Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1184 Golden Country

Ancier nodded and asked Sandstone to deliver the message to several other groups of hunters scattered nearby.

Seeing that Feng Ying didn't quite understand, Alva patiently explained.

"If the gold falls into the gap in the form of debris, then there is nothing to say, it just means that the Xuanhuilong has passed by here.

But this trace of gold has seeped into it. What does this mean? "

He was a good teacher and tried to induce Feng Ying to think independently. Feng Ying thought very hard, but the direction seemed wrong.

"Representative. Representative Xuanhuilong's sweat also contains gold?"

". A very creative idea, but that's not what I meant." Alva was a little stuck by Feng Ying's answer. After reorganizing the words, he continued to explain:

“Only gold melted at high temperature can flow into such a small gap, but this brings another problem.

It is impossible for gold to be dropped into the cracks so accurately, so why is there only gold left in such small cracks? "

The face-saving Feng Ying was embarrassed to say she didn't know, so she held her head and thought for a long time.

It wasn't until Jean Gale and the others found gold residue again in a rock crevice not far away that she suddenly figured something out.

"Because all the other gold was taken away? Only the ones stuck in the gaps remained?"

"That's it." Alva smiled with relief.

An Xil snorted coldly, "I'm not so stupid after all."

"So, so Xuanhuilong can run around with gold? Then we can't dig gold quietly?!"

"That may be the case. Keep moving forward. You can only judge the specific situation after seeing it with your own eyes." An Xil glanced sideways at Feng Ying.

His main purpose of putting Feng Ying in debt was to make her feel nervous, otherwise this guy's character would easily lead to laziness.

But now it seems that she has gone astray.

From working hard to make money to being greedy for money

Forget it, if there is a chance this time, let her settle the account first, otherwise this guy will only be thinking about money.

The Phnom Penh team continued to move forward, and the other three teams on the flanks followed suit.

The hunters continued to move forward in this seemingly endless earth corridor, spending several hours exploring nearly twenty kilometers.

Still nothing worth mentioning.

Just when Ancier was thinking about whether everyone should stop exploring and rest for a while to regain their strength.

They noticed something strange.

There was a lack of light and a bit of humidity in the leyline corridor, which was originally a bit cold.

Although it does not affect the actions of the hunters, it still gives people the discomfort of walking outside in single clothes in late autumn nights.

But now, it seems to be getting warmer in the tunnel.

It's like, from late autumn to early spring? And as they continued to move forward, the temperature continued to rise.

The light emitted by the guide insects flying in the air became brighter and brighter.

All signs indicate that they are getting closer to their goal.

Anhil sent a signal to assemble, and after several other teams gathered around, he said: "Rest on the spot, eat, and check the status of the armor and weapons.

We are very close to the target. Again, be prepared for battle, but do not initiate a battle and operate as stealthily as possible.

After discovering the target, keep a safe distance and do not do anything that may anger the target. Do you understand? "

The hunters nodded one after another, taking turns to be on guard, eat, and adjust their state.

More than half an hour later, the hunters who had finished their rest continued to move forward.

The temperature in the air continues to rise. From the beginning, which made people's hands and feet feel cold and white steam coming out, to the later coolness and comfort, to now the warmth, even a little bit of heat.

After turning a corner with a large angle, Feng Ying, who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly stopped and her eyes widened.

Anhil, who also noticed something strange, immediately made a gesture to tell the other teams following their team to be alert and take cover.

On the ground in front of them, gold appeared.

It's not the kind of scene where one or two pieces of gold fall in the middle of the road, but large tracts, like puddles accumulated on uneven ground on rainy days, spread everywhere.

"This... all of these are gold?!" Feng Ying stuttered.

But fortunately, she remembered to lower her voice and didn't yell.

Ancil squinted at the gold on the ground for a while, then suddenly said to Alva: "Try putting out the light."

Alva put out the kerosene lamp for lighting.

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, but this was only temporary. After your eyes adapted for a moment, you could find that the gold attached to the ground was emitting a hazy light.

Gold itself does not emit light. The gold seems to be mixed with some special ingredients. Although the shimmer emitted is not bright, when combined, it is enough for human eyes to see.

After the firelight was extinguished, everyone discovered that the gold was not only attached to the ground.

The surrounding rock walls and even the top of the cave above are dotted with a lot of shimmering gold. As far as the eye can see, everything is golden.

This is the ‘Golden Land of Earth Lines’ that only appears in the legends of the Qimian Clan.

At this moment, even Anhil, who has the least pursuit of money, can't help but sigh that there is such a literally "golden land" in the world.

Gale, who suspected that he was hallucinating, gave himself a slap in the face, "Nima, our childhood dream has come true like this? All the gold here must be shipped out."

"Then gold will become worthless." Ancier added casually.

"You are so boring!"

Alva came to a pool of gold solidified into irregular shapes, touched it, and looked at it for a moment.

He said with some uncertainty: "This gold is actually slightly hot. This should be the source of the heating in the Earth Corridor.

Did the gold in the Golden Land originally exist in this way of melting and condensation? No wonder remnants of gold have been found in cracks in rocks before.

etc? ! "

Alva suddenly remembered something and was excited. Without lowering his voice, he shouted loudly to the hunters gathered behind him: "Turn out the lights, invisibility cloak!"

As soon as he finished speaking, heavy footsteps could be heard from the depths of the Golden Land of the Earth.

The expressions of the hunters changed drastically. They turned off their lights as quickly as possible, put on their invisibility cloaks, and looked for hiding places.

However, the team of more than 20 people including the hunter and the editor could not completely hide it.

Just when some hunters have decided to "take the next best thing" and put their hands on the handles of their weapons, getting ready for battle.

Alva said urgently to the hunters: "Calm down, don't show hostility, don't block the middle of the road, and squat close to the rock walls on both sides with your head down!"

Some hunters still had some doubts, so Ancil quickly shouted in a low voice, "Just do it!"

Wearing invisibility cloaks, everyone came to the rock wall and crouched down, counting the rapid heartbeats in their ears, praying that the approaching giant shadow would not notice them.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and finally, a pair of huge curved horns that seemed to be made of pure gold poked out from the corner of the tunnel ahead.

A majestic creature wearing a huge golden "dress" came into everyone's sight.

Its steps are slow, like the dance steps of a well-dressed lady, gorgeous and elegant.

The golden pupils swept across the people huddled under the rock wall, and those two eyes that seemed to carry weight made everyone realize that their hiding was meaningless.

The hunters' nerves were stretched to the limit, and they were all ready to deal with the attack.

However, the golden dragon just retracted its sight and walked past them without caring.

Like, they're just some pebbles on the side of the road.


In the official setting, the Golden Township is not a certain location. When the Xuanhui Dragon migrates, it will take the gold with it, so it is said that the Golden Township actually moves with the Xuanhui Dragon.

(That much gold cannot be taken away at once, so it has to be moved back and forth again and again. So you are wandering underground doing this all the time?)

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