Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1154 You also withdraw

"Feng Ying!"

The sudden accident inevitably caused Gordon and others to panic.

If the threat comes from a monster, no matter how strong the monster is, he can always find a way to deal with it and restrain it.

But it was a subsidence.

They didn't have a rope in their hands, and they couldn't cross a distance of nearly a hundred meters in the blink of an eye to pull Feng Ying back before she fell. They could only watch her sink into the ground and fall into an unknown space.

They rushed to the edge of the huge pit where collapses still occurred from time to time. It was pitch black below and nothing could be seen clearly.

Gordon took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, "If she simply fell, Feng Ying should be fine. She has a flying insect with her, which can always save her life in critical moments."

As he spoke, he took out a flash bomb, pulled out the fuse and threw it into the huge pit like a bottomless abyss.

A bright light flashed by.

Such a short bright light cannot be used for lighting at all, but this is not what he does, but to attract someone's attention.


Amidst the roaring sound of the air current, a huge black shadow rushed out of the pit.

It spread its wings wide in mid-air, and its ferocious roar echoed in the caves of the End.


Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Gordon drew his sword and said to Hayata quickly: "You ride Gale Wind, take Xianglan and the others to find Fengying. She may be seriously injured and needs first aid.

Leave this guy to me. "

After saying that, without waiting for Hayata to respond, he took the initiative to face the swooping Nergigante.

Hayata hesitated in her steps.

It was natural to let Liefeng take Xianglan to search and rescue Fengying, but she felt that she should stay.

With the strength of this Nergigant, their teamwork was extremely thrilling. Now that one person was reduced, if he left again, the risks borne by the remaining two people would increase exponentially.

At this moment, the strong wind carried Ansir and flew over with pandan and mushrooms in his mouth.

Anhir turned over and pointed at the saddle on Gale Feng's back, "Go quickly."

Hayata looked at Gordon who was struggling with the Nergigante alone, gritted his teeth, and jumped on the back of Liefeng, "I will find Feng Ying as soon as possible, and then find someone to come back for support."

As she spoke, she lowered her body. After getting the signal, Gale roared out, jumped into the pit, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Ancil unfolded the [Famine] heavy crossbow and entered the crouching shooting posture, inserted the magazine of an armor-piercing grenade, and quickly activated it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" In the continuous muffled sound, three armor-piercing grenades grazed Gordon's armor, and precise nails landed on the Nergigante's head.

Gordon, who was about to dodge Nergigante's next heavy blow, immediately changed his movements, held the sword in front of him, and entered a defensive posture.

Ancier adjusted the delay fuse of the armor-piercing grenade to an extremely short length. Almost as soon as Gordon was ready to defend, the three armor-piercing grenades exploded together.

Explosive flames and smoke obscured the Nergigante's sight. The impact of the explosion made its brain buzz and its attack movements were interrupted.

Gordon took the opportunity to shoulder the sword and began to charge up, while Ancil immediately put away the heavy crossbow and adjusted its position.

An experienced shooter will never continue shooting at the same position for too long. Although it can deliver more firepower in a short period of time, it can also easily attract the attention of monsters.

Only by frequently changing the attack position can you be in a relatively safe situation and avoid causing trouble to the forwards.

However, Nergigante is no ordinary monster, nor is it one of those beasts with chaotic thinking that hunters can sneak away with a little skill.

It lowered its head, used its back neck covered with diamond bone spines to receive Gordon's heavy blow, and then suddenly raised its head and pushed him away.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly jumped up without any warning, and pounced on the shifting Ancier.

Realizing the transfer of hatred, Ancil immediately accelerated and ran a few steps, and then a sliding shovel passed under the Nergigante, narrowly avoiding the attack.

He loaded the L3 shotgun magazine as quickly as possible, and the moment the Nergigante turned around to look at him, he pulled the trigger almost face to face.


Countless shrapnel had just rushed out of the crossbow chamber and hit the Nergigante's face before it could spread. The Nergigante raised his head uncontrollably.

The impact of this blow is no weaker than that of a sledgehammer swinging with full force.

Ancier did not fire continuously. Although the Ye Heavy Crossbow [Famine] could load the most powerful L3 shotgun, it could only load an inconspicuous three rounds.

