Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1094 Your style is steady but reckless

Half an hour later, the three of them reunited.

Hayata found claw marks on a fallen tree trunk, and there was also a trace of the ancient dragon's breath remaining on it. Alva was the one with the worst luck. He searched very carefully, but could not find any traces.

The three exchanged the collected samples and let their respective guide insects extract the breath before heading to the next location.

Starting from the morning, they spent almost the whole day in various places where the steel dragon left traces, constantly searching for clues.

However, due to the long lapse of time, most places failed to produce any harvest, and the remaining few places did not have much residual scent.

The cluster of metal minerals in front of me with obvious signs of gnawing could almost be said to be the only exception.

Gordon used a knife to scrape some powder off the gnawed edge of the ore cluster, and after placing it in the insect guide cage, the blue light lit up again.

Perhaps it was because the trace was relatively new, or perhaps because the guide insect was becoming familiar with the aura of the steel dragon. The light this time was much brighter than the previous times.

But it's a pity that the instinct to guide the insects has still not been triggered.

Gordon closed the lid of the insect cage, put away the knife, and exhaled with some regret.

Hayata looked up at the sky and said, "There's still more than an hour at most, and the sun is going to set. Should we continue the investigation?"

Gordon also glanced at the sun, and then opened the map, "Of the locations Detel provided us, two-thirds of the area has been checked, and one-third is left.

It's impossible to check everything before dark, so go back to the camp and rest, and continue after dawn tomorrow. "

"Yeah." Hayata nodded, she guessed that Gordon would choose this way.

Unless there are special circumstances, they generally do not choose to operate at night. This is necessary caution.

Alva was still a little unfinished, "There is still some time, should it be enough for us to investigate another location?"


“It also takes time on the road.”

Gordon and Hayata refused in unison.

Alva had a grimace on his face. In the decision-making process of field operations, the hunter's opinion was dominant.

When the two top hunters decided to go back to the camp, even if he objected, he would only be knocked unconscious and kidnapped back.

After returning to the Star Stronghold, if Hayata goes to complain to his wife, then he will never come out again.

"Then let's go." Alva sighed.

The three of them used whistles to call out to the walking pterosaurs and acid pterosaurs that were wandering nearby. They took advantage of the wind and flew into the air, flying at a low altitude of tens of meters above the tree canopy, and flew unhurriedly in the direction of the camp.

The setting sun reflects the sunset, and the warm colors make you feel relaxed.

Gordon couldn't help but sigh, "It seems like the weather will be good again tomorrow."

But at this moment, Alva’s exclamation came to his ears, “Look over there!”

Gordon, who was somewhat startled, quickly turned his head and looked around. In the northwest, about seven or eight kilometers away, clouds were gathering there, forming a dim cyclone.

And as time goes by, the cyclone is constantly expanding, and even they, who are still very far away, can clearly feel that the wind speed is increasing.

Apparently attracted, the insect guide cages around the waists of the three of them emitted fluorescent blue light.

Now you don’t need to guess what caused the cyclone and caused the dark clouds.

The pterosaurs screamed in panic, and the howling of the wind became more and more obvious. Hayata asked loudly: "What should we do now!?"

I pursue safety, return to the camp and wait for the storm and night to pass, and continue looking for clues tomorrow.

Or should we be more direct and fly into the face of the steel dragon now?

Gordon himself was in a dilemma, but he had to make a decision as soon as possible. After a brief hesitation, he had a plan, "Go back to the camp first!"

After hearing this, Hayata wanted to say something, but in the end he did not speak and directed the pterosaur to stay away from the expanding cyclone and clouds.

The pterosaurs who received the signal screamed and accelerated towards the treetop camp.

Flying at high speed, they returned to the camp in ten minutes.

At this time, the sun has not completely set, but the sky has quickly darkened. The originally clear sky was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds, and the sky was so low that it seemed to be pressing down on the treetops.

Raindrops are floating in the sky, and soon it will turn into a downpour.

The three of them landed in the camp one after another. Hayata was about to remove the sword from his back when he heard Gordon quickly say: "Seize the time to eat and rest. When the storm subsides in the second half of the night, we will set off."

"Huh?" Alva didn't respond.

Even Hayata was stunned for a moment.

Gordon took off his helmet and smiled, "I don't want to give up such a good opportunity, but we have been operating for a whole day and we will still be a little tired.

And judging from the heavy rain last night, the wind and rain were the strongest in the first half of the night. It was not a wise decision to drag your tired body and brave the storm to approach Gu Long.

Let it make noise first, and wait until the middle of the night, when the wind and rain subside, we set off in the Pterosaur, and when we were close to a few kilometers away from the center of the storm, we landed and approached on foot.

This should be the safest. Even if a battle occurs, we will not fall into passivity due to fatigue. "

Hayata, who was still a little confused at first, showed a hint of surprise on her face.

Let's just say that if Ancil is in charge of the command, he may make the kind of decision to give up opportunities and pursue safety. In Gordon's case, stability while being reckless is his style.

Gordon took off his heavy breastplate and looked at Alva, "Speaking of which, do you have any experience in operating in dense forests at night, or do you have a lot of experience in this area?

If you are not used to moving at night, don't go for a while. Your opponent is Gu Long, and we are not sure of your safety. "

Gordon's words were direct, and Alva's reply was straightforward.

He made a "don't worry" gesture, "Don't worry! We scriveners are different from you hunters. If we want to get close to observe monsters, we can only hide and hide. Therefore, we can move even more at night than during the day. It's totally fine." !”

Gordon took a deep look at him, took out two flash bombs and handed them to him, "I heard from Aiden that flash bombs are effective against steel dragons. Bring them with you for self-defense. Use them in critical situations."

Alva did not reach out to take it, but gave Gordon a mysterious look.

He unfastened a leather buckle around his waist, took off a portable leather waterproof backpack from behind, opened the zipper, and showed Gordon the items neatly arranged inside.

In addition to the most basic recovery potions and carrying food, there are also various props such as forcible potions, secret potions, flash bombs, sonic bombs, fertilizer bombs, homecoming jade, cancel fruits, etc.

Gordon even saw several poisonous throwing knives and paralyzing throwing knives filled with venom.

In addition to weapons and armor, the number of hunting props this guy carries with him is even more exaggerated and more complex than those of real hunters.

Things like flying knives had been practiced for a while by instructor Ernest when he was an apprentice. In the more than ten years since he officially became a hunter, he had never used them in actual combat.

Why would anyone practice throwing knives? !

Hayata also couldn't understand, "Other things are fine, but do you really know how to use a throwing knife?"

There was another half sentence she didn't say - she herself didn't know how to use this kind of thing at all.

Because her master Yamos didn't value such "insidious gadgets" very much.

Alva chuckled, picked up a throwing knife, and shot it at a thick branch directly in front of him.

Then he pushed up his glasses and said proudly: "My wife taught me this!"

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