Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1077 Could it be that you want to harm me?

Feng Ying turned on the high-pressure backfill device (electric saw) and continued to cut the Nergigante's relatively soft waist, legs, and tail.

Those steel cone-like thorns collided with the high-speed rotating ax blade, sparking countless sparks.

These thorns are very hard, but lack toughness. They quickly break into pieces under repeated cutting by the shield axe.

Their regeneration speed was also much slower than before. Feng Ying was able to successfully attack the relatively soft flesh protected by the thorns and saw open wounds.

The attack from behind distracted the Nergigante. Just as it was about to turn around and counterattack, Gordon hit the side of its head with a powerful charging slash, followed by another powerful sweeping slash.

Compared with the one behind him, the guy in front of him is more troublesome.

Nergigante had no choice but to withdraw his attention, kicking his hind legs to temporarily force Feng Ying back. At the same time, he raised his head and pushed forward to block the sword with the big horn frame above his head, thus defusing the attack.

The balance of victory began to favor the hunter.

After the injury was basically healed, the Nergigante, which rushed to take revenge without having time to eat and recuperate, was already in a bad state. After being besieged by the hunters, it was now very exhausted.

The hunters were not in very good shape, but Gordon, who finally joined the battle, was an exception.

Although it took some effort to break through the siege of the Acid Pterosaur, it was not considered a waste, and with the encouragement of the music played by his companions on the hunting flute, he could be said to be in high spirits now.

As long as he is given enough time, he is 80 to 90% sure that he will gradually suppress and drive away the Nergigante.

But the biggest problem now is that they don't have much time left.

Evelyn completed a set of combos at the Nergigante's side. The dragon's energy eroded the wound. The sharp pain, which was different from ordinary sword wounds, stimulated the Nergigant's nerves. It lifted the dragon's wings and knocked back the hunter.

As a shortstop, Evelin seemed to be the main attacker, and then continued to launch a strong attack, "There are less than three kilometers left to the trap location, there is no time!"

This distance has crossed the "red line". If the Molten Dragon makes any big move at this time, it is possible to detonate the trap in advance.

From the perspective of tactical planning, they have failed. The next step is purely betting on probability. Every step the Molten Mountain Dragon takes, the risks will continue to accumulate.

Hearing Evelin's reminder, Gordon swung his sword horizontally, deflected one of the Nergigante's claws, and roared: "One last wave of all-out attack, and then you all retreat! Let the shooters on the ridge also Retreat together!"

"All retreat?!" Feddy, who used the hunting flute as a hammer, confirmed and asked again.

"The ancient dragon has a very high IQ. It will be aware of danger!" Gordon was distracted for a moment when he spoke. His movements were slightly slower than before, and the Nergigante seized the opportunity and immediately pounced on him.

After Gordon quickly rolled to avoid it, he didn't dare to say any more and concentrated on dealing with the powerful enemy in front of him.

His words were a bit confusing, but several people present had faced the experienced elders of the ancient dragon species more than once, and they quickly understood what Gordon meant.

In this battle, they and the Nergigante were not on opposite sides. It could even be said that they had the same goal - to defeat the Molten Dragon.

It can be said that the reason why this battle broke out was entirely due to a "misunderstanding."

In the eyes of the Nergigante, it wanted to attack the Molten Dragon, but the hunters kept interfering with it. After being angered, it decided to kill the hunters first.

From the human side, if they were not worried about the explosion trap being accidentally exploded, it would be too late to welcome the Nergigante. It would be best if the two ancient dragons died together.

But why did you come here to cause trouble at this critical time, no matter how early or late you were? !

The two parties cannot communicate, so they can only use the simplest and crudest way of "fighting" to solve the problem.

At the moment, the hunters have the upper hand. The sudden withdrawal of the hunters at this time is a very "something wrong" signal to the Nergigante.

If it were ordinary beasts or monsters with low IQs, they wouldn't think so much. If the opponent ran away, they would be afraid and would chase after them desperately.

