Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1291 The other side of the vortex


Feng Ying poked her head out of the water and took a few deep breaths. She felt that her brain was almost shaken.

At this time, a wooden spear stretched out in front of her. Feng Ying reached out and grabbed the spear handle. With the help of the beast-entangled tribe's "Sky Wrath Glacier", she climbed ashore.

Then, they used the same method to pull up Ai Bo and others who drifted over later.

After counting carefully and confirming that no one was missing, Feng Ying breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the ground.

To be honest, it was a bit scary.

The big whirlpool on the sea surface was connected to a torrent. After they jumped into the sea and were swept into it, they were swept all the way into an underground river.

Two people, a cat, a dog, and a beast-entangled tribe were washed up and down in the underground river for a long distance.

Maybe a few kilometers? Maybe even farther. It was not easy to come to this pond with a relatively calm water and find an opportunity to go ashore.

If someone is not good at swimming, I am afraid he would have drowned long ago.

Fortunately, both Aibo and the amber mushrooms were good at swimming, so no one got hurt.

After catching his breath, Aibo endured the pain all over his body, climbed up, and urged Fengying to take off her clothes quickly.

This pond is located in a cave. It is not too cold compared to the ice and snow outside, but it is close to freezing point. If you don’t take off your soaked thick coat and dry it quickly, you will get hypothermia.

Fengying, who was also bruised in the underground river, took off the [Ice Wolf] that was constantly dripping with water, wrung it out, and spread it on the ground.

She also took off the [Underworld Lamp Phantom Fire] that was also soaked in the cold-proof clothes.

After pouring a bottle of hot drink into her mouth, Fengying, who was only wearing a tight short coat, picked up her shield axe, "By the way, can those things be eaten?"

She was referring to the fat penguins who climbed ashore with them.

Looking at their fat bodies, Ai Bo drooled a little, but she shook her head rationally.

"All fat is not delicious, and the most important thing is that the smell of blood may attract other predators, which is not safe."

Feng Ying shrugged and turned her eyes away from the stupid penguins, "Okay, I'll go patrol the surroundings, and the amber mushrooms will stay here.

Partner, you hurry up to make a fire. Don't think about finding firewood or anything here. Just use charcoal. Now is not the time to save fuel."


Ai Bo responded, and quickly set up a portable grill, temporarily serving as a bonfire, and began to bake the clothes of the two.

By the way, roast a few pieces of food.

Feng Ying held a sword and a shield in her hand and began to patrol and confirm the surrounding environment.

Beast Clan Glacier also followed, shaking off the water on his body as he walked, but he just refused to take off the wet fur cloak.

Unlike the amber mushroom, it had already taken off all its clothes.

Feng Ying was a little disappointed, thinking that she could see the true appearance of the beast tribe.

After a brief walk around, Feng Ying confirmed that this was a strange cave that was not on the map.

The space inside the cave was low, and the passages were complicated, so it was easy to get lost.

Feng Ying had a sudden idea and followed those fat penguins. After many twists and turns, she finally arrived outside the cave.

The cold wind of the Everfrost frost blew, and Feng Ying, who was bare-chested, shivered and shrank back.

At least the exit location had been confirmed, so there was no need to worry about how to leave.

After returning to the cave and wandering around for a while, Feng Ying's pace slowed down a bit. The faint fishy smell in the air indicated that there might be a monster's nest nearby.

However, it should not be a very strong monster. The space inside the cave was relatively low, and the flying dragon species and beast dragon species should not be able to get in.

The glacier was very active. It gave full play to its advantage as a native, picking a lot of edible mushrooms and fungi along the way, and also found some peppers.

Feng Ying, who was wearing a tight-fitting shirt and had a runny nose from the cold, ate a few of them, which were so spicy that they made her sizzle.

They found another winter flower, which is an edible plant. The flower buds are crisp and delicious, and are a settlement item of considerable value.

Feng Ying was about to pick some, but found that the buds had been plucked.

She was stunned, but Bingchuan jumped up happily.

This winter flower was well preserved, and only the tender buds were plucked. Only humans and orcs with flexible fingers could do this.

No one would come here specifically to pick winter flower buds, so it must be picked by its companions.

They are fine!

