Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1086 Approaching footsteps

In the end, Gordon and the others only customized a pair of windproof stones.

Except for "relatively worthless" materials such as floating dragon wings, blue fire dragon wings, and brilliant crystals.

A pair of windproof 3 protective stones requires two dragon jade and one fire dragon red jade. Two pieces are four dragon jade and two red jade. Gordon almost didn't have a heart attack on the spot, and he couldn't waste his money like this even if he had saved a lot of money over the years.

Considering that his Black Flame King suit already has excellent wind pressure resistance (wind pressure [large] is invalid), this wind protection stone was finally handed over to Hayata for use.

Paired with those windproof beads, she can basically move freely in the wind pressure caused by the large flying dragon.

In terms of weapons, Gordon brought the [Red Wings] (Jet Tianhui Dragon) for the first time in a long time. Although the power of the Dragon Qi engine has decreased in the high-energy environment of the New World, considering the specificity of the Dragon Qi flames against ancient dragon species, this A sword is still an excellent choice.

Hayata, on the advice of the director of the Institute of Ecology, chose the Purple Poison Princess set and the Flying Dragon Blade [Moon].

This golden sword was based on the original female fire dragon sword and was strengthened step by step with Sakura Fire Dragon and Golden Fire Dragon materials. In terms of sharpness and power, it was slightly inferior to the Sickle of the Inscription.

But it possesses the strongest poisonous property among all tachi.

This is a perfect match with the Purple Poison Princess suit that has a blessing on various toxins.

Most ancient dragon species have extremely high tolerance to poison, but the steel dragon is just the opposite.

There are no perfect creatures in the world. The steel dragon has extremely powerful wind control ability, steel-like scales that are hard to be damaged by swords, and excellent environmental adaptability, but it also has the only weakness of "fear of poison".

Due to the air curtain, it is almost impossible for poison to reach it.

But once the poison seeps into the body through the gaps in the steel scales, it is difficult for the steel dragon to metabolize it. If the poison is strong enough to invade the internal organs, it will even seriously affect its ability to control the wind.

The few records of defeating the Steel Dragon in history almost always used this as a breakthrough.

Such a clear weakness naturally had to be targeted. Not only Hayata, but also Xianglan happily took out his beloved Purple Poison Princess Cat Sword.

The group of people made all possible preparations and set off on a pterosaur under the guidance of Xuanxu, heading towards the western part of the ancient tree forest shrouded in clouds.

Lava canyon.

Dragging heavy steps, the three Teds returned to the temporary camp after completing part of today's search mission.

This temporary cave camp is located in the inner ring area of ​​the lava canyon, buried shallowly underground. Except for a crack with a width of less than one meter as an entrance and exit, the entire camp is almost completely closed.

Despite this, the light in the cave camp is still barely sufficient.

This is all thanks to the fluorescent moss on the rock walls in the cave. Although these lower creatures that are not even plants look slimy and a bit disgusting, they can provide the most basic lighting and some oxygen.

This is one of the main reasons why they chose this place as a temporary camp.

"Ah - I'm so thirsty that I'm dying of thirst."

As soon as he returned to the safety of the camp, Ted immediately lifted up his helmet and shouted loudly, "I want to drink ale! Cold ale! Barley or bitter wheat is good!"

Urshula lowered his weapon and rolled his eyes.

Maka smiled and pointed to the edge of the cave, a small puddle no more than two or three meters square.

This is an underground spring, a hot spring to be precise. The quality of the spring water is okay. It has a slight sulfur smell but it does not affect drinking. However, the temperature is a bit high. Drinking it without drying it may even burn your tongue.

Of course, with the temperature in this place, the water temperature will not be lower than 30 or 40 degrees even if it is left to dry for a long time.

"At least it has to be cold water." Ted's face was full of reluctance.

Maka continued to look at him with a half-smile.

"Okay, don't look at us like that, we just said it casually." Ted muttered, squatting next to the puddle, filling the water bag, and drinking it little by little.

The environment in the lava canyon is quite harsh.

Due to the big explosion and a series of geological activities, the animals and plants that originally lived in this area either ran away or died. In an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, there are not even a few that can be seen without a magnifying glass. Living thing.

Under normal circumstances, this situation will have to last for at least ten years, or even decades, before the lava canyon can gradually form a relatively stable ecosystem.

However, considering the amazing biological activity of the New World and the special geographical location of the continental coral plateau dozens of kilometers to the north and the ancient tree forest dozens of kilometers to the south, this process may be greatly accelerated.

"Kababa!" Babaka ran over, handed a piece of food to the dejected Ted, and jumped around and said a few words.

Ted, who has also learned the Qimian language over the years, stuffed food into his mouth and patted Babaka's mask, "I know this.

Let's eat quickly and rest quickly. Tomorrow we must find those two broken dragons that have gone somewhere. Damn them, we must have a good meal when we return to the stars! "

Maka and Oshula also sat around the puddle.

The three of them plus a strange-faced tribe were in this extremely hot place, sipping on the scalding hot spring water, gnawing on brick-like food items, and discussing what kind of wine and food they should order when they return.

After finishing the food in his hands, his stomach was full, but his mouth became even more greedy.

"Next time I won't accept the hunting mission here."

"Unless you come out with a barrel!"

"After drinking the barrel, use it to make a barrel of explosive bombs?"

"Hahaha, what a great idea! We just brought a big bucket with us, and the bucket happened to contain some drinks!"

"Hey——." After the three of them joked happily for a while, they all sighed and each found a place to lie down.

"Nima's sleep!"

It was late at night, and this hot valley was eerily quiet.

There was not even the sound of wind or insects. Under the gloomy sky, only the boiling magma in the lava lake in the distance was left, making "pop" bubbles from time to time, like hypnotic white noise.

Near the entrance and exit of the cave camp, Babaka of the Strange-faced Tribe was sleeping on the ground, snoring comfortably.

Suddenly, its cry stopped, and two points of light flashed under the exaggerated mask, which were the reflections of its pupils.


Babaka turned over and sat up, then lay down again, put his ear close to the ground, and listened carefully for a few seconds.

Then he immediately pulled out his weapon and tapped the ground a few times. With no obvious movement, the three Teds in the camp opened their eyes almost at the same time.

Maka picked up the bug stick placed under her neck and asked softly, "What's going on?"

"Bayaka, baka!"

"You said a large monster is approaching here?" Urshula asked confirmingly.


After receiving a confirmed reply, the three hunters looked at each other and helped each other adjust the straps of their armor as quickly as possible. Then they picked up their weapons, loaded their crossbow shells, and got ready for battle.

Although it is rare for monsters to actively attack campsites, it is always wise to be cautious in the wild.

A few minutes passed like this, and gradually, the hunters could clearly hear the footsteps approaching from far away.

The footsteps were a little chaotic, and there should be two individuals. Judging from the vibrations on the ground, they were probably quite big.

Are they those two broken dragons?

The hunters were speculating in their minds.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. Judging from the sound, the monster had arrived outside the cave entrance.

The sound of "chi-chi-" was heard in the cave.

Has it been discovered?

The hunters raised their weapons.

At this moment, the footsteps started moving again, and the two monsters seemed to leave the entrance of the cave.

"Just passing by?" Ted said silently to himself.

"No!" Maka suddenly raised her head, "They are directly above us!"

Before she could finish her words, there was a series of loud noises from the top of the cave, like several cannons firing at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom—!"

The cave seemed to be shaking violently like an earthquake. Large cracks appeared on the rock wall, and the top of the cave camp was shattering.

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