The flying claw is a very useful move, but at the same time, it is also a very risky move.

Especially at the moment of flying up, it is difficult for the hunter to adjust his posture and landing point. If he encounters some monsters with fast reaction speed and bites him sideways, he may become meat in his mouth.

In order to reduce the risk, many hunters will choose to fly up to the neck, shoulders and other parts first, and then look for opportunities to climb up to the head.

But now Maka doesn't have this chance.

The critical state of the Explosive Broken Dragon is covered with ancient slime mold activated by scorching heat. It is not only hot to the touch and difficult to grasp, but also has the risk of exploding at any time.

Naturally, the shorter the contact time, the better.

Fortunately, the flash bomb thrown by Babaka temporarily sealed the vision of the violent dragon crusher, creating some loopholes for her.

Maka flew up to the side of Explosive Shattering Dragon's face, swung her flying claws, and grabbed hard into Explosive Shattering Dragon's eye sockets.

A vital part was attacked. Like all creatures, the Violent Broken Dragon reacted violently. He shook his head suddenly and tried to throw Maka down.

Maka wanted to grab the gap in the carapace and fix her body, but found that the carapace covered with slime mold was slippery, and with the impact of her flying up, the side of the violently broken dragon's head began to emit a dangerous red light.

This is a sign of an impending explosion.

There is no difference between staying on the violent Shattering Dragon and dying. It was too late to adjust the direction of the violent Shattering Dragon. Maka put the projector against the former's eye socket and pulled the trigger hard.

Fire all the bombs!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Explosive Broken Dragon roared out in pain and rushed towards the non-existent enemy in front.

Maka took the opportunity to do a backflip, break away from the monster, and stumble to the ground.

Since there was not enough time to adjust the direction, the angle of the violent blasting dragon's forward movement was very wrong, and everyone felt it was a pity that they could not hit the rock wall.

However, at this moment, luck favored them.

The slime mold spread on the side of Explosive Shatter Dragon's face detonated. Under the bombardment of this explosion, Explosive Shatter Dragon's head jerked to the side, and the direction of its forward thrust also shifted.

Finally, he hit the huge volcanic rock that was thirty or forty meters high.


Large cracks centered on the impact point and spread in all directions.

Even with the size and strength of the Explosive Broken Dragon, it is impossible to smash a huge rock or rock mountain of this size with one head.

The impact of the collision came back, making the fierce blast dragon feel dizzy.

But it's not over yet.

On the huge rock, a large amount of slime mold was stuck to the deep pit created by the big horn of the Explosive Broken Dragon.

Under such a violent impact, these slime molds, which were already in a critical state, were activated without any accident.

Amidst the loud explosions, the cracks on the rocky mountain further expanded, and large chunks of rock collapsed, falling on the violent Broken Dragon.

The Explosive Broken Dragon, who was already a little dizzy and unsteady on his feet, was knocked over and fell to the ground.

Oshula seized the opportunity to stop and turn around, set up the crossbow, and continued to fire ice-condensed bullets rapidly to wear down the energy of the violent dragon crusher.

Maka and Ted also quickly approached, preparing to launch a strong attack.

Just when they came to the roaring and struggling Explosive Broken Dragon half-buried in a pile of boulders, Ted suddenly remembered something.

He yelled: "Maka, retreat as far as you can! Oshura replaces armor-piercing grenades!"

Commanding the hunting insects to release the insect powder, Maka, who was waving the insect stick and preparing to perform the Flying Circle Slash, immediately stopped the attack and flew back.

Although she wasn't sure of Ted's intentions, there was nothing wrong with following the captain's instructions in battle.

Urshula also subconsciously changed the magazine. After a few seconds of reaction, she probably guessed Ted's purpose.

Theoretically, ammunition such as flame bombs and armor-piercing grenades, which use high temperature and explosive impact as the main means of destruction, are very ineffective against the violent dragon-shattering.

But high temperatures and explosions may further stimulate those critical slime molds!

That's exactly what Ted thought.

He came to the head of the Violent Shattered Dragon, pointed his gun forward, and aimed the muzzle at the big horns and arms of the Violent Shattered Dragon where the slime mold was most concentrated.

"Dragon Cannon!"


Amidst the explosions and smoke, the hot can popped out, and the gun barrel became red-hot.

