Following the route provided by Master Yuanye, Feng Ying and Ai Bo have been exploring the Miasma Valley for several days.

In fact, according to Feng Ying's own thoughts, she suspected that the "Lord of Death" in the core area of ​​Miasma Valley had wandered out, so just go straight and fight all the way in to see if the other party was at home?

Not here? No more talk.

But neither Master Yuanye nor Ai Bo supported her being so reckless, so she had no choice but to take Ai Bo and circle around the Miasma Valley to investigate.

"There seems to be something over there, let's go and take a look!" Ai Bo, who was wearing a thick filter mask, pointed forward and rushed over on Amber, who was also wrapped in a towel.

Feng Ying's ears twitched a little absentmindedly.

Compared to this kind of investigation mission of following her editor partner and looking for clues bit by bit, she really prefers fighting monsters head-on.

If you can't cut, just cut. If you can't, just run. It's so simple and direct.

Of course, preference is one thing, and the task must be completed seriously. Feng Ying quickened her pace and caught up.

The so-called anomaly discovered by Ai Bo was the body of a paralyzed dragon.

There were no obvious wounds on its body, but its scales, which should have been black and smooth, were stained with a grayish color for some reason, and its eyes were covered with thick nebula. It was obvious that it had lost its vision before it was alive.

The muscles also became dry. If the outer skin was not still moist and intact, Ai Bo would have suspected that the paralytic dragon had been dead for a month or two.

Feng Ying squatted down and inspected the rot.

"It's hard to say. The time of death probably didn't take long, but the miasma was deeply eroded. It feels like the body had begun to decay long before death."

She brought her hand closer to the corpse, and the layer of dust-like and mist-like substance covering the corpse's skin immediately dispersed.

"Is it really miasma?" Feng Ying said to herself as she lowered her head and glanced at the miasma-resistant protective stone on her chest that shimmered.

"The Pirate Dragon is a native species of the Miasma Valley. They should have fully adapted to and can ignore the influence of the miasma environment." Ai Bo squatted next to Feng Ying and whispered:

“I heard Mr. Gordon and the others say before that in the lair in the core area of ​​the Miasma Valley, there are some ‘living corpses’ of the Paralyzed Thief Dragon. They became like that due to the influence of the special miasma on the Corpse Dragon.

Could this be it?"

"It feels like it." Feng Ying pulled out the peeling knife, cut off some samples contaminated with miasma, and put them into the insect cage.

The guide insect emits a burst of fluorescent blue light.

"Sure enough, that guy ran out. He's really restless." Feng Ying muttered and stood up.

She misses the Fumu Rabbit she left in Yanhuo Village very much. What if she wasn't afraid that it would be acclimatized to the new world after it traveled across the ocean and would not be as useful as a guide insect?

As if to prove to her that the insect guide is also very useful, the light inside the insect guide cage became brighter and brighter.

Immediately afterwards, these guide insects emitting fluorescent blue light flew out, swaying and drawing a path of light in the air, guiding them to a cave in the distance.

"Finally collected enough breath!" Ai Bo cheered.

Feng Ying's somewhat bored expression became clear.

As long as the guide insect starts to navigate, the efficiency of the investigation will be greatly increased, and the two people and the dog will accelerate in the direction guided by the light path.

Not long after, they discovered some scratch marks on the rock wall of a corridor that was not very spacious.

It was stained with some green-gray mucus with a putrid smell, and patches of guide insects settled on it, making the entire trace emit a conspicuous fluorescent light.

After scanning the shape of the scratch marks and confirming the direction of the creature that left the mark, Feng Ying and the others continued to move forward, following the guidance of the guide insect.

The rotten pieces of meat that fell to the ground seemed like strange footprints stepped by the skeleton, and the shriveled body of the Fang Pterosaur

More and more traces were discovered, and the route guided by the guide insect became clearer. Feng Ying and her party followed the light path through a long and narrow hole downwards and entered an underground cave filled with sulfuric acid pools.

"Wait a minute." Feng Ying stopped, opened the map, and compared the formations, "We've been going around for a few days, haven't we still arrived at the core area?!"

"Well, maybe it went out for a walk, got tired, and went back to the nest to rest?" Ai Bo responded to Feng Ying's complaint while looking at the beautiful scenery in the underground cave with hidden dangers in surprise.

