Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1128: Split up to explore

The northeastern edge of the Dragon Crystal Land.

Running on the mountain path that was too wide to be naturally formed, Hayata, who was responsible for opening the road, suddenly made a gesture.

Gale immediately stopped, set up her light crossbow, and entered a state of alert. Sandstone, who was accompanying her, also picked up a large shield and guarded her, alert to monsters that might appear at any time.

Hayata knelt down and inspected the regular rows of prismatic pits on the mountain road.

"Explosive Hammer Dragon"

After a short observation and analysis, she came to the conclusion, "There are more than one row of traces, and some are still very new. This mountain road should have been rolled out by the blaster dragon living nearby."

She stood up, raised her voice and said to Gale: "There are blaster dragons coming out, and this is their usual passage."

"Oh my god!"

Gale, who paid so much attention to his daughter and let himself go after coming out, kept spouting obscene words, "How many Explosive Hammer Dragons must be rolling back and forth blindly to get out of here like this?" Is there a way?"

Sophia, who was traveling with me, habitually ignored those shockingly loaded words, pushed up her glasses, and said, "It probably has little to do with the number of Explosive Hammer Dragons.

These mountain roads are very clean, with almost no lumps of crystals visible, and the soil layer is also very solid, probably caused by years of rolling.

However, the rolling of the Explosive Hammer Dragon will smooth out the mountain road, and the smooth mountain road will attract more Explosive Hammer Dragons. There may indeed be a lot of Explosive Hammer Dragons nearby. "

Gale lifted the visor of the cat-shaped helmet and said, "We have just entered the outskirts of this dragon crystal land, and there are already monsters of the level of the Explosive Hammer Dragon. Then what will we encounter if we go further in?" What the hell?"

"Who knows." Hayata climbed onto a huge rock, took out his telescope and looked into the distance two or three kilometers away.

Huge crystal clusters proliferated from the ground crushed the mountain peaks, like giant silver swords that were about to pierce into the clouds.

"Let's go there first and have a look."

Northwest of the Dragon Crystal Land.

I don’t know if it’s due to plate changes or other reasons. In the direction in which the alcohol team broke in, there are many mountains and nearly vertical rocky cliffs.

Maka and Urshula had been telling Ted off.

There was no way, he had chosen this direction randomly. The editor had obviously warned them that the terrain in this direction was complicated, but this guy insisted on saying, "A real man must face the difficulties head on!".

Climbing over mountains while wearing heavy armor is too torture.

After finally climbing over a ridge, looking at the mountains one after another in front of us, several people's faces were a little green.

"Do you really want to go all the way like this?! You don't want that kind of thing!!"

"Kaba Baba!!!"

The drunkards and the babakar howled in unison.

The young editor, who followed closely behind the three of them and had not spoken much, sighed.

As Aiden's regular partner, she didn't have much contact with the people in the alcohol team. She originally thought that these seniors were just bold and informal.

Observing along the way, she found that these three brothers and sisters might, maybe, really not be very smart.

She sighed again and said: "Actually, there is another route that does not require climbing."

The three people and the odd-faced clan all turned their heads.

"what? What?"

"How to say?!"

"Miss Feisty, please tell me!"


A vein popped up on the editor's forehead, "Please don't use the title 'Miss Hao Sheng'. Seniors, you can call me by my real name, Li Yang." (Let's give Sister Hao Sheng a name. She has an oriental appearance. Give it a slightly Japanese name)

"Oh! Li Yang!"

"By the way, this name is the naming style of the Western Continent, right?"

"Yes, our family is a trading family that came to the Old Continent to develop as a branch."

Seeing that the drunken seniors wanted to continue chatting, Li Yang quickly interrupted, "Let's get back to the topic first. Although there are only rough topographic maps at the moment, it can be seen that the valleys and valleys between the mountains are basically connected. .

We can move from the foot of the mountain. Although it will take a lot of detours, it is at least less laborious than climbing over the mountains. "

"Okay! That's it!"

"You should have told me if there was such a way!"

"As expected of a cultural person, his brain is very useful! I will leave the subsequent route planning to you!"


Li Yang couldn't remember how many times she sighed, "Anyway, let's go down the mountain from here."

Under Gordon's arrangement, the team of Feng Ying, Ai Bo, and Aiden were responsible for the investigation due west of the Dragon Crystal Land.

Feng Ying has always been envious of Gordon Hayata's cats. She can send hunting cats out for reconnaissance and bring back intelligence and information about nearby areas.

Tooth hounds cannot do this. Although these smart hounds can also shoulder the work of outpost and vigilance, they cannot communicate verbally and there will be obstacles in information communication.

But now it’s different, she has a cat too!

Although Mushroom's skills as a hunting cat are still very raw and his common language is not proficient enough, he also has his own advantages.

Mushroom, which has been struggling to survive in the Miasma Valley since childhood, is very good at "searching". Whether it is looking for food, water sources, or traces of monsters, it is quite skilled, even proficient.

The predators who are not good at these will not be able to survive in that hellish environment.

"Amber! Mushroom! You go ahead and explore in a roundabout way. If you find something, come back and report it immediately!" Feng Ying waved her hand with great momentum.

Master Gordon had said this in the past, and she had wanted to learn it for a long time!



Mushroom rode Amber, and a cat and a dog rushed out.

"It's great to have cats and dogs." Looking at the retreating figures of hunting cats and hounds, Aiden's face was full of envy, "I also want to find a hunting partner or two."

"Hahahaha!" Feng Ying put her hands on her hips and laughed, "I'll help you look for a cat later! Find the cat yourself, and the dog must be from Yanhuo Village. Yanhuo Village has the best tooth hound in the world!"

"Then please!" Aiden laughed, while not forgetting to be alert to the surrounding environment.

Aiden is so popular that he is even called "Brother Sunshine" by the members of the fifth group for a reason.

——He can always give people positive emotional feedback.

If Gordon were here at this moment, he would slap Feng Ying on the back of the head, who was laughing proudly, to tell her to be careful.

If it were the tough-tongued Jean, even if he was envious in his heart, he would pretend to be disdainful and sarcastic, and then let his hunting cat Nanasi compete with mushrooms.

Only Aiden was cheerful and spoke nicely.

Ai Bo was a few steps behind them, chewing a piece of dried meat in his mouth, and confirmed their current position through the surrounding mountains.

"Hmm, due to the proliferation of crystals, the terrain has changed a lot, and the map made by the wilderness masters and others is no longer reliable.

But generally speaking, it should be fine for reference.

The map shows that there is a cave two kilometers ahead. Through the cave, you can enter the underground. There are many huge underground spaces there.

Considering that crystals 'grow' better in a closed environment, let's go there to investigate first? "


"So should we call the Amber Mushroom back first? Don't get separated soon." Ai Bo reminded her after swallowing the dried meat.

"Ahem, okay." Feng Ying coughed dryly to cover up her embarrassment, and took out a whistle and blew it hard.

Amber and the others haven't gone far yet, they will be back soon when they hear the whistle call.

"There is a situation, be alert." Suddenly, Aiden shouted.

Although she was not sure what the so-called "situation" was, Feng Ying immediately set up her sword and shield and entered combat mode.

Aiden's eyes were fixed on a mark on the rock wall not far away.

".Is that the trace left by the steel dragon's breath?"

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