Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1188 The Golden Strange Face Clan

Aibo translated Gale's words in the Qimian language, which he was not very proficient in.

Of course, the last sentence, "I'm going to 'greet' the Golden Priest," was translated literally by Ai Bo, without the somewhat vicious tone.

Miss Gale shouldn’t really hit anyone, right? Isn't it?

The strange-faced tribe visibly calmed down after listening to the understandable language, at least it no longer waved around its intrusive golden knife.

It took a few steps back warily and kept chirping.

Everyone looked at Ai Bo, waiting for her to translate.

"It's a bit incoherent. Maybe it's because I'm not proficient in grammar? It probably means asking us why we want to invade the kingdom of the Earth Mother Goddess."

Gale frowned impatiently.

After listening to Gaba's story about a series of events from that year, she had no favorable impression of the Golden Priest and the dozen odd-faced clansmen who followed him out of the tribe and entered the underground world.

What they want to believe is their business, but for their own beliefs, if they hurt the tribe and trigger a war with the wasteland guardian tribe, that is not "their business".

She raised her left hand and pulled the trigger. The spring of the projector made a soft sound, and the stones loaded on the projector roared out and hit the shield of the Golden Strange Face Clan.

The gravel flew and the impact caused it to stumble back two steps.

"Young lady's nonsense, Xuanhuilong didn't say anything when he saw us coming in. Do you want you to worry? Hurry up and tell us where the golden priest is?"

Facing Gale's forceful questioning, the Golden Strange Face Tribe did not show any timidity, and even wanted to rush forward and attack.

Gene swung the sledgehammer and hit the ground with a "boom!", making a shallow pit in the ground covered with gold.

Sandstone also arched his back, bared his fangs, and looked like he was ready to pounce at any moment.

These fanatical believers are even more disgusting to it than Gaba and the others, who have now changed their style and live in peace with the wasteland clan.

Looking at the aggressive hunters, the Golden Faced Tribe finally chose to give in. They had a bad temper, but they were not stupid.

After waving the saw blade and making several threatening movements, it finally answered Gale's question.

Ai Bo translated in a low voice: "It said that the golden priest passed away peacefully on the day he returned to the Golden Land, and his soul merged with the Golden Land."


Gale was speechless. She was too lazy to ask the elderly golden priest whether Ye Luo Guigen died of old age or was accidentally trampled to death by the Xuanhui Dragon.

They're all dead anyway, so there's nothing to say.

"Let it go away, tell it to stop staring at us, and beat it if it's caught again."

Ai Bo did not translate immediately, but asked Gael in a low voice, "Why don't we take the opportunity to ask it about the Golden Land? For example, the number of brilliant dragons, the terrain, the types of creatures, etc."

Gale glanced at her and said, "It is impossible for these Golden Strange Face Clan to be friends from the very beginning, and to the Strange Face Clan, outsiders who are not friends are enemies.

You can't ask anything about Golden Township, but it may further anger them and think we are going to do something to Golden Township.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask and try. "

Ai Bo was a little hesitant and couldn't help but look at Ancil and Alva who were leading the team.

Alva thought for a while and said: "Don't ask about the Xuan Huilong, and don't ask about the terrain. Just ask what other creatures there are in the Golden Land. This question should not irritate it."

Ai Bo nodded and took out a piece of food from his bag.

Using food as gifts is an almost invincible trick in communicating with the orcs.

She bent down and handed the food to the golden strange-faced tribe holding a sword and shield, and at the same time asked the question in as friendly a tone as possible.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Strange Face Clan suddenly let out an angry scream, swung his sword twice, scared Ai Bo back, and flew out, disappearing among the dazzling golden pillars and gold nuggets in the blink of an eye.

Mushroom and the Tooth Hounds were about to give chase, but Ancil stopped him, "Forget it, if you're not prepared to kill him, there's no point in catching him."

Gale lifted his mask, bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Next, we have to be more vigilant. These guys may come out of the darkness at any time to attack."


Sandstone sharpened his claws and showed the same expression as Gale, "I will keep an eye on them, meow."

Ai Bo picked up the food that had been knocked to the ground, looking a little depressed, "Sorry, if I had just let it go before, maybe there wouldn't be those troubles."

Alva was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that the golden odd-faced tribe would react so violently to an insensitive question.

Gale looked indifferent, "Don't think too much, anyway, if we continue to investigate, sooner or later we will conflict with them again.

There are just a few golden odd-faced tribesmen. If they come to cause trouble, fight them off! "

"Has our relationship with the Strange Face Clan in Golden Township become hostile?" Feng Ying scratched her head, "I thought that as long as we are from the Strange Face Clan, Sister Gale can have a good relationship."

"No way, it depends on whether we get along with each other, right?"

Seeing that things were getting more and more complicated, Anhil tapped his knuckles on his sore forehead.

Just like Gale said, those Golden Miracle Clan probably claim to be the guards of the Golden Land, otherwise they wouldn't be spying on them all the time.

As long as the investigation continues, conflict is inevitable.

"Mushroom, you ride Amber to find the other two teams and tell them about being wary of the Golden Miracle Clan's attack.

Also, remind them again to avoid seeing blood as much as possible to avoid the smell of blood irritating the Xuan Huilong. "

Gene swung the sledgehammer with a whirring sound, "I'll hold back a little bit, I'll just crack the skull and not knock out the brains. It doesn't smell like blood, right?"

Ancier didn't respond to him, and Gene chuckled, interpreting this as a kind of tacit approval.

After this brief and unpleasant encounter, the group regrouped and continued exploring.

There was no need for Ancier to remind them. Feng Ying and the other two became more vigilant. They formed a compact formation to protect the two editors in the middle of the team.

As the "natives" of the Golden Township, the Golden Qimian Tribe's understanding of various tunnels, caves, and environmental terrain is naturally beyond what outsiders like them can match.

What's more, they are well-equipped and their number is unknown for the time being.

In the event of a sudden attack, they, the elite hunters who are armed with strong weapons, are naturally not afraid, but the editors are not necessarily afraid.

In this tense atmosphere, the Phnom Penh team investigated two more caves in succession.

I couldn't find the ruins I was looking for, and I didn't encounter any eye-popping golden wonders.

Two new species were discovered.


Of course, this was just what the hunters thought. The two editors, Alva and April, were almost crazy with excitement.

A pair of pincers holds gold foil. I don’t know if it’s a crab meant for eating or for something else. Because of its round body, Feng Ying, the person who discovered it, named it a steamed bun crab.

She named it casually, but she didn't realize that the name "Steamed Bun Crab" would later be recorded in the biological encyclopedia together with the discoverer.

Ai Bo also discovered a suspected subspecies that is very similar to the horseshoe crab that lives in the wasteland of the large ant mound, but the carapace has a golden color.

Her naming method is much more normal-Golden Leaf Horseshoe Crab.

As scholars initially expected, the special environmental conditions of Golden Township gave birth to a number of strange species that were different from the outside world.

The relationship between these species and gold, as well as the Brilliant Dragon, is not yet known.

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