The ground was covered with a blue-green carpet, and the acid vapor emitted from the sulfuric acid pool still made people feel uncomfortable even through a filter mask. Amber, who had a sensitive sense of smell, couldn't stop sneezing.

Feng Ying picked up a stone and threw it into the nearby acid pool. The originally calm surface of the pool churned violently, and soon the stone completely disappeared.

The concentration of the acid seemed to be much higher than when Master Gordon and the others came here.

Feng Ying frowned, "Let's speed up and pass through this area as quickly as possible. Breathing this air for too long will burn your mouth and respiratory tract."

After running like this for dozens of minutes, they finally passed through the area filled with sulfuric acid pools and reached the depths of the underground cave.

There was still a pungent sour smell in the air, but it was finally bearable.

Feng Ying took off her breathing mask. Stimulated by the acid vapor, her skin turned red unnaturally, and bloodshot eyes oozed from her mouth and nose. Ai Bo was in a similar situation.

If you weren't wearing goggles, your eyes could be burned.

"Cough, cough, take a short break and regain your strength." Feng Ying's voice was hoarse and hoarse, and her vocal cords were obviously injured.

Squatting down, he took out the healing chimney from his bag and stuck it on the ground.

The light cyan medicine mist spread, healing the burns on their skin, and as they breathed heavily, it penetrated deep into the respiratory tract and lungs, repairing the internal injuries.

Amber, who was already choking on blood, lay down and felt much more comfortable. Feng Ying rubbed its big head distressedly and poured a bottle of recovery medicine into it.

There is no special filter mask for tooth hounds in the research base. The mask on Amber's face was temporarily modified with limited materials. The filtering effect will be poor and the damage will be more serious.

The effect of the healing chimney was very good. After the aerosol-like medicine was released, their injuries were almost recovered.

Ai Bo took out a few pieces of food from his bag and handed it to Feng Ying, "Let's fill our stomachs first before continuing. We will soon reach the core area."

"You really don't forget to eat no matter what the situation is." Feng Ying teased.

April put her hands on her hips and responded very seriously, "Hunger is the enemy!"

"Okay, I know." Feng Ying took the food into her mouth, unfolded the map perfected by Gordon and others again, found her location and said vaguely:

"Well, not far ahead, you will see a super huge monster skull, which seems to be the skeleton of a snake king. If you walk through the passage in the mouth of the skull, you can reach the core area."

After looking at the direction pointed by the guide insect and comparing it with the map, Feng Ying nodded with satisfaction, "That guy has indeed returned to his nest. I will go in alone to meet it."

Just rest here for a while. This place should be fairly safe. It's close to the ancient dragon's lair, and large monsters don't dare to approach it at will. "

Ai Bo wanted to say something, but Feng Ying interrupted her with a wave of her hand, "You and Amber don't have miasma-resistant protective stones, so you can't ignore the miasma of the corpse dragon. Going in together will only be more dangerous.

Don't worry about me, I'm still very confident in terms of escape speed. "

"Woof." Amber barked, not willing to let her take risks alone.

"It's okay!" Feng Ying hugged its head and comforted it.

But suddenly, as if she had been stimulated by something, Amber broke away from Feng Ying's arm, stared at a certain direction, lowered her body, bared her canine teeth, and let out a menacing growl.

At the same time, the guide insects also emit a red light symbolizing danger, flying back into the guide insect cage.

"Ai Bo retreat!" Feng Ying, who knew exactly what this meant, immediately set up her shield and sword, and stared at the dark area ahead with vigilance.

"Meow meow meow meow!"

A Detel, with withered fur and looking malnourished, ran over screaming.

Following closely behind it was a strange dragon that was covered in parasitic spores and hyphae-like substances, with rotten flesh entangled between its scales, like a severely moldy corpse.



Let me talk about it here, there is basically no rotten flesh on the body of the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon, so this is an intermediate state. It can be understood that after being exposed to spores and mold for some reason, it is adapting to this "Mist Miasma" form of the Corpse Corps. Dragon bar.

The ice field only appears in the game "Mist Miasma Dragon", but the reason for the formation of this monster itself should have nothing to do with the singing one, so it is okay to let it show its face.

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