Changing bullets under the eyes of a monster like Nergigante was obviously an act of suicide. He had to rely on the two remaining shells in the ballista to sustain him until Gordon arrived.

The furious Nergigante slashed its claws.

Facing the terrifying attack that was powerful enough to smash him to pieces, Ancil calmly slid to the right, dodged the claw, and then struck the right side of the Nergigante's face before the other claw fell. One shot.


Nergigante reacted very quickly and hurriedly turned its head. Although its head was still deflected by the shot, and some tiny shrapnel fell into its eyelids, it finally managed to save its only remaining right eye.

"Tsk." Ancier slid back to create some distance.

The opportunity just now was very good. If we could blind the Nergigante's one eye, there wouldn't be much suspense in the next battle.

It's a pity that Nergigante's reaction speed is too fast. It will definitely pay more attention to the protection of its eyes in the future, and it will not be so easy to attack again.

Sure enough, the Nergigante no longer pointed his head directly at himself, but raised his body and raised his claws high, preparing to use the powerful heavy claws that could crack the skull of an ancient dragon species.

The Nergigante stood up, and the distance between his head and the muzzle was nearly twenty meters. The power of the shotgun at this distance was still not weak, but it was no longer possible to blast out a cannon like before when the muzzle was close to the face. Hard and straight.

Ancil had no choice but to fire a shot at the Nergigante's chest from a nearby location. Using the recoil of the shot, he continued to slide back a certain distance to avoid the claw attack.

The heavy claw hit the ground one or two meters in front of Ancil. The vibration of the ground affected his balance and made his steps wobble.

Nergigante immediately followed up with a quick and sharp horizontal claw. Ancil, who had no time to dodge, had to pull the heavy crossbow in front of him, hoping to use the crossbow body to block the claw.

At this moment, Gordon rushed over, knocked Ancier down with his shoulder, raised his sword as quickly as possible, and entered a defensive posture.


The sharp claws scratched the surface of the sword, sparking a series of sparks.

Gordon was also knocked back several meters by the claw, but he finally blocked the blow safely.

"I told you before, put a shield on the heavy crossbow!" Gordon grinned and said to Ancil, who stood up quickly.

"Only the shotgun crossbows are equipped with shields!" Ancier said a rare curse word, and retorted angrily while changing the ammunition quickly.

The two of them faced off against the Nergigante side by side.

The latter did not immediately launch a new round of attack. It paced slowly and glanced at the sword and heavy crossbow with fear in its eyes.

"You retreat, I will deal with it alone." Gordon suddenly whispered.

"Oh, are you crazy?"

Gordon quickly explained: "When Hayata Fengying was there, the three of us were sure to contain it, but now that I am the only one left in the vanguard, your attack will be very prominent, and its attention will be unstable and more dangerous. "

Anhill immediately understood what Gordon meant.

The Nergigante has a ferocious temperament, and there have been more than one sudden shift of attention in this battle. Not only himself, Hayata, Feng Ying and the others have also suffered sudden attacks from the Nergigante.

In the past, this kind of sudden attack only happened between the three swordsmen, because they were both vanguards and powerful attackers. Under the joint suppression, Nergigante had no time to worry about himself firing a few shots in the distance and changing places.

But it's different now

Nergigante's habit of suddenly changing its attack target makes the battle full of uncertainty. This is what Gordon calls "danger."

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Anhil folded and put away the heavy crossbow, quietly loosened the buckle of the armed belt, and let the remaining ammunition fall to the ground.

In addition to a few armor-piercing grenades that had not yet been used, there was also a supernova.

The pork chop hidden somewhere, looking for opportunities, might come in handy.

Gordon raised his sword and stared at the one eye of the Nergigante, alert to the attack that might come at any time.

"Those guys shouldn't have gone too far. I will bring them back as soon as possible. Just be careful." Anhil backed up slowly until he was far enough away to a safe distance before turning around and running.

The Nergigante didn't stop the Heavy Crossbow user from leaving. One-on-one and one-on-two, it chose the former.

"Both of them are like this." Gordon chuckled and twisted his neck, making a crackling sound.

"Are you so sure that I can't defeat it alone?"

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