But the ancient dragon species are different. The IQ of the ancient dragon species is not inferior to that of humans. Even a guy with a violent temper like the exterminator is the same and very cunning.

It should have sensed the danger from the hunters retreating in droves and decided to retreat.

Of course, this solution is not safe.

So Gordon's statement is that "you" all retreat.

As for himself, he was prepared to stay and continue to put pressure on the Nergigante.

This will not only prevent the Nergigante Dragon from turning around to find trouble with the Molten Dragon, protect the Molten Dragon from completing its "last journey" safely, but also further arouse the Nergigante Dragon's vigilance.

The ancient dragon species are very sensitive to danger. As they continue to approach the explosion trap, the Nergigante is likely to be aware of the danger.

In addition, the hunters retreated en masse, and the opponent in front of them was pestering them not to let them go.

As long as the Nergigante's brain is not completely filled with muscles, it should come to a conclusion - are you trying to harm me?

Although this is also a misunderstanding, as long as the Nergigante can be frightened away, it is a success!

Ferdy stepped back some distance and began to wave and play the hunting whistle, playing all the powerful music he had mastered.

Hearing protection, strength enhancement, elf protection, sound barrier, excitement.

Evelyn slid around the protection of the Nergigante's wings, got into the Nergigante's belly, and swung her sword at full speed to launch a series of precise attacks (jr).

Under high-frequency attacks, the dragon-attributed energy continuously flashes, eroding the flesh and blood of the Nergigante Dragon.

Feng Ying released the high-pressure backfill, shouted, and slashed the Nergigante's hind legs with a super attack. The scales almost completely turned into iron-black. The scales were very tough, but they could not withstand the heavy blow of the super attack. hit.

The scales and carapace were torn apart, the muscles were chopped off, and blood spewed out from the blast bottle's energy explosion.

The blow was so painful that the Nergigante almost jumped up. Gordon simultaneously launched a strong attack from the front, forcing it to have no time to look back. It had no choice but to swing its thorn tail and strike at Feng Ying behind it.

Feng Ying anticipated the Nergigante's counterattack, so she opened her sword and shield early, set up the shield and released the worm silk at the same time, entering a fully charged defensive posture.

The giant mace-like tail swung at the shield, leaving scratches. Feng Ying lowered her center of gravity to ensure that she would not be knocked back.

He gritted his teeth and endured the tail attack, using the worm silk to guide the impact into the bottle, completing the charging in an instant.

Before Nergigante could make more counterattacks, she inserted her sword into her shield, roared and swung the fully charged ax again.

"Super! Solution!"

The giant ax shimmering with electric light once again swung down on the Nergigante's hind legs, further widening the wound made not long ago. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the ax blade even touched the bone joints.

"Roar, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" the exterminate dragon howled in pain.

The severely injured hind leg nerves twitched in a rebound manner, causing it to almost lose its balance and fall over.

After supporting the ground with its wings and barely regaining its balance, the Nergigante turned his head and locked his fierce gaze on Xiang Fengying.

At this moment, Feddy took out a green flare and shot it into the air.

This is the signal to retreat.

Feng Ying made a face at Nergigante, who was glaring at her, and smashed down the homecoming jade.

The pterosaur hovering nearby swooped down and flew over Feng Ying's head at low altitude, leading her out of the battlefield before the Nergigante launched a retaliatory counterattack.

Evelin and Feidi also immediately summoned the pterosaurs and took to the air.

On the ridges on both sides of the canyon, archers with crossbows and bows firing continuously also put away their weapons and evacuated.

The noisy battlefield almost fell silent in the blink of an eye, with only the heavy footsteps of the Lava Mountain Dragon still echoing in my ears.

The sudden change caused a trace of human surprise to appear in Nergigante's eyes. Then, this surprise turned into vigilance. It turned back sharply and stared at the only remaining opponent.

Gordon grinned.

"Are you scared? Let's continue."

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