Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1141 Accompany you and accompany you

(??? Bug after system update, scheduled chapters were sent out directly. These two chapters are from ORZ on January 5th)

"That's almost it, nya."

Pork Chop, who occupies a tent by himself, looks at the neatly arranged rows of slime mold bombs in front of him and nods his head with satisfaction.

Compared with the "First Edition Trial Type" a few days ago, today's "Second Edition Actual Type" of slime mold explosive bombs has undergone considerable changes both in appearance and internal structure.

The first is the appearance. After being reminded by Gordon and the others, Pork Chop, who was aware of the importance of confidentiality, painted a thick layer of paint on the transparent medicine bottle used as the shell of the explosive bomb, so that people could no longer see the contents directly through the bottle wall. .

The advantage of doing this is of course confidentiality, but the disadvantages are also obvious.

Without the transparent bottle wall and unable to directly observe the state of the slime mold, the user can only judge the timing of the explosion through slight vibrations and changes in the temperature of the bottle, making it more difficult to use.

At the moment, no one knows how to use this thing except Pork Chop, who has personally developed the slime mold explosive bomb and knows the "temperature" of ancient slime mold very well.

According to Feng Ying's description, it is: a large barrel explosive bomb with G power and a flash bomb size. You don't know when it will explode when you hold it in your hand. It is a weapon for suicide.

The internal structure has also been optimized.

Only Pork Chop himself knows how to optimize it, but it is much more convenient to use anyway.

It is no longer necessary to open the bottle cap, put in the fuse, and shake it to detonate it as before. You only need to twist off the raised bottle cap and knock it off.

According to Pig Chop, after returning from this mission, it plans to further transform it.

Since this kind of explosive bomb is not suitable for popularization, there is no need to consider the simplicity of production. At that time, it will be designed with a more complex structure, but a "third version decisive type" with better safety and power.

Then there are the follow-up "Decision Type·Change", "Decision Type·Change" and so on.

Seeing Pork Chop's dangerous expression of "meow ha ha ha" while drawing the design, Gordon felt that this guy was completely broken.

Could it be that one day before he had time to draw his sword, the monster fell in a mushroom cloud?

In addition to the pork chop, others are also actively preparing it.

Gene is arguably the most positive one.

There is no doubt about his strength as he has been promoted to Seven Stars at a young age, but speaking of it, this is really the first time he has "led" a team as captain.

During his time in Bokai Village, he hunted alone most of the time. The few times he teamed up, he was commanded by a more mature and experienced hunter, such as Keogh in the Battle of Tyrannosaurus.

After joining the investigation team as a recommendation team, Feng Ying has been suppressing her.

Even though he has an unruly personality and always looks like "I am the best in the world", he has to admit that Feng Ying, who is known as "White Wind", has a more brilliant record than him.

But he won't just give in!

His intuition told him that their "reserve team" must be useful in this mission.

In order to improve the tacit understanding among the team members, he specially set aside a day to lead the team to practice with Toufeng Piaolong.

One seven-star, three five-star, and four heavy weapons barely managed to send the poor Fengdiao dragon away.

Fortunately, while Gene's blood was boiling, his mind was still clear. If he had hunted a dragon for no reason just for practice, Gordon should consider changing the captain of these fools.

A few days later, the travel-worn messenger arrived at the camp.

The messenger brought the commander-in-chief's approval.

"Freedom of movement, are you allowed to kill if necessary?" Gordon bared his teeth and put away the letter.

This is what he was waiting for.

"Let me tell you, the swords are sharpened, the crossbows are cocked, and the airships are ready for liftoff. We are about to set off!"

The airship loaded with hunters and combat supplies took off from the camp. Instead of sailing to the dangerous northern mountains, it flew straight to the coast and flew at low altitude along the coastline.

This can avoid the prying eyes of high-danger monsters including ancient dragons to the greatest extent.

Skyboat deck.

Feng Ying lay on the railing of the ship, staring blankly at the churning seawater below and the majestic, rugged coast of the New World.

The biting, damp and cold coastal wind blew her hair into a mess, but she didn't seem to notice it at all and continued to be in a daze.

"What are you thinking about?"

A familiar voice came from behind her. Feng Ying was startled and turned her head, "Master Gordon!"

In fact, Gordon also likes to lie on the railing and watch the scenery when he is on an airboat.

But with his current body shape, the railing is a bit short, so he can only sit on it and dare not lean on it for fear that the railing will not hold up and break.

"I didn't think about anything, I was just in a daze." Feng Ying said this first, and after two seconds of silence, she said hesitantly: "Master Gordon."

Gordon looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Feng Ying suppressed her bangs that were blown up by the wind, "Mr. Mecca said that the 'Light of Life' we went to solve and investigate this time is very likely to be the cause of Gulong Crossing.

Isn't the investigation team just here for Gulongdu? If it is solved in one go this time, there will be no need for us to continue to stay in the New World. "

"You can say that."

Gordon didn't expect Feng Ying to be thinking about this. After a pause, he asked, "Do you want to go back? Or do you feel regretful?"

"Of course it's a pity!"

Feng Ying answered without any hesitation, "I've been looking forward to it for several years and finally came here, but it turns out that I haven't been here for only a few months and I haven't been to many places!

It would be too boring to just return to the Old World! "

After understanding what Feng Ying was struggling with, Gordon smiled, "Then you don't need to worry. Even if the problem of Gulongdu is completely solved, the guild will not leave this treasure land alone."

"Of course, do you know how much manpower and material resources the guild spent and how much sponsorship it sought to send the investigation team, especially the large fourth and fifth phase teams, to the New World?"

Anhil came over.

"It can be said that the frequent appearance of ancient dragons is the main factor hindering the development of the New World. If all this can be solved, it will be like completing the reclamation of a wasteland.

If it were you, after completing the most difficult reclamation work and harvesting a piece of fertile land, would you cultivate it intensively and plant crops, or would you just turn around and leave without any care? "

Feng Ying blinked and understood what the two people meant, "In other words, even if Gulongdu is solved, the investigation team will not immediately disband and repatriate, right?"

"No, at most it should be changed to a voluntary principle, allowing those who are willing to stay to stay, and those who want to go home to go home." Gordon asked her with a smile: "Looking like this, you do want to stay." Bar?"

"Of course! After all the trouble to come here, you have to stay at least three years, right? No! It will take at least five years to make it!"

Feng Ying waved her fist excitedly, then suddenly got stuck.

He looked at Gordon and the others uneasily, "But, but are you going back? If you all want to go back to the Old World, I'll go back too. I don't want to be left here alone!"

Gordon and Ancil looked at each other.

Hayata, who came to Feng Ying at some unknown time, touched her head and said with a smile: "No, if you want to stay, we will stay with you for as many years as you want."

"Okay!" Feng Ying cheered.

At this moment, the observer's shout came from the observation deck.

"Huge cave discovered! We're here!"


Under the normal routine, Gordon and others who planted this flag will all die in battle and "stay in the New World forever" from then on. As the only survivor, Feng Ying will become the King of the West, or she will become decadent and lonely in the New World.

Of course, this book will not be like this, no knives will be issued ovo

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