Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1302 Take care of your man!

The Moon Star Defense War ended very cleanly, so cleanly that it was a little abrupt.

The moment the Ice Curse Dragon fell, all the Wind Drifting Dragons that were still able to move flapped their wings without hesitation and flew into the air, leaving the hell filled with the bloody smell of their own kind in panic.

The hunters who had been fighting for most of the night no longer had the strength to continue chasing the fleeing Wind Drifting Dragons.

Of course, those who were unable to escape due to serious injuries or damaged flying ability did not end up well in the end.

Although the guild has a rule not to kill indiscriminately, these rules are obviously not applicable to monsters that attack human bases.

After this, the investigation team will also send personnel to re-investigate and evaluate the danger of the Wind Drifting Dragon tribe living in the Frozen Canyon.

If the scholars finally come to the conclusion that "it is necessary to attack", the hunters in the Moon Star base will probably be busy for a while.

The funeral of the victims was held on the second day after the Moon Star Defense War ended.

The number of casualties in this battle was not too small. For the investigation team, it was the most serious loss of personnel in recent years.

On the day of the funeral, the sad and dull atmosphere in the base was suffocating.

But after the funeral, everyone still held the memory of the deceased and tried to cheer up.

Everything will continue.

The body of the Ice Curse Dragon triggered a carnival among the scholars.

The body was very complete, with no obvious limb loss, and of course, no decay.

More importantly, the Ice Curse Dragon died at the door of the base, so there was no need to worry about transportation and internal organ corruption like when dissecting the Dark Lantern Dragon.

According to the head of the third group, this is one of the best research materials she has taken over in the New World for so many years.

Every bone, every organ, and even every muscle was carefully decomposed and sent to the research institute.

The scholars of Yuechen were almost too busy, but fortunately there was no need to worry about the manpower problem. After the news came from the Xingchen base, a large group of scholars immediately came by airship.

The bustling appearance was like a festival.

After the scholars' research comes to an end, the Ice Curse Dragon will no longer be "a mysterious ancient dragon species with little knowledge and unknown information".

Instead, it will become one of the ancient dragon species that humans know the most about

The craftsmen and hunters are equally busy. Many facilities in the battle street need to be rebuilt, and the bodies of the dozen wind dragons also need to be dealt with.

Since there is no need to consider the trouble of transportation, the amount of materials extracted by hunters from these bodies is not even less than the settlement after capture.

The processing house therefore received a large number of orders for wind dragon armor and wind dragon weapons.

The spirit protection, avoidance distance, wind pressure resistance, ice resistance and other highly versatile effects and protections have made the wind dragon almost become the "standard equipment" of hunters who are mainly active in Yuechen in the future.

Near the Yuechen base, the only wind dragon that has not been decomposed into materials is a purple one.

Although everyone hates the wind dragon group that caused serious casualties and damage, no one will hate this "domestic flying dragon" that played a key role in the battle.

If it hadn't appeared suddenly, the Ice Curse Dragon would have probably escaped successfully.

Then the subsequent troubles would have been endless.

The purple wind dragon was seriously injured.

During the short period of fighting with the Ice Curse Dragon, it had multiple wounds torn by the Ice Curse Dragon's claws, and also had penetrating wounds pierced by the ice blade tail.

Of course, the biggest injury was the frost breath sprayed at zero distance.

There are no doctors in the world who specialize in treating monsters. The fourth group does have a veterinarian who specializes in taking care of animals such as Bobo and pterosaurs, and was asked by the veterinarian to help.

According to him, other wounds are easy to treat, and the problem is only frostbite.

The purple wind dragon