Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1150 The last light of life

The mysterious ancient dragon chased the hunters and approached quickly.

"Not even close, meow, not even close, meow." Pig Chop held its last slime bomb in its paws, staring intently at the mysterious ancient dragon that was about to enter the trap.

Beside it, the hunting bow Vika has fully drawn the bowstring.

As a loyal supporter of the attribute sliding bow genre, her combat style is more focused on melee combat, and she will occasionally use dragon arrows for long-range sniping when necessary.

But she rarely uses the technique of lob.

As a result, I used it today. I can only say that I was right to study hard and not be lazy during my apprenticeship!

"That's it now, meow!" Pig Chop activated the slime mold bomb in his claws and quickly hung it on the arrow of Wika's bow, who immediately released the bow string.


Amidst the trembling sound of the bow string, the arrow with the slime mold bomb was slung at a nearly vertical angle towards the crystalline pillar at the top of the cave.


The main structure was damaged, and the crystalline pillars that had long been crumbling suddenly broke.

Weighing tens of tons, the crystalline pillar was sharp and shone with cold light, like a giant sword falling from the sky, thrust into the back of the mysterious ancient dragon.

Although the mysterious ancient dragon is young and inexperienced, his reaction speed is very fast.

The moment the explosion sounded, it noticed the threat from above and tried to stop and change its route.

However, the huge kinetic energy carried by the fifty-meter-level body was not so easy to stop. It had to howl and wave its wings to assist the movement, and barely moved half a step laterally, and the crystallized giant pillar had already been inserted.

"Tear it apart!"

The sound of flesh and blood was torn apart, and the dragon's blood spurted out.

The mysterious ancient dragon's temporary dodge allowed it to avoid the fate of having its spine directly severed, but a giant crystal pillar inserted into one of its wings. A large piece of flesh and blood on its ribs was torn open, like a butterfly in a specimen frame. Nailed to the ground.

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the mysterious ancient dragon screamed miserably.

The hunters were extremely excited.

This is no longer adding a weight to the scale of victory, this is simply putting an anvil on it, and the scale will be knocked over!

"All hands on deck!" Gordon yelled.

The hunters swallowed strange power pills, forced drugs and other medicines one after another, sprayed dust, and rushed towards the mysterious cologne that was nailed to the ground amid the motivational music played by the hunting cats.

The mysterious ancient dragon was naturally unwilling to give up. The desire to survive supported it and exploded with more powerful power.

While it was tearing and struggling desperately, even if it tore the dragon wings into pieces, it still had to break away from the shackles of the crystalline pillars. At the same time, it mobilized the energy of the earth veins to turn the ground under it into a sea of ​​​​blazing fire, trying to drive the hunters away. retreat.

"Don't back down!" Gordon rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire first, rushed directly to the head of the mysterious ancient dragon, and shouldered the sword.

The mysterious ancient dragon bit him subconsciously, and he immediately changed into a posture of one breath. After resisting the attack, he roared and slashed back.

Hayata inserted a healing chimney next to him, and the green medicinal mist dispersed.

Although the existence of this thing would not allow them to ignore the damage caused by the heat of the ground, it would at least make them feel better.

The hunters were inspired and took out healing chimneys and stuck them on the ground, or took a secret medicine directly into their mouths.

Now is not the time to save, you must take advantage of this best opportunity to kill the mysterious ancient dragon here!

Feng Ying and the insect stick users jumped directly on the back of the mysterious ancient dragon and launched an attack. The double sword users looked at them enviously, and then looked around to see if there was any high platform terrain that could be used.

Relying on the super heat insulation performance of his Tyrannosaurus armor, Jean got into the hottest part of the chest of the mysterious ancient dragon and swung the sword wildly.

The heavy-weapon swordsmen roared angrily and waved their weapons desperately. The shooters ignored the red-hot muzzles and opened fire with all their strength.

The mysterious ancient dragon contracted its body as much as possible to protect its vitals. After a short period of gathering momentum, it suddenly spread its wings, even if the membrane of the fixed dragon wing was completely torn.

Powerful energy erupted from the ground, forcing the hunters to retreat. There were also those who relied on their thick armor to resist retreating. For example, the Tyrannosaurus and his friends were also blown away by the energy explosion.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!!!" The mysterious ancient dragon roared wildly, and the energy in his body was so bright that it seemed like it would explode in the next second.

Whether it was a death struggle or the final act of madness, it would never be willing to be hacked to death in such frustration!

"call out--"

A flash of fire penetrated into the roaring and wide-open mouth of the mysterious ancient dragon, and the next second, a golden fireball as dazzling as the sun enveloped its head.

The mysterious ancient dragon that can emit a torrent of energy for a long time has a special oral structure. High temperature and high pressure are not a big threat to it, but it cannot ignore the explosive impact that penetrates the skull and rushes into the brain.

The mysterious ancient dragon, which finally mustered up its last strength, howled and fell down again.

Anhil, who was holding a crossbow in the distance, had a sinister smile on his face. He pulled the crossbow bolt and ejected the supernova shell.

Victory is decided.

However, the mysterious ancient dragon is more tenacious than they imagined.

It struggled to support its body with its claws, panting heavily, and the sticky ancient dragon's blood continued to drip from the corners of its mouth, but the light of energy on its body remained unquenched.

On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger.

The originally whitish translucent skin gradually turned into a black iron-like color under the wash of this powerful energy.

Forced by deadly threats and supported by the endless leyline energy of the End of the Sea, the mysterious ancient dragon grew at an unreasonable speed.

Maybe give it another half day, no, it may only take an hour or two, and it will complete the molt and take a solid step towards the final stage of life.

But the hunters would not give it this chance. They surrounded it again and launched a strong attack.

Gordon was standing in front of the monster's head, concentrating and preparing for a new round of charged attacks. Suddenly, an unwarranted warning flashed in his heart.

He subconsciously interrupted the attack, took a few steps back, and yelled loudly.


The hunters didn't know why, but they still postponed their offensive and distanced themselves.

Gordon stared warily at the mysterious ancient dragon lingering in front of him.

It's hard to explain something like intuition clearly. If it's accurate, it can save a life. Even if it's not accurate, it's just a loss of face.


More people noticed something unusual.

It had nothing to do with the monster in front of him. A slight vibration came from far away. Everyone had been attacking desperately before and could not notice this little movement at all.

"Bang——" Another sound.

Vibration coming from above? !

Gordon looked up sharply.

At the top of the cave, a corner of the crystalline dome that was faintly illuminated by sunlight had cracked open at some point.


There was another roar, and the cracks continued to expand, and finally several pieces broke off, forming a narrow passage.

A figure covered in pitch-black spikes struggled to squeeze through the passage and got in.

Like a greedy hornet that has just crawled into a bee's nest, it exudes the unique ferocious aura of a predator.

Looking at the mysterious ancient dragon lying on the ground struggling helplessly but with unusually full life energy, the intruder let out an extremely excited roar.

It waved its thick and powerful wings, howled, and swooped down.

Gordon, who recognized the person, shouted loudly:


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