Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1112: Come on, bastard! Dig out the evil eye for me! (Added an update for the alliance leade

Ai Bo actually took out some residual spore powder from Feng Ying's hair and ear holes.

Of course, she didn't let go of amber and mushrooms either.

These two furry things only had more spore powder remaining on their bodies than Feng Ying, and finally enough spore samples were collected.

The sample was divided into two parts.

One of them was left at the research base for the leader of the third phase of the regiment to study. The other was sealed in a small glass test tube and handed over to the courier along with the report of this investigation operation, and was sent to the Star Stronghold overnight.

Feng Ying, who learned from scholars that there was really such a thing as "fungal infection", was so frightened that she grabbed amber and took a hot bath with mushrooms for several hours.

Two layers of skin were rubbed off the body, and the hair and scalp were rubbed with soap powder countless times to completely degrease them. After washing and blow-drying, one person, one dog and one cat were as big as three dandelions.

In the next two days, Feng Ying led Mushroom around the Lu Coral Platform, showing it everything there was to know.

Although she might be a bit meddlesome, she didn't want to hide it from the mushrooms and the moss who were still waiting for news in the underground cave deep in the Valley of Miasma.

Just a few hundred meters above the Miasma Valley, the natural environment is so beautiful.

Nutritious food and clean drinking water are readily available, and predators can easily obtain what nature fairly gives without paying any price.

The leader of the third phase group who advocated hiring a plundering clan to monitor the corpse dragon did not stop her.

From the perspective of a businessman doing business, it would be silly not to take advantage of this information asymmetry.

But the investigation team is not a business group in the first place, so there is no need to hide it from these future allies.

The leader of the third phase team was very confident about reaching an agreement with the Plunder Clan. After all, the investigation team had more than just coral polyp eggs.

More exquisite food, warm clothes, various tools, various techniques, there are too many chips in their hands to educate them, why bother to cheat those poor Detel?

The only thing that dissatisfied her was the sneaky way Feng Ying carried mushrooms in and out of the research base these days, and the way she looked away when she met her.

What do you mean, do you think I am the kind of profiteer who wants to squeeze oil out of a few detels? !

He found an opportunity to catch Feng Ying, hit her with a pipe and scolded her for a while.

The leader of the third phase of the regiment directly asked Feng Ying to take Mushroom to the Miasma Valley, and asked her to pick up six or seven kittens from the predatory clan and bring them to see the world.

She didn't dare to make a guarantee until contact with the Xingchen stronghold was restored and the transportation line was rebuilt.

But now, the leader of the third phase of the regiment is absolutely sure that he will use various materials to directly hit the looting clan and willingly return to serve as sentries in front of the corpse dragon gate.

Do you know how much it costs to specially dispatch hunters from the star stronghold to monitor an ancient dragon on a rotating basis? No matter how high the treatment given to the predators is, can it be higher than that?

After understanding the true thoughts of the leader of the third phase of the group, the slight guilt in Feng Ying's heart immediately dissipated, and she happily took the mushrooms down to the Miasma Valley again.

With the help and persuasion of Mushroom, it took less than two days to bring the entire plunder clan back to the research base.

As time passed, the messenger sent by Xingchen also arrived, and he brought a reply from the commander-in-chief.

The top brass of the investigation team are extremely concerned about the fact that the sarcophagus mutated in symbiosis with the fungus and may gain the ability to leave the Miasma Valley.

If it weren't for the existence of the Corpse Dragon, which plays an extremely crucial role in the life cycle of the Miasma Valley and even the entire New World, the person who came over at this time might not be the messenger.

But it's a top hunting group like Yinbian and Jiujiu.

As expected by the leader of the third phase of the regiment, the commander-in-chief gave her the authority to "make any conditions at will" in the reply letter.

As long as the plundering clan is willing to help them monitor the corpse dragon, the conditions are easy to negotiate.

Feng Ying didn't understand what exactly the discussion between the leader of the third phase group and Moss, the leader of the plunder clan was, and what agreements had been reached. After all, they had been "meowing meowingly" from beginning to end.

