Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1075 How about adding a protective plate?

Chapter 1075 How about adding a protective plate.

The high temperature of the surrounding environment burned the skin to an unbearable level.

While Hayata and the others were entangled with the Nergigante, Feng Ying quickly poured cold drinks into her mouth, then put on heat-resistant clothes, and then she felt better.

After completing preparations, Feng Ying rushed straight towards her opponent, taking over from Hayata to stand in front of the Nergigante.

Hayata and the others took the opportunity to retreat, drink cold drinks and change clothes.

These preparations are very necessary. If you ignore environmental factors and think you can get through it if you endure it, you will lose your fighting ability due to heat stroke and burns in a few minutes.

The pressure of facing the Nergigante alone was very great, even if it was just for a few seconds, it forced her to panic.

To put it bluntly, Nergigante's attack method is not complicated.

In the final analysis, it mainly focuses on various claw attacks, with a small amount of penetration into the top corners, bumping, biting, tail flicking, etc.

At the same time, some larger attacks will be accompanied by thorns shooting.

But its speed and attack rhythm are too fast.

Just like the experience of the dual-sword user she rescued before, many attacks cannot be avoided no matter how fast the reaction speed is without predicting them in advance.

Feng Ying had no choice but to defend herself against the Nergigante's attacks with various postures, without any chance of taking advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack.

After several rounds of fighting, there were already several pale white scratches on the shield of Destiny Force. If it had been replaced by a shield of inferior quality, it might have been in pieces.

Good thing she's not really fighting alone.

Evelin, who was in charge of support and guerrillas, quickly came to her side and inserted a healing chimney.

As the blue-white medicine mist dispersed, Feng Ying, who was in pain and numb all over, suddenly felt much better due to the continuous heavy blows from the Nergigante.

Hayata, who had been away for nearly a minute, returned to the battle group.

Logically speaking, drinking a cold drink and putting on some clothes wouldn't take that long, but she made more comprehensive preparations.

In the previous confrontation, she also discovered that Nergigante had become stronger. Even with the strong air blade she had honed for many years, it became extremely difficult to withstand Nergigante's most basic claw attack. .

In order to regain the initiative, she chose to borrow "external forces".

She used all the ghost medicine, hardening medicine, strange power pills, and strange power dust that could be used.

Gale also took the time to shoot a ghost bomb on each of several people, then switched back to her favorite penetrating bomb and continued to shoot.

Trying to control the surge in strength, Hayata took the initiative to launch a strong attack.

Their time is very limited, and they must drive away the Nergigante as soon as possible. Otherwise, with every step the Molten Dragon takes, the risk of detonating and trapping in advance will increase.

"Cover me!" Hayata shouted.

After receiving the signal, Feng Ying immediately rushed forward and thrust herself into the Nergigante's face with a strong posture as if she was about to put herself into the Nergigante's mouth.

Naturally, Nergigante would not be polite to her, he just lowered his head and took a bite.

Feng Ying quickly jumped away to avoid being bitten by the huge mouth, and then immediately spread out the insect silk and entered a fully charged defensive posture.

Just as she expected, as soon as the defensive posture was set up, the Nergigante's claw attack followed closely.

What Hayata was waiting for was the moment when the Nergigante waved its claws and revealed its flaw.

She immediately thrust her sword forward, used the force to jump up, and struck the Nergigante's head and neck with a single blow in the air.

Air blade cutting.

The blood of the ancient dragon that shot out completely stimulated the dragon attribute energy contained in the dragon knife [Red Lotus], and the red arc exploded, shattering the large number of thorns on the head and neck of the extermination dragon.

The Nergigante roared and leaned back, taking half a step back.

Feng Ying, who was almost pushed to the ground by the previous claw, took the opportunity to lift her shield and stand up. She inserted her sword into the shield and strode forward. She slashed the Nergigante in front of the Nergigante with a super attack.

Even when Nergigante was under attack, his reaction speed was astonishingly fast.

It lowered its head and pressed the big black horn against the ax blade, while the energy erupted from the power bottle triggered a series of explosions along the Nergigante's neck and towards its back.

Another batch of thorns were blown to pieces.

But before the hunters had time to be happy, the Nergigante raised its body, spread its wings, and let out a burst of roar.

The thorns that were shattered by the attacks of the supernova and the swordsmen were regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost as soon as these thorns emerged, the tips were stained with metallic black iron, and became longer and sharper in a very short period of time.

After finishing its roar, Nergigante locked its scarlet one eye on the two of them.

"Dodge!" Hayata shouted subconsciously and ran at full speed.

Although it is uncertain what kind of attack the Nergigante will launch next, there is always nothing wrong with leaving the place.

The two ran wildly apart, but the Nergigante was not disturbed by this. It locked onto Hayata, and then followed up with a collision similar to an iron mountain.

As Hayata ran, the distance between the two exceeded thirty meters, so there was no need to worry about being hit by the Nergigante.

But this is not an ironclad foundation at all.

As it moved, large thorns shot out from its black wings and back, shrouding the running hunter, and the dense sound of breaking wind made the hair stand on end.

Ignoring the high temperature on the ground that can cook meat, Hayata jumped out and hid behind a low rock protrusion.

The shooting black thorns covered a large area of ​​nearly a hundred square meters.

The rock where Hayata was hiding also shattered under the bombardment of black thorns. A black thorn scratched her back, tearing a huge wound almost across her back.

If it weren't for the scabbard, he might even have injured his spine.

In a state of extreme mental stress, people tend to ignore pain. Hayata quickly stood up and left the place to avoid further pursuit by the Nergigante.

Looking at the blood splattered, Feng Ying couldn't help but let out a scream.

"It's okay! Skin injury!" Hayata shouted, and then quickly swallowed a secret medicine.

A wound that can span the entire back is naturally not just a "skin wound".

Although luckily his spine was not injured, a large amount of muscle was torn, which would seriously affect his movements and the strength of his sword swing.

The secret medicine works very quickly, but it can only stop the bleeding. The wound, which is nearly thirty centimeters long and has everted skin and flesh, is not easy to heal.

Hearing Hayata's voice was quite convincing, Feng Ying felt relieved. She once again put up a shield in front of the Nergigante to prevent it from chasing its injured companion.

"Fedi! Help!" Evelin shouted as she quickly rushed to Hayata's side.

Feddy stopped playing, dragged the heavy hunting flute to the side of the Nergigante's head, swung the hunting flute and produced a burst of high-frequency waves, which shocked the Nergigante's head.

Immediately afterwards, he smashed the hunting flute against the monster's head, and cooperated with Feng Ying to restrain the Nergigante.

Although most of the time, his job is to provide "atmosphere" to the team, but when necessary, the hunting whistle in his hand can also be a long-handled hammer.

Evelin sprinkled a handful of life dust on the wound on Hayata's back, then took out the bandage, quickly bandaged it, and smoothed and tied up the everted wound.

She knew very well that Hayata would not withdraw from the battle. The wound that had initially stopped bleeding would definitely burst open again in the subsequent battle. The purpose of the bandage was only to prevent excessive bleeding.

"Thank you." Hayata drank another bottle of emergency medicine and prepared to return to the battle.

Evelin also put away the first aid equipment and picked up the sword and shield again, "After that, you'd better ask the craftsmen in the processing house to add more protective plates to the back of your [Death Claw]."


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