Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1170 I almost forgot

Chapter 1170 I almost forgot.

When Anhir Gale followed Gordon to the latter's house, Feng Ying had been there for a while and was walking around Hayata.

Pork chop and pandan are also available.

Xianglan stared at the few tree roots and branches that had penetrated the floor, and discussed with Pig Chop, preparing to chop them down with an ax to avoid the risk of tripping.

Hayata sat at the dining table, looking helpless.

Gordon tried to get Hayata to go back to bed, but got a look from her.

Gale chuckled, "Do you know the pain I felt at the beginning?"

"Is it such an exaggeration? Can't Su Zhen do the exercises?" Hayata made a sad face.

This was the first time since she participated in hunter training at the age of fifteen that she could not even touch the hilt of the sword for a whole day.

The habit of practicing swordsmanship developed over many years was interrupted, and I felt uncomfortable all over.


"No meow!"

"Hehe, just take your time, there's still more than half a year left!"

According to Gale, the "experiencer".

At least for the first few months, pregnant women are not allowed to move too much. After the pregnancy becomes obvious, they can engage in less strenuous exercises, such as walking and stretching.

Of course, hunting and practicing swordsmanship are out of the question.

You should also pay attention to your diet, not only to supplement nutrition, but also not to overeat blindly. Pork Chop said that it will help pay attention to these, and ask Grandma Cat to learn some suitable recipes.

Pandan was very happy.

One thing is to be happy for Hayata, but the other is that she will be getting a very long vacation.

Not counting the two months that have passed, there are still at least seven more months, plus the postpartum recovery period, that’s nearly a full year!

But before it could be happy for too long, Gordon made a suggestion.

Since Hayata can't hunt or practice swordsmanship by herself, if she feels bored, why not take advantage of this time to supervise and guide Xianglan?

That’s a whole year!

Not to mention too much, why can't Xianglan's combat ability be improved to two levels after one year of training for three to five hours a day?

Hayata's heart was moved, and she began to seriously think about preparing Pandan's training plan.

This kid should really work hard and continue to hang out like this. Let alone the pork chops, the mushrooms will soon catch up.

Pandan, who was already thinking about how to enjoy her vacation, had a shocked expression on her face.

It looked at Gordon in disbelief, "What the hell are you?"

"Hehehe" Gordon bared his teeth.

Who wouldn’t hold a grudge or something?

I heard that women during pregnancy will not have a good temper. This is determined by endocrine. The Black Horned Dragon is the most typical example. In order to save yourself from disaster, just sacrifice this pandan.

"Master Gordon has been promoted to nine stars?!" Feng Ying exclaimed on the way to Sterling's mansion.

Attracting side glances from pedestrians on the roadside.

Anhil stretched out his hand and pinched her mouth, "Keep your voice down, don't be surprised. The commander-in-chief's statement is basically certain, but it's better to wait until the formal documents are released before making this matter public."

"oh oh!"

Feng Ying broke away from An Xil's hand and said cheerfully: "Let me just say that the current Master Gordon is not weaker than the village chief Puxian. He should have been promoted long ago!"

Anhil did not deny this.

Master Campbell, Master Samantabhadra, the grand leader, and the mysterious proprietress of Longliyuan are all living legends, but they have put down their weapons for various reasons and have been away from the front line for a long time.

The swordsman master is one of the very few old-timers who has fought all his life and never retired. However, he is also getting older, and he can often be seen sitting on a barrel by the roadside and dozing off.

At their peak, they could naturally compete with Gordon, but now, it is impossible for anyone in the older generation to widen the gap with Gordon based on experience alone.

Lieyan, a rising star like Gene is still a little behind.

It can be said that excluding the "extra-standard" existence like the Great Elder, it should be difficult to find an active hunter stronger than Gordon in the Old Continent and the New Continent today.

As for the future.

An Xil glanced at Feng Ying, who was looking silly.

Although it is hard to imagine that scene, given the lifespan of the dragon tribe, this guy will probably occupy the title of "the strongest hunter" for a long time.

Putting this desperate future behind him, Anhil turned to ask her: "By the way, why have you been following us?"

Saying goodbye to Hayata and the others, Feng Ying has been following him and Gale since leaving Gordon's house. They are about to arrive home, and Feng Ying still follows.

Although, he also guessed Feng Ying's purpose of following them.

Feng Ying was as tough as ever, "Who is following you? Sister Gale and I came to see Fufu!"

An Xil rolled his eyes, but Gale reached out and hooked Feng Ying's neck.

The world has been peaceful recently, and she has been bored in the Star Stronghold for a long time. She just wants to go out for a walk, looking for the Golden Land or something, which sounds interesting.

Feng Ying is a reliable forward, and more importantly, this guy is obviously interested in those golds. If he is looking for a teammate, she is naturally the first choice.

Gale pulled Feng Ying into his arms and raised his chin, "That's right! What do you mean by following? We invited Feng Ying to our home as a guest!"

Anxier was helpless. His elbow was already on his shoulder. What else could he say?

Upon hearing the news that her parents were back, Fufu ran out happily and wanted to hug her.

Anxil was about to pick her up, but Fufu remembered that the mask was "snatched" in the morning, and suddenly she didn't want to hug her father, so she turned around and hugged Fengying's lap.

Feng Ying picked her up with a smile, listened to Fu Fu complaining to her, and then followed Fu Fu to accuse An Xil of robbing children's toys.

Anhir, who was "betrayed" by his wife and daughter one after another, was too lazy to pay attention to them and went about his own business.

Mrs. Sterling followed Fufu out and said to Feng Ying with a smile:

"Your order has almost been completed. Find time in the next two days to try it on. If there is anything that doesn't fit, remember to make changes on the spot."

"What order?" Feng Ying asked blankly.

The smile on Mrs. Sterling's face froze and she reminded, "An order for new armor."

"Ah? Ahhh!!!" Feng Ying shouted.

More than two months have passed, and she has almost forgotten about it.

"Ah!!" Fufu in Feng Ying's arms imitated her and shouted.

After pecking Fu Fu on the cheek a few times to vent her excitement, Feng Ying asked excitedly: "Is it done? Can you go and get it now?!"

"That's right, Mr. Gordon's new armor and the armors for the cats and dogs have also been completed. Each set is an excellent work."

"Thank you very much!" Feng Ying bowed vigorously, almost falling Fufu in her arms to the ground.

Mrs. Sterling smiled and said: "It's better to thank the group leader and Isana. They have really put in a lot of effort.

I didn’t know those materials would be so complicated to process. Compared with the effort they expended, my little appearance design work was really nothing.

I'm fine now. Can I take you over to have a look? "

"Sorry to trouble you!" Feng Ying put down Fu Fu and bowed vigorously again.

Mrs. Sterling took Fufu's hand and motioned for Feng Ying and Gale to follow.

When I followed Mrs. Sterling to the processing house, I saw the two sets of armor that exuded a strong sense of presence and made it difficult to look away.

Feng Ying was so happy that she stopped talking. Even Gale couldn't help but have a flash of appreciation and envy in her eyes.

Mrs. Sterling noticed this, and a smile appeared on her lips.

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