Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1103 Feng Feng Feng Feng Piao Long

The rough stones with preliminary identification results still need to be finely ground before they can become decorative beads that can be inlaid on equipment.

Gordon had already planned it, and the high-quality attack bead would be embedded in his inscription sword. It was exciting just thinking about it.

Hayata had similar thoughts.

The kind of protection named "Super Understanding" is extremely rare, and it is an illusory protection that all light-weapon swordsmen who pursue precise attacks (critical hits) dream of.

Over the years since she became a hunter, there is only one person she knows who has a super understanding stone, and that is Julius, a guild knight.

She had been envious of him for a long time.

After making a false promise to treat everyone to a drink when he was free, Gordon blasted away the onlookers.

The result of opening the bead this time was perfect, but they were not here just to identify the original stone. After the crowd dispersed, he took out the dragon vein stone he picked up after fighting the steel dragon.

"What is this?" Isana picked up a crystal fragment curiously.

The commander-in-chief, who has been in the New World for almost half a century, has never seen this thing a few times, let alone Isana, who has only been here for two months.

However, these crystal stones are somewhat similar to another thing in her impression. "It feels a bit like a mad dragon crystal? But it's not the same. It doesn't have that dangerous feeling."

Hayata nodded, "Alva and I have similar feelings. This was condensed on the steel dragon and knocked off during the battle. According to the commander-in-chief, it only appeared on exceptionally powerful ancient dragon individuals.

The Mad Dragon Crystal is a crystal condensed from a powerful creature infected with the Mad Dragon Disease.

Although the ingredients may be different, they should essentially be crystals condensed from the powerful energy emitted from the monster's body. "

"I called Master to come and take a look." Isana motioned to the two of them to wait a moment, ran into the forging room of the processing house, and dragged out the leader of the second phase of the regiment.

When seeing those dragon vein stones, the leader of the second phase group was a little surprised and a little excited.

As the chief craftsman of the New World Investigation Team, he has naturally seen this thing before, "Dragon Vein Stone, we also want to find out what this thing can be used for.

But the samples obtained so far are too few, and I don’t have any clues. Although it’s a bit shameless to say this, I have a merciless request.”

Seeing the slightly embarrassed expression of the leader of the second group, Gordon guessed what he was going to say.

After exchanging glances with Hayata, Gordon smiled and pushed the dragon vein stones and fragments in front of the leader of the second phase, "Since the current purpose is unknown, there is no use holding them.

These dragon vein stones will be provided to the processing house as research materials. If the research has results, please let us know. "

You don't need to think about it to know that these dragon vein stones, which only appear on powerful ancient dragons, are very precious. Donating them casually seems a bit too generous.

But the previous harvest of decorative beads had already made them satisfied, so there was no need to hold on to these dragon vein stones that were of no use for the time being.

The leader of the second group took Isana and solemnly expressed his gratitude. He also asked Isana to get two sets of newly improved immovable clothes and gave them to the two of them as a return gift.

The two happily accepted, and Hayata even jokingly said, "There are really more and more strange clothes in the wardrobe at home."

Coral mesa.

Facing the Feng Piaolong who was struggling on the ground in front of her, Feng Ying mercilessly chopped down the giant ax in her hand, and the ax blade wrapped in lightning broke its cervical vertebrae.

The wailing and struggling Fengdiaolong twitched violently, and then became silent.

"Huh - what number is this, there are so many." Feng Ying put away her weapon, put her hands on her hips and sighed.

The companions also put away their weapons, came to the body of Fengdiaolong, and began to peel it off.

"We can also get together a Wind Floating Dragon suit~!" Mia, the heavy crossbow tester, smiled happily. It is true that she has feelings for the cloud set, but she will not refuse better equipment.

The same goes for Ruijin, the wielder of double swords. As he peeled it off, he sighed, "Finally, I don't have to wear the defense force anymore. It's thick and heavy. It's just for me, the one who plays with double swords."

Speaking of boss Feng Ying and Duo Nuo, don’t you make a Feng Piao Long? "

"I don't have to." Spearman Dono's tone was flat, "The Wind Drifting Dragon suit is a light armor, so it's not suitable for me."

Feng Ying shrugged, "I'm about the same. Although the defense team is a bit ugly, it wears well. I'll change it when I have the opportunity to kill the cologne."

"Wow! Is this the margin of 'White Wind in the New World'?" Ruijin teased.

"Ah hahaha! Of course!"

In recent days, Feng Ying has taken a trio of "reliable adults" around to hunt wind-drifting dragons and floating dragons. On the one hand, she is collecting materials for the second phase of the airship transformation plan of the research base.

On the other hand, it is also to eliminate threats.

Due to the lack of natural enemies, there are too many wind-drifting dragons inhabiting the mainland coral terraces. Their territories are crowded and stacked with each other, and they even live in groups.

This is very rare among flying dragon species.

Take the fire dragon as an example. A fire dragon needs at least hundreds of square kilometers as its territory in order to obtain enough food without destroying the original ecological environment.

Even the famous "loving couple" male and female fire dragons rarely live together outside of the breeding season.

Independence and xenophobia can almost be said to be the nature of the flying dragon species.

But Feng Piaolong is different.

The continental coral platform is extremely rich in natural resources and rich in nutrients. The inexhaustible coral polyp eggs feed a large group of Aromatic Pterosaurs.

And the Fengdiaolong, which mainly preys on Fangpterosaurs, naturally lives well.

Although these graceful flying dragons have a slightly lower ecological niche than fire dragons and other large flying dragons with more ferocious temperaments, they have no real natural enemies after all.

After years of reproduction, the number of the population is simply frightening, and sometimes you can even see multiple wind-drifting dragons appearing at the same time.

In a battle a few days ago, they hunted two Fengdiao dragons that were working together.

At first I thought they were a couple, but later when I was stripping the materials, I discovered that both of them were males, and I didn’t know what they were doing together.

When there are too many Fengdiao dragons, even if the research base that has completed the second transformation successfully takes off, there is a high probability of being attacked and falling again.

This risk is unacceptable.

In the preliminary plan of the leaders of the third phase of the regiment, the research base will leave its original parking location after the transformation is completed and relocate near the entrance of the Miasma Valley.

In this way, scholars at the research base can easily go to the Miasma Valley to conduct scientific research and investigations, without spending days traveling through mountains and rivers.

There is no need to climb ropes with bare hands to get in and out of the valley. You can use the winch on the research base to move up and down quickly, or even transport heavy supplies into the Miasma Valley to establish a fixed camp, which greatly increases the efficiency of exploring the Miasma Valley.

The premise of this plan is to clean up the wind-drifting dragons from the research base to the entrance and exit of Miasma Valley.

It's almost done now.

Fortunately, although Fengdiaolong is gregarious, it has not developed a true sense of sociality.

The large number of deaths of wind-drifting dragons in the target area did not cause violent reactions from other wind-drifting dragons in the surrounding area.

Even if they discover the death of their own kind, their first reaction is to be vigilant and stay away from the attackers, instead of coming together in groups to avenge their kind.

Otherwise, even if Feng Ying and the others were exhausted, they would not be able to deal with the hordes of Feng Diaolong.

"Have you finished stripping it? Let's go then. When the base transformation is completed, we might have a chance to visit the Miasma Valley!"

Ps. The number of wind-drifting dragons in the ice field CG and the frozen soil is really scary - I imagined a group of wind-drifting dragons blowing snow together.

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