This is a silver-white cave.

Not only are the iconic crystalline pillars of the Dragon Crystal Land covered, but even the rocky ground is covered with thick layers of crystalline material.

The piece in the center of the top is even more translucent, hiding sunlight from the outside world.

The sunlight and the pure white light emitted by the crystals reflect and reflect each other, making the cave bright and clear.

Gordon, who led the team to catch up here, stared at the mysterious ancient dragon hovering at the top of the cave, and couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart.

This cave complex, which Mr. Mecca calls "the place of closure", is not only full of energy, but also extremely large in area. It can even accommodate a mysterious ancient dragon with a wingspan of nearly 70 meters to fly freely.

This is the hotbed created by the mother clan for it, the nest where it grows, and its secret palace.

It is also the prison that binds it.

If there were no hunters, after a period of growth, it could easily break through the shackles of this cage and fly to the vast outside world.

But at least now, it is imprisoned, and the narrow part of the leyline corridor is not wide enough for it to pass.

It has nowhere to go.

After realizing this, the mysterious ancient dragon that had been hovering above the cave for a while roared and swooped down from the air.

The giant ancient dragon weighing thousands of tons swooped down, and there was no way to defend against this force.

The hunters ran at full speed and scattered to avoid it. If they were hit by it and compacted, the only outcome would be to be crushed into a piece of cake.


Maybe it was because he had just emerged from his cocoon and was not good at flying yet, or maybe it was because he was seriously injured, so the mysterious ancient dragon looked a little embarrassed when it landed.

A large area of ​​the thick crystal layer on the ground was shoveled away by it.

But the hunters were in no mood to laugh at it at this time, and reorganizing their formation was the top priority.

Gordon, Feng Ying, and Ted took the lead in charging. They planned to entangle the front paws of the mysterious ancient dragon and tie it in place as before.

The mysterious ancient dragon seemed to be aware of their intentions.

After awakening from serious injury, its ability to control the energy in the body has improved by more than one level compared to when it first woke up. It reacts very quickly.

Even the speed of body movements has been significantly accelerated.

It vibrated its wings to take advantage of the force, and quickly took a few steps back. With its size, it retreated a distance of thirty or forty meters.

The hunters had no choice but to grit their teeth and continue chasing.

However, the mysterious ancient dragon has already opened its huge mouth, and several groups of energy bombs that are still not solid yet but have basically formed form a fan-shaped envelope towards the hunters.

The hunters immediately swooped and rolled to dodge, and even Ted didn't dare to stand up.

The breath bomb was larger than his whole body. Even if he blocked it with a shield, there was a high chance that it would be blown away.

"Cover!" Anhir shouted.

The shooters scattered around picked up their crossbows and fired. Due to the long distance, the power of other types of crossbow bullets was too severely attenuated, so most of them chose the penetrating bullets with the longest effective range.

Due to its huge size and weak body defense, the attack effect of the penetrating bullet is better than expected.

To the mysterious ancient dragon, these pointed cone-shaped crossbow shells were like needle pricks on the body. It might not be able to hurt the root, but it really hurt.

What's more, there were seven light and heavy crossbowmen shooting around it, and they were basically aiming at the head.

Crazy with pain, the mysterious ancient dragon subconsciously raised his body to avoid the crossbow bullets. At the same time, he opened his huge mouth and breathed a beam of light composed of a torrent of energy, shooting condescendingly at the hunters.


The recoil of the energy breath is extremely strong, and the mysterious ancient dragon can maintain a stable spray posture even when lying on all fours.

But in this squatting position, the mysterious ancient dragon, which was unable to use its strength, could not control the direction of its energy breath at all. Its slender neck was like a hose without support, swinging uncontrollably.

For hunters, this kind of chaotic and unpredictable attack is far more dangerous than normal strafing.

What's even more frightening is that the ground covered with crystals melted red-hot under the torrent of energy, leaving lava paths several meters wide, further limiting the space for hunters to dodge.

If the breath irradiates an area for a little longer, it will also cause a heat explosion.

As a member of the heavy crossbow team and the youngest member of the operation, Nora was unable to dodge and was blown away by a burst of lava.


Ignoring the severe pain of hitting the ground, she rolled quickly and avoided the subsequent breath beam.

But she was really unlucky. Before she could stand still before she could stand up, the energy beam that had just swept past turned around and swept back.

At this time, all she could do was to throw herself down as far away from the breath as possible, and then pray that her death would not be too ugly.

"Shrink up!"

She heard a roar.

Feng Ying pulled the flying insect and flew in front of her, smashing down the shield. Countless insect threads flew out to help fix the shield.

She gritted her teeth and pressed her shoulder against the shield. Although she activated fully charged defense, to be honest, she had no confidence in blocking the energy breath.

Just before the breath came, another figure as broad as a city wall stepped in, holding a giant shield in front of the two of them, and faced the breath.

A blinding light enveloped him.

"Brother Ted!!"

The beam of light swept past and focused in front of him for only a second or two. However, many parts of the armor on his body still turned red under the irradiation of this amazing energy, and the large shield in front of him was even more golden and red. Half of it was melted and destroyed.

The energy breath that lasted for more than ten seconds finally stopped.

There were more than one or two people injured due to the aftermath of the breath, but Ted was the only hunter who was directly hit by the breath.

But he still gritted his teeth and held on, speaking from his lion-head-shaped visor, "It burned me to death, but it still doesn't hurt or itch!"

"Don't be so brave, meow!" Xianglan rushed over, smashed the recovery honey worm she caught from nowhere on Ted, and then inserted a healing chimney.

A large glob of honeydew sprinkled on Ted's red-hot armor, making a sizzling sound. At this time, rather than healing, cooling the armor might be more important.

If you continue to wear this red-hot armor, you may be able to cook the person inside in a short time.

Noticing the situation here, Oshula and Gale quickly switched to recovery bullets and shot at Ted.

Feng Ying and Nora also hurriedly took out the water bag and recovery medicine, and poured them all on Ted, finally lowering the temperature of the armor.

Ted barely supported his body with the blunderbuss, and Xianglan stuffed a secret medicine into his mouth, "It's seriously burned meow, I must withdraw from the battle, meow."

Pig Chop, who was running over, noticed that blood was constantly oozing out from Nola's mouth and nose, and her internal organs were probably severely injured.

"This one here is no longer suitable to continue fighting, meow. We need to call two people to help them out, meow."

Feng Ying wanted to help Ted, but was pushed away by him.

He bared his teeth at Feng Ying, "No, I can still leave. You are the only one with a shield. Go back quickly."

"I can leave too! Cough." Nora spat out blood as she spoke and wiped her mouth quickly.

".Not very convincing nya."

Nora didn't respond to Pig Chop's words, but supported Ted, and the two of them limped out of the cave.

Feng Ying took a deep breath and looked back to the center of the battlefield.

Gordon, Hayata, and Maka are working hard to attack, trying to entangle the mysterious ancient dragon.

And realizing that the trick just now was very effective, the mysterious ancient dragon raised its body again, and the dazzling energy light gathered in its mouth again.


In the game, if you stand up and shoot this move, you will sink into the ground after the attack, so I won’t forcefully reproduce it here.

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