, they are indeed drawing a map for the body of a living creature.

The quill slid rapidly, and on the paper several feet square, the topographic map based on the lava dragon from a bird's eye view was gradually refined.

The person in charge of drawing is finally no longer Hayata, who calls herself a "half-baked painter", but Sophia, the former brigade poster girl.

This bespectacled girl's skills in drawing maps and sketches were as good as those of experienced scriveners like Alva. Especially her sketches, which were both visually and visually impressive, attracted admiration from several other young compilers.

Hayata and Aiden's expressions were slightly subtle. Only they knew the real reason why Sophia developed such painting skills.

At this time, Sophia could neither hear everyone's praise nor notice the strange looks in Hayata's eyes, and was completely immersed in her own world.

Her body was shaking slightly, her cheeks were red, and her breathing was noticeably heavier.

"So majestic, so solemn, that melting core of molten rock, that warm and solid rock shell like the earth"


As a married woman, Gale pointed at Sophia and turned back with questions: "What's wrong with this guy?"

Aiden smiled dryly and looked away.

Sophia was his first love, and at that stupid age, he pursued her with all his strength.

It's a pity that the "orientation" of this girl with glasses is not human at all.

Her first love was Broken Dragon. During her days in the brigade, she was also crazy about strange dragons and big strange birds.

In her spare time, she was either sketching the "Darlings" or sewing dolls, which filled the room.

Exquisite sketching skills are also developed in this process.

Facing Gale's soul torture, Hayata tried hard to organize her words and explain to her best friend, "Sofia...well, her love for monsters is unparalleled."

Xianglan licked her paws and added, "Do you know why she always stares at you, meow? Because the armor you are wearing is from Broken Dragon, and that is her favorite 'Darling' meow."

After spinning several times in his mind, Gale finally came to his senses and looked at Sophia with a little admiration in his eyes.

"We have always felt that sexual orientation is free, such as gender. It is not impossible to accommodate, but this girl is too free."

After traveling with the brigade for a while, Anhil was somewhat familiar with Sophia's quirks, and his eyelids twitched. "Some things are better if they are more mainstream."

"What riddle are you talking about?" Gene couldn't help but yelled and asked after listening for a long time without understanding.

Evelin glanced at him, "Children don't need to understand this."

"I'm not a child!"

The strange topic made the atmosphere in the camp a little weird. At this moment, Sandstone, who was on guard outside, rushed in.

"Something strange is flying over, meow! It's such a big meow!"

Due to the previous Nergigante attack, the hunters suddenly became nervous.

They picked up their weapons and rushed out of the tent, but what appeared on the horizon caused them to fall into a brief daze.

"Where did they get the empty boat from Nirma?"

The strange-looking but pragmatic airboat slowly descended and finally landed in a small canyon outside the camp.

Everyone trotted around and saw Feng Ying eagerly jumping off the airship.

"We're back with support!"

Pork Chop followed closely behind, akimbo and belly stretched out, "There are many more big bang bang meows!"

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