However, it can be seen from the fact that Moss and the others are so happy that they can't wait to return to their hometown immediately to carry out the task. Both parties are very satisfied with the final result.

But what she didn't expect was that she was involved.

At the end of the negotiation, the leader of the third phase team looked at Feng Ying, who was confused and lonely, and said, "In case you think I am a bad person, I just want to talk to you.

The investigation team will support the development of the plundering clan in various aspects. I won’t go into detail about the various material support. Anyway, it will not let them suffer.

Surveillance operations are just work. Members who take turns are free to choose where to live, be it the Miasma Valley, the Coral Terrace, the Star Stronghold, or other places.

In addition to these, the only cub in the clan will be left to be raised in the research base, and we will take good care of it.

There's also the matter of mushrooms. "

"What's the matter with the mushrooms? What's the matter with the mushrooms?" Feng Ying blinked and asked in confusion.

The leader of the third phase of the regiment turned his gaze, and Feng Ying followed it and found that Moss was stroking the mushroom's head with his only remaining paw.

The mushroom kept meowing, his voice a little confused and a little scared.

"Meow meow!"

Moss's voice became stern, and it tapped the mushroom's head a few times, then slowed down its tone and continued to meow. Several other members of the same species next to it also nodded and agreed.

"What do you mean, turn it over?" Feng Ying's expression was more confused than the mushroom.

"The general idea is that Moss said that Mushroom is an adventurous Detel. In the past, everyone struggled to survive and there was nothing they could do, but now, it has the power to choose freely.

Just leave the task of monitoring the cadaver dragons to a few "old cats". For them, this is not a dangerous and difficult job. They don't have to worry about survival, so they regard it as a blessing.

Let Mushroom put down the burden of the clan and go see the outside world. "

Feng Ying's eyes lit up when she heard this.

To be honest, she quite likes this little Detel named Mushroom.

From the scholars at the research base, we learned that the green dragon-slayer that was attracted by the mushrooms to fight the corpse dragon was a rare subspecies called the "sulfur dragon".

The strong acid stained on its tail blade can easily corrode armor and weapons, so it has a dangerous rating of up to seven stars.

Dare to jump on such a monster, forcefully pull out the scales, and then lure the frantic Sulfur-Slaying Dragon to the Corpse-Slaying Dragon, triggering a big battle. Such a feat will make even an experienced hunting cat proud of it for a lifetime.

Maybe this mushroom has pretty good qualifications?

Seemingly seeing through Feng Ying's thoughts, the leader of the third phase held up his pipe and took a puff, highlighting a cloud of smoke. "If you have any ideas, just invite him to have a look. He hasn't been following you in the past few days." What?"

Feng Ying looked at Amber beside her with some uncertainty. Amber stuck out her tongue and made a "wow" sound, then lowered her head and arched her back.

Having made her decision, Feng Ying scratched her head, walked to Mushroom who was still a little panicked and uneasy, and squatted down.

"If you want to go out and have a look, you can come with me." Feng Ying touched Mushroom's head, "Although there will be battles, there will also be dangers.

But it can take you to see the most wonderful scenery. "

Looking at Feng Ying's outstretched palm, Mushroom guessed what she meant even though he couldn't quite understand.

The leader of the third phase of the group chuckled and translated Feng Ying's words to the mushrooms' relatives. They immediately jumped and meowed loudly, seeming to urge and encourage.

Mushroom hesitated for a few seconds, and finally stretched out his little paw and placed it on Feng Ying's palm.

"Meow meow~!"

"Please give me some advice!"


Although, I prefer Ellu to the image of Detel, but the Ellu in the New World all come with work, and it is unlikely to find an ownerless Ellu as a hunting cat.

This is also one of the differences between mhw's previous works. The cat of Blue Star is included in the opening, and there is no such thing as the mother-in-law cat selling cats (?).

And I’ve always thought cats using looting knives are cool.

Come on, kid! Dig out the evil eye of the black dragon! (bushi)

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