Feng Ying's whole body became visibly stiff.

Gale quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, don't worry, they just threw away the part they found. There must be some that slipped through the net. Let's search carefully, maybe we can still find it!"

Sandstone shook his head and said, "It's difficult. The Qimian tribe has always been xenophobic, and their daily patrols are very intensive. As long as something is in their territory, it is basically impossible to miss it."

"Shut up! Talk too much!" Gale turned around and scolded Shayan, and then continued to say to Feng Ying: "If you think about it this way, it is a good thing that the Qimian Clan discovered many places where gold is scattered!

Although all the gold pieces have been thrown away, there are still some tiny pieces left, right? We can get a sieve to sift it, and we should be able to sift out a lot.

The value of the sieved gold particles is not critical. We can use them to extract the scent of the guide insects.

By extracting specimens from a few more places, wouldn't the guide worm be able to lead us to find more scattered gold flakes, or even directly find Xuanhuisaurus? "

Gale originally just wanted to comfort Xia Fengying, but the more he talked, the more feasible it became.

"Does it make sense?" Feng Ying gradually came back to her senses.

"Really? If we continue to investigate along this clue, we will always be able to find a path to the land of gold. By then, won't there be as much gold as we need?"

After hearing what Gale said, Feng Ying completely regained her energy.

"Then let's start now? It doesn't matter what we eat or drink. We just need to carry food for a few days. Let's wait until we find the Golden Land to discuss the banquet and so on!"

Watching Feng Ying suddenly change from depressed to excited, Gale realized exactly why An Xil always said that Feng Ying was making noises.

"Don't be so hasty." Gale pressed her head, "Let's eat honestly first and see if there are any strange things and bring them back to An Xil and the others to try.

Well, you have to bring as much as possible. Amber Gale is still running on the road. You can't let them go out to hunt by themselves after working so hard to get here. "

Hearing what Gale said, Feng Ying had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in her heart.

The barbecued meats, dried fruits, and some braised tubers sent by the Qimian tribe were all tasteless to her.

Gale glanced at Feng Ying, stuffed the barbecue into her mouth, and slapped her on the forehead, "Don't force it on if you don't want to eat it. Let's go!"

As she said that, she packed some messy food and dragged on a herbivore dragon's leg.

"Let's take these back to the camp first. It will take some time to prepare. We will come back to you tomorrow morning. Gaba, you will still be here tomorrow, right?"

Gaba also quickly swallowed the transporter ant larvae in his mouth and jumped to his feet. "You and I will go together. I will let them all go back first. If I am not around for a few days, nothing will happen to the tribe."

"Huh? Are you going to be the guide yourself?" Gale was a little surprised, then smiled and rolled his eyes, "How interesting! I'll give you the whole gift later!"

Let's see what a broken knife you are. Your subordinates have all used rocket launchers, and you still have a stone knife?

It’s a shame. Okay, I get it. Needless to say, I’ll bring you a beautiful knife next time! "

"!!!" Gaba jumped up and down excitedly.

After shouting a few words to the clan members and arranging some daily clan affairs, it followed Gale's pace.

Carrying a stone knife and walking together with Sandstone, it looked like Gale had found another hunting partner.

When they returned to the camp with food and guides, the camp had been cleaned.

Aibo lit the stove with mushrooms and set up a pot, while Ancier checked the crossbow shells he carried one by one.

When seeing Ansir, Gaba was unexpectedly happy. It jumped up to Ansir and said hello.

"As expected, it's you, Gaba." Anhil put the things in his hands aside for the time being.

From a human perspective, the Strange-Faced Clan all look similar, and can only be distinguished by the style and pattern of their masks.

If there were a group of strange-faced tribesmen, Ancier felt that he wouldn't be able to identify them, but now

Anyway, the only strange-faced tribe he could name was Gaba, except Babaka from the alcohol team.

"Eh? So you guys know each other?" Feng Ying asked in surprise.

"A few years ago, this guy sneaked into the camp in the middle of the night and tried to steal Gordon's inscription sword, but Gordon and the others caught him and gave him a lesson.

When Gordon and the others went hunting together in the Big Ant Mound Wasteland, we had come into contact with it several times, so we considered it acquainted with it.

Mr. Monroe and Hertha are familiar with it. "

"Gaba!" Gaba didn't show any embarrassment or shame at all, he was just happy to meet a familiar person.

After listening to Feng Ying complaining about the group of strange-faced tribesmen throwing all the gold into the cracks in the ground after finding the scattered gold pieces, Anxier not only did not show dissatisfaction, but instead looked at Gaba twice more in surprise.

You must know that this strange-faced tribe has been led by the Golden Priest for nearly forty years. They have a religious belief in the "Golden Earth Mother Goddess", or in the Xuanhui Dragon.

The gold pieces from the Glorious Dragon should be as precious as holy objects in their eyes. When Gordon gave a piece to the Golden Priest, he immediately gained their friendship.

And this guy can actually convince the tribesmen to throw away all their gold?

Very prestigious.

"How did you convince them?" Ancil asked with interest.

"Those golds belong to the Earth Mother Goddess, not to us. If we possess them, one day, the Earth Mother Goddess will burst out of the earth with anger, and bring back what belongs to her amid the landslides and ground cracks.

Therefore, gold should be thrown into the cracks in the ground and let them return to the kingdom of gold and to the Earth Mother Goddess. "

"Huh?" Anhil looked at Gaba more seriously, "It's a perfect reason, enough to convince everyone in the tribe, but isn't this what you really think?"

After hearing this, Feng Ying couldn't help but cast a strange look at An Xil.

Gale couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "What are you thinking about? You, the Qimian clan brothers are all very simple. Why are there so many twists and turns in your heart?"

"." Gaba fell silent.

Gale's eyes twitched, "You're not really a thick black guy, are you?!"

"It's not that exaggerated." Anhil smiled and explained for Gaba, "But this guy does think deeper than other strange-faced tribesmen, just more."

"What do you mean?" Feng Ying became more and more confused as she listened.

Looking at her confused expression, Anxier sighed and could only say that fortunately Feng Ying was a hunter and didn't need to understand this.

It was April who reacted first, "Ah! If it was really just to avoid taking the gold for himself and avoid angering the 'gods', we shouldn't have searched and collected the gold in the first place, right?"

Gale frowned, "So this is to prevent the tribe from secretly collecting the gold of the 'Earth Mother Goddess'?"

"Not entirely." Anhil smiled and glanced at Gaba, "This guy's real purpose should be to get rid of the tribe's previous beliefs.

Am I right? "

Gaba, who had been silent for a while, spoke, and his voice was heavier than usual, "The Earth Mother Goddess is a great creature, but she is not a god worthy of our faith.

In the past, we, under the leadership of the Golden Priest, fought for ores everywhere, just to please the Mother Goddess.

But the Earth Mother Goddess Xuanhuilong doesn’t care about everything we do. She will not allow babies to be born safely, will not bring rain and food in disaster years, and will not protect us.

Companions who died fighting for the ore, and companions who died in the earthquake it brought.

Our efforts are meaningless.

The only one who can make the tribe strong is ourselves. "

There was a brief silence in the camp.

Ancil chuckled softly, "No wonder the King of the Strange Face Clan and Mr. Monroe chose you to be the leader of this tribe."

Feng Ying leaned back tactically.

Gale shook his fist angrily, "Nima, if you don't do anything after receiving protection money, I'm going to skin that guy!"

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