Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1289 Penguin Secret Passage (an extra chapter for the leader ‘Meow-chan Meow-chan Meow-chan’

(Finally added)

The blizzard lasted for a long time, until the second half of the night, when the ghost-like howling of the wind gradually stopped.

Worried about the safety of his companions, Bingchuan was a little anxious.

However, as an excellent hunter on the ice field, it knew that some things could not be rushed, and tried to force itself to sleep, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

Time finally came to the next day.

The entrance of the ice cave was mostly buried by thick snow. The group took some effort to dig out the snow and came out.

The sky was clear without a cloud, and the bright sunshine was sprinkled on the ice field. The snow and glaciers reflected the sunlight, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

In order to protect their eyesight, Fengying and the others put on protective snow goggles, but Bingchuan only slightly lowered the brim of his fur hood.

As a native orc tribe, the beast-clan tribe had long been accustomed to these.

"Tsk, it's a bit troublesome." Looking at the thick snow covering the ground, Fengying smacked her lips.

As she put the reins of the sled on Amber, she said, "Even if there is any smell left, it should be covered by the snow.

Do you remember where you and your companions got separated? Take us there."

Bingchuan nodded, jumped on Amber's back, and began to point the way.

The sled was speeding on the ice field. Not long after, they came to an area full of icebergs.

"Isn't this the place where we found the expedition ship last time?" Fengying jumped off the sled and looked around.

"That's also a glacier area, but it's still a little far." After adding a few strokes on the map, Ai Bo said, "This is close to the west coast. Our people rarely come here."

"It's rarely visited, and there are icebergs everywhere. It's a good place to hide." Fengying said to herself.

"Woo ba ba!" The anxious beast tribe jumped and urged.

Fengying and the others had to stop observing the environment and follow Bingchuan's footsteps.

Along the way, the glacier shouted again, indicating that they had arrived.

Looking at the cracked ice cliff under her feet, Feng Ying's eyes twitched, "This place doesn't look safe. You just stand here, I'll go to the front and take a look."

Carefully crossing those large and small cracks, Feng Ying came to the edge of the ice cliff.

At this moment, another ice cliff not far away collapsed. With a loud rumble, hundreds of tons of ice smashed into the sea, stirring up huge waves.

Under the waves, the ice cliff under her feet made a tooth-grinding "crackling" sound. Feng Ying shuddered in fear and stopped in a hurry.

This ice cliff has also reached its limit. It is not surprising that it will collapse at any time. It may be just the last straw.

Fortunately, my straw is not heavy enough. If it were Master Gordon, I am afraid it would have collapsed, right?

Feng Ying calmed down her emotions and gently tickled the Kinsect lying on her wrist with her fingers, so that they would be ready at any time.

Then she carefully stretched out her neck and looked down at the ice cliff.

Below is the ice sea with a lot of floating ice. There is a huge whirlpool just below the ice cliff.

If those beast-entangled tribes with powerful names fall from here, they will most likely be sucked into the seabed by the whirlpool.

The chance of survival is slim.

Sighing in his heart, he suddenly remembered the screams of Ai Bo and others.

"Feng Ying! Be careful!"

You don't feel any dangerous breath?

Feng Ying was puzzled, but still drew out the sword and turned around.

Then he saw several fat fat penguins walking towards him.

The sound of ice cracking sounded again in his ears.

The last straw came.

"F*ck! Go back!" Feng Ying waved nervously at the fat penguins, shouting and trying to drive them away.

However, these fat waterfowl who had never seen humans did not seem to be afraid at all. Instead, they curiously lay down, their smooth bellies pressed against the ice, and slid towards him like skating.

As an excellent ice hunter, Bingchuan certainly couldn't let these stupid penguins interfere with the hunter's actions.

It took out a sharpened javelin from behind.


Feng Ying didn't have time to stop him, Bingchuan threw the javelin with a "Woo!" sound.

Its javelin throwing skills are quite good. The javelin made of hardwood drew a beautiful arc and stabbed the fat penguin that was sprinting and sliding forward.

Then it stabbed nothing.

This is also normal. With the ballistic speed of the javelin, in order to accurately hit small moving targets, in addition to technology, luck is more important.

But the luck of the beast entanglement tribe is obviously not very good.

Not only did the javelin not hit the target, but it fell into a palm-wide crack.

Affected by the impact, the speed of the crack expansion further accelerated.

The collapse began.

Feng Ying's face turned black, and she could no longer care about anything else. She turned around and ran wildly.

The speed of the ice cliff collapse was faster than her running. Before she could run a few steps, her feet were empty.

Feng Ying immediately released the Kinsect, pulling the silk, and flew twice in the air, finally reaching the edge of the collapse. As she fell, she reached out and grabbed the edge of the cliff in time.

Aibo and Amber hurriedly pulled her up.

Feng Ying, who had escaped, turned over and lay on the ice, gasping for breath.

Then she jumped up, grabbed Bingchuan with an angry look on her face, and rubbed its belly hard.

Bingchuan kicked his short legs and twisted around because of the itch.

Ai Bo was somewhat helpless. Ren Fengying continued to vent her anger there, and she came to the edge of the ice cliff quietly.

There had just been a collapse here, so there was no need to worry for a short time.

She looked down.

Staring at the huge vortex on the sea surface below the ice cliff.

"Huh?" She suddenly found something wrong.

Pulling down the multi-functional eyepiece, adjusting the focus, and observing carefully.

The fat penguins that fell into the sea with the collapse of the ice cliff not only did not intend to escape from the vortex, but took the initiative to swim into the vortex and disappeared on the sea surface.

At the same time, there were more fat penguins, staggering past them, lined up, jumped into the sea below the ice cliff like suicide, and then drilled into the vortex.

Could it be that the vortex did not lead to the seabed, but to somewhere else?

"Stop making trouble, come and take a look!" Ai Bo shouted.

Holding the struggling Bingchuan under her armpit, Feng Ying trotted over. Looking at the fat penguins lining up to jump into the sea, she also realized something was wrong.

"Interesting! Penguins are good at diving. If they just want to dive, there is no need to go into the dangerous whirlpool.

There may be some secret passage below. Let's go down and take a look?"

"Too dangerous!" Ai Bo pouted.

"If it was dangerous, those fat penguins wouldn't jump one after another."

"People are not penguins!"

Just as the two were arguing over a disagreement, Bingchuan, who had reacted, struggled to break free from Feng Ying's arms, jumped up, and jumped off the ice cliff.

The furry figure was sucked into the whirlpool in an instant and disappeared.

Feng Ying and Ai Bo were both stunned.

"So brave?"

"What should we do now!"

"What else can we do?" Feng Ying shrugged, "If not for our companions on the glacier, just for the whereabouts of the Ice Curse Dragon, we have to take a risk."

Ai Bo knew that he couldn't beat Feng Ying, so he sighed and adjusted his goggles, "I hope nothing will happen."

"Don't worry! Can we be worse than those fat penguins?" Feng Ying laughed, took a few deep breaths, and jumped down.

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