Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1072 Explode! Just blow it up!

In the Grand Canyon, a relatively narrow pass has turned into a busy construction site.

Almost all the manpower and material resources of the investigation team were gathered to set up a super large explosion trap, which was set up here.

A huge pit of several thousand meters cubic was dug in the center of the pass. The diameter of the pit is not too big, about thirty meters, at least it is not too big compared to the size of Laoshan Dragon.

But this pit is dug very deep, and thousands of bomb barrels are neatly filled in it. If it is detonated in the Star Stronghold, the entire stronghold will be leveled instantly.

And this is just the basis of the explosion trap.

In order to enhance the lethality of the explosion, the craftsmen of the survey team also filled the pit with all the artillery shells in stock.

This is the same as the fine shrapnel in shotguns, except that these shrapnel are larger.

In addition, several alchemists headed by Granny Alchemist are still trying their best to add ingredients to this trap.

Pork Chop handed them the formula for high-density dragon-killing carbon.

Fire dragon marrow and dragon-slaying fruit are easy to talk about. There is no shortage of capable fire dragon hunters in Star Stronghold, but there is nowhere to get the blaster dragon marrow and gunpowder rock, which are also one of the core materials.

There are blaster dragons distributed in the far north of the continent, but the journey is too far and there is no time to catch up.

Fortunately, Granny Alchemist is a real master of alchemy.

In terms of blending and alchemy skills alone, Pork Chop, who already has the title of "explosion expert", is far inferior to professionals like them.

Under her leadership, the alchemists racked their brains to find other materials with similar properties to substitute, and finally they made it.

The low-end version of the high-density dragon-killing carbon made from the high-grade Exploding Arowana as auxiliary materials is not as powerful and stable as the original version. Fortunately, the materials are relatively easy to obtain.

So the alchemists started to work overtime again. If the quality is inferior, they can make up the quantity. It's okay if the stability is slightly inferior. This thing is not used to make cannonballs. Just be careful not to explode.

Anyway, Pork Chop followed Gordon and the others to the construction site in an airship. After briefly asking Granny Alchemist about the number of explosive bombs and dragon-killing carbon in the trap pit, the whole cat exploded like a ball of fur.

He ran wildly to find Rania and asked her to lead the security personnel to guard the pit day and night. Anyone who dared to approach with an open flame would be hanged and beaten.

If there was an accidental explosion, the New World Investigation Team would be completely wiped out.

For more than a week, Pork Chop didn't sleep well.

It wasn't until the past two days that the continuously expanding and enriched explosion crater was finally filled with soil and sealed, that it felt a little relieved.

At least we no longer have to worry about who lights up a pipe and everyone goes to heaven together.

"Damn it, Granny Alchemy who has lifted the restrictions is so scary, meow."

After the Lava Dragon crashed through the mountain barrier and entered the Grand Canyon, the hunters' actions became increasingly difficult.

There are two main sources of trouble.

The acid pterosaurs that live in the Grand Canyon gather in groups and hover over the lava dragons.

These hungry and greedy carnivorous pterosaurs are extremely aggressive and are far more numerous than in the Great Anthill Wasteland.

In order to ensure that the swordsmen carrying the bomb barrels moved smoothly, Gordon and the others had no choice but to transfer more shooters from the Star Stronghold and let them serve as guards and cover the operations.

The second trouble is temperature.

The actions of continuously destroying the heat dissipation organs and interfering with heat dissipation have a significant effect. A large amount of waste heat has no time to be discharged, causing the Laoshan Dragon's body temperature to get higher and higher.

Even if hunters are operating at night, they must take cold drinks, but this can only ensure that they are safe for a short period of time. If the effect of the cold drinks wears off, staying a little longer will cause skin burns and even respiratory tract burns.

This temperature is already comparable to the core area of ​​Tirion Volcano and the lava canyon.

The operation was difficult, but the morale of the hunters was getting higher and higher.

Just hot!

This required us to work hard for more than half a month, but there was no change in Laoshanlong's reaction at all, so we should doubt whether the action was effective.

The morale-boosted hunters attacked frantically day and night.

Until today, as the last attack team set up explosive bombs and left amid the roar of the Molten Dragon, the operation to destroy the cooling organs finally came to an end.

Next, we will enter the final stage of the Lava Dragon capture operation.

On the ridges on both sides of the canyon, the hunters responsible for reconnaissance were hidden here. They were grouped every few hundred meters and quietly monitored every move of the Lava Mountain Dragon.

At this time, Laoshanlong was only less than ten kilometers away from the location where the explosion crater was set, and the hunters' attack had ended.

Except for a few observers, all personnel evacuated outside the canyon. The Lava Dragon must be given enough time to regain its composure and slowly move toward the trap.

This is very critical.

After all, with the size of the Laoshan Dragon, any larger movements would be as big as landslides and ground cracking.

As long as it stands up and then lies down, it will be a violent earthquake in a small area.

Explosive barrels and unstable versions of dragon-killing carbon buried shallowly in the ground cannot withstand such vibrations, and are very likely to be detonated in advance.

All the previous efforts of the investigation team were in vain, and it was impossible to set up a new trap in a short time.

Therefore, whether the Laoshan Dragon can step onto the trap and be blown up calmly, steadily, and smoothly will be the top priority of this battle.

There is really not much that hunters can do about this.

Fortunately, Laoshan Dragon's temperament is passive enough. As long as no one interferes with it, it will always look like it doesn't care about anything, moving forward slowly step by step.

The observers, clothed in invisibility clothing, lurk quietly.

The lava dragon, covered in dark red with lava spewing from the cracks in the rock shell, walked past them.

The high temperature distorted the air around it, making its figure blurry, leaving a series of dark red molten footprints on the ground it stepped on.

Even the group of acid pterosaurs hovering around it didn't dare to get too close.

Jean, who was observing secretly, muttered in a low voice, "I'm not surprised if this big guy explodes on the spot the next second.

Damn it, can’t it even feel the heat? "

Aiden on the side smiled dryly and added, "Yeah, if we don't blow it up now, it will be a little difficult for us to get on it again. I'm afraid we won't be able to carry it for a few minutes even if we drink a lot of cold drinks."

"A tough guy like me won't be afraid of the heat! The worst I can do is put on heat-resistant clothing!" Jean said while drinking a bottle of cold drink. "Let's prevent accidents. What accidents can happen?"

"Who knows?" Aiden shrugged. "Fortunately, the Nergigante fought with the Molten Dragon early. I heard that Senior Gordon was seriously injured, otherwise it would be troublesome for him to come and cause trouble at this time."

"Hehehe, isn't it said that that guy has super strong regeneration ability? Maybe he has recovered and is on his way to get his life back?" Jean said with a strange smile.

Aiden's face froze, "Please don't make such a joke at this time, something will really happen."

"Ha! Are you still superstitious about these things?"

Gene was smiling when a thunderous roar came from the distant sky.

The two looked at each other.

"**! Let you talk more!" Good-tempered Aiden couldn't help but swear.

Jean, whose face was also a little green, lifted off his invisibility suit, jumped up, grabbed the red flare symbolizing an emergency, and fired it.

"Everyone else is nearby and will be here soon. Let's go ahead and stop it!"

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