After realizing what Bingchuan was excited about, Feng Ying smiled and patted its head.

The traces of the winter flower buds being plucked were still fresh, which should have happened after the blizzard stopped.

Now the weather is clear, and the orcs will leave clear traces when walking on the snow, so it is not difficult to find them.

After the clothes are dried, take Bingchuan to find its companions. The beast-entangled tribe who owes it a favor will definitely help with all their strength to find the trace of the Ice Curse Dragon.

Although it took some detours, it was all worth it to get the help of the beast-entangled tribe!

Hehehe, the first credit for this search mission was won by me, Feng Ying!

Feng Ying was feeling happy, but suddenly she shuddered.

She felt a certain gaze.

Her body moved before her mind did. She put up her shield and sword and entered a defensive posture.

"Woo-ga!" Bingchuan also noticed something strange.

It pulled out the javelin behind it, jumped around, and threw it hard into the dark area covered by shadows deep in the cave.


There was a sharp scream in the dark, and the javelin seemed to hit the peeper in the dark.

It walked out of the shadows.

It was a tooth dragon monster that looked very similar to the common flying thunder dragon in the ancient tree forest.

This monster was first discovered in the Everfrost.

After research, scholars determined that it was a subspecies of the flying thunder dragon. Referring to its ability to secrete paralytic toxins and toxicity, it was named "Bidu Dragon".

In the previous mission to find the remains of the expedition team, there was a glimpse of it, but the Bidu Dragon ran very fast at that time and there was no direct contact.

After that mission, out of curiosity, Feng Ying specifically went to scholars to ask for information about this monster, so she was able to recognize it.

According to scholars, this monster is relatively timid and not too aggressive.

However, looking at the javelin stuck on the back of the Bidu Dragon, Feng Ying knew that this encounter had to be fought.

No wonder it is called the "Sky Wrath" Glacier. The little guy is very aggressive.

Feng Ying was a little helpless, but at this time she could only fight.

The slow pace of the paralysis dragon gave people a very cautious feeling, but if you really think it is a coward, you are wrong.

It seemed that it felt that Feng Ying was too small and not threatening. It suddenly took a step back, tensed its muscles and pounced.

Relying on the membrane hidden between its limbs, it can glide in the air, which makes its pounce distance beyond imagination. If it encounters it for the first time, it is easy to suffer.

However, Feng Ying was very calm. Although this was her first time fighting a paralysis dragon, she had seen the flying thunder dragon, its original species, many times.

As long as she was careful of the opponent's long tail and poisonous flying thorns, the paralysis dragon was not a difficult opponent for her.

At the moment when the paralysis dragon's fangs covered with paralysis toxins were about to bite her, Feng Ying suddenly stepped forward and raised her shield, released the insect silk to stabilize the defense, and entered a fully charged defensive posture.

The insect defense shield that could even withstand the dragon car of the black horned dragon was no different from a wall in front of the paralysis dragon.

Not to mention biting the opponent, the poisonous dragon knocked itself dizzy.

Feng Ying steadily endured the impact, quickly changed the form of the weapon, and chopped back with a big blow, leaving a bloody wound on the back and shoulder of the poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon screamed in pain and quickly stepped back a few steps, staring at Feng Ying with fear in his eyes.

Feng Ying took the opportunity to use the bottle that had just been filled, opened the red shield, and then inserted the sword into the shield to start the high-pressure backfill mode.

The shield turned into an axe face and rotated at high speed, making a chilling "buzzing" sound.

"Hehehe! Are you stupid? Keep going?" Feng Ying laughed strangely.

The poisonous dragon crouched down, stared at Feng Ying for two seconds, and then looked behind her vigilantly.

After a brief hesitation, it turned around and ran, disappearing in the intricate and narrow tunnels in the cave.

Feng Ying was about to continue laughing when a sinister voice came from behind.

"Wow, hunting without clothes, is this your new hobby?"

Feng Ying turned back stiffly, and what she saw was An Xier's sneer and Gordon's dark face.

Ps. In order to avoid misunderstanding, let me explain here. Everyone knows that the underwear in MH is not exposed regardless of men or women. The scene here can be roughly compared to.

In the middle of winter, your parents found you walking around with a short skirt and bare legs, or playing basketball shirtless.

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