The explosive impact released by the Dragon Cannon in a fan shape landed on the head and chest of the Explosive Dragon.

The activity of the slime mold is about to exceed the critical point and it begins to swell and glow.

Ted could no longer care about anything else, put away his weapon, turned around and ran away.

At the same time, Oshula also fired the armor-piercing grenade that had just been loaded into the crossbow chamber.

Almost as soon as these armor-piercing grenades landed on the chest of the Violent Broken Dragon, they were detonated by the high temperature released during the rapid activation process of the ancient slime mold, exploding into several balls of fire.

The power of this explosion is incomparable to the ancient slime mold that exploded the dragon, but it was like the detonator in the explosive bomb, lighting the final fire for the ancient slime mold that was approaching the critical point.

The violent Broken Dragon that was knocked down by falling rocks was like an erupting volcano, and the continuous explosions and blazing fire once again echoed on the shores of the huge lava lake.

Having already run dozens of meters away, gravel and carapace fragments were still flying over from time to time. Ted raised his shield to block a fist-sized carapace fragment.

"Will you fall down this time?"

The sound of the explosion covered up his soliloquy, and no one could answer his questions until the explosion ended and the dust settled.

The hunters were busy changing their ammunition and polishing their weapons.

Logically speaking, there was no reason for the Explosive Broken Dragon, which was seriously injured and had most of its carapace shattered, to survive such continuous explosions.

But they always felt that the Explosive Broken Dragon, which had been wandering on the edge of life and death for so long, survived explosions one after another, and continued to evolve to its current appearance, would not die in such frustration.

"Babakar, set up a trap." Staring at the giant beast roaring in the endless flames for a few seconds, Ted said solemnly: "Even if he is still alive, he probably only has his last breath left. The tranquilizer bomb should It works.”

The Qimian clan nodded, found a suitable position, and began to set up a paralysis trap.

Urshula also replaced the ballista's magazine with capture tranquilizer rounds.

Another ten seconds passed, the explosions and roars gradually stopped, and the giant shadow in the smoke became silent.

The hunters raised their weapons and cautiously gathered around.

Suddenly, the giant shadow lying on the ground moved.

Ted, who was walking at the front, immediately stopped and made a "pause" gesture.


The charred Explosive Broken Dragon let out waves of vague low roars. It supported its body with its head and stood up slowly.

The proud big horns have been blown off, and a large piece of the head shell has been blown off. Through the cracks in the carapace, you can even see the skull with blackened flesh and blood attached to it.

At the back where the carapace was thickest, the entire spine was lifted off and fell to the side, and one of the legs was broken off.

This appearance is not to mention fighting, just maintaining a standing posture is already its limit.

The hunters looked at each other, still not daring to let down their guard.

Both eyes and ear holes have been completely destroyed in the continuous explosions. At this time, it cannot even detect the approach of the hunter.

It couldn't even tell where the enemy was, but it still had no intention of running away.

Only half of his tongue, dripping with blood, was stretched out and licked his arms.

Even after it was blown to its last breath, it was still doing its best to spawn those terrifying slime molds.

At this moment, a strange thought flashed through Ted's mind.

Everyone considered the extremely ferocious Explosive Broken Dragon to be the dominant party.

And those slime molds from ancient strata are just some kind of strange parasites, and they are the "powerful weapons" harvested by Explosive Broken Dragon in its pursuit of powerful power.

But what if that’s not the case? What if the ancient slime mold is the dominant party, and the Blastosaurus is just a tool for the spread and reproduction of the ancient slime mold?

"Boom! Boom!"

While Ted was thinking wildly, Explosive Broken Dragon hit the ground with two punches in succession.

Its arms were already badly damaged, and one of them had even been blown into pieces. The white bone stubble was exposed, which was extremely eye-catching.

But it still kept waving its arms and hitting the ground faster and faster.

As it bombarded repeatedly, the ground, which was already full of cracks, shattered layer by layer, and magma spewed out, burning its body.

But it still ignored it and sent all the ancient slime mold that had just proliferated on its arms into the hot magma flow underground.

With the massive injection of ancient slime mold, the ground within a radius of nearly a hundred meters with it as the center gradually glowed with a heart-stopping red light.

The hunters woke up from the strange behavior of the blasting dragon.


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