Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1297 Ice Dragon

Hayata and the swordsmanship master did not have a division of labor, with one acting as the vanguard and the other as the attacker.

The way they cooperated could not even be called cooperation, but rather they were fighting on their own.

They kept attacking at their own pace, and when one of them created a flaw, the other could naturally seize it.

For a moment, the Ice Curse Dragon felt that it was caught in a dilemma and could not take care of anything.

The wounds on its body continued to increase. If it continued like this, it might not even have the opportunity to use its full strength and would be completely suppressed.


With a sharp cry, the Ice Curse Dragon spread its wings, and the dense white mist surged forward with the airflow of the dragon's wings.

This white mist seemed inconspicuous, but it gave them a sense of fatal threat.

The two hunters immediately stopped their offensive and flew back.

After retreating dozens of meters in a row, the burning pain like burning fire startled Hayata's heart.

Even though she had gotten out of the range of the white mist as quickly as possible, a lot of cold mist still stained her protective gear.

A thick layer of white frost was attached to the surface of the pitch-black [Tenglong] armor.

The cold air penetrated through the gaps in the armor, freezing the shirt and skin together, freezing her skin and making her limbs stiff.

In fact, she was not fully prepared for this battle.

The frost resistance of the [Tenglong] suit was originally a defect. In the previous battle, the reason why she was able to calmly deal with the frost and freezing air, in addition to the several ice-resistant beads embedded in the armor, was actually the high-quality ice-resistant protective stone that played a key role.

However, the protective stone was being worn by her daughter Muti at this time. For the sake of her daughter's safety, she would not choose to take it off and use it anyway.

This made the cold mist released by the Ice Curse Dragon still have a serious impact on her.

Due to the direction of the white mist, the swordsmanship master was not directly covered by the cold mist, and his condition was much better. Noticing the situation on Hayata's side, he reminded loudly.

"Dispel the fruit!" At this moment, the Ice Curse Dragon, shrouded in the mist, made a long cry again.

On the azure scales, ice emerged. As the ice armor took shape rapidly, the momentum of the Ice Curse Dragon continued to rise, and the freezing air around it became even more fierce.

This sense of oppression was completely different from the encounter in the volcano.

The hunters even found it difficult to breathe. Every breath they took was like a handful of ice and snow being stuffed into their mouths and noses.

"I'll cover you! Hurry up and recover!"

The swordsmanship master shouted and took the initiative to charge at the Ice Curse Dragon.

Enduring the burning and itching of frostbite, Hayata smashed down a fruit of elimination, and the light blue powder mist that rose melted the frost stuck between her armor and skin.

But the frostbite all over her body was not so easy to heal. There was no time to bandage it. After quickly drinking a bottle of recovery medicine, she took out the ice-resistant clothing from her bag.

This special clothing made of cold-proof fur and special insulation materials has a very good cold-resistant effect, which can be regarded as an external supplement.

The only disadvantage is that it is not strong enough.

In a high-intensity battle, it may not take long for the armor to be damaged, thus losing its ability to protect against cold, so it can only be used at a critical moment.

Facing the fully-powered Ice Curse Dragon, trying to save the trump card is a death sentence.

Wearing an ice-resistant suit, Hayata waved the sword and rushed back to the battlefield.

Wearing a heavy ice armor, the Ice Curse Dragon, which should have become sluggish, somehow became more flexible.

It flapped its wings, like a feather blown by the wind, lightly lifted off the ground, spun in mid-air, and avoided the large air blade whirlwind that the swordsmanship master swept across.

Its movements were as graceful as dancing, but it always concealed murderous intent.

The ice blade tail pierced out from the shadow cast by the dragon's wings like a venomous snake, and attacked the side of the swordsmanship master at a tricky angle.

The air blade whirlwind missed, and the swordsmanship master, who had no time to adjust his movements, could only roll sideways and avoid the attack in a slightly embarrassing way.

Hayata rushed in at full speed and cut in between the two in time, swinging his sword to block the subsequent wing attack of the Ice Curse Dragon.

The swordsman master seized the opportunity to stand up, and the two surrounded the Ice Curse Dragon and launched another strong attack.

Hunters who are good at using the sword are like this, either attacking or on the way to attack.

However, the improvement of the Ice Curse Dragon by the ice armor seems to be not only in terms of physical ability.

Even the mind has become much clearer.

It no longer entangled with the hunters and fought in close combat, but waved its wings to distance itself, and the frost breath that froze everything was swayed and swept towards the hunters who were chasing.

Hayata and the swordsman master hurriedly stopped and changed direction, trying to avoid the path of the breath sweep.

However, the Ice Curse Dragon in the ice armor state has greatly improved its control over the frost energy. As its head swayed, the breath direction changed, and it swept after their footsteps.


The swordsman master shouted in a low voice, and ran in two directions with Hayata.

The Ice Curse Dragon hesitated for a moment, and the breath swept across the two people. Where the frost landed, a huge ice wall composed of countless irregular ice spikes rose from the ground.


The two were shocked.

Avoiding the continuous sweeping breath is an extremely difficult and dangerous thing, not to mention that the breath will form a huge ice when it falls on the ground.

The existence of these ice spikes and ice walls seriously blocked their running and dodging routes. If this continues, there will be more and more obstacles, and it will be more and more difficult to avoid attacks.

Sure enough, we still have to attack!

Only by constantly attacking can we regain the initiative!

Hayata took a deep breath of cold air that almost froze her throat, and a blue light flashed in her eyes, turning on the courage mode.

She flew over a newly-risen ice wall in front of her, and rushed straight to the Ice Curse Dragon who was preparing for a new round of breath sweep.

"Sure enough, young people are still sharp."

The swordsmanship master laughed softly, followed closely and launched a charge, and at the same time took out a flash bomb and threw it hard at the Ice Curse Dragon flying in the air.

The strong light burst, and the Ice Curse Dragon's half-prepared breath was interrupted, and the vision was temporarily deprived by the strong light.

But unfortunately, the Ice Curse Dragon, who had suffered a loss from a flash bomb before, did not fall down because of panic this time.

Instead, it flapped its wings to adjust its posture, regained its balance at the last moment, and landed on the ground.

According to the direction of Hayata's attack in memory, it opened its mouth and breathed a straight line, blasting away.

Hayata changed the charge path in time and narrowly avoided this short but fast breath, but the speed of the charge was inevitably slowed down.

The swordsmanship master, whose charge was not disturbed, was able to get to the front and approached the Ice Curse Dragon.

He raised his sword and thrust it out, the tip of the sword piercing the Ice Curse Dragon's chest, then took advantage of the momentum to jump high, and chopped down like a pure silver flying dragon sword.

The Ice Curse Dragon reacted very quickly.

At the moment of being stabbed, it immediately released a stream of cold air.

A thick ice wall rose from the ground, blocking it from the swordsmanship master.

The sword wrapped with sword energy and dragon flames split the nearly one-meter thick ice wall in two, and the Ice Curse Dragon hiding behind the ice wall was unscathed.

A cold look was cast in the crack of the ice wall split by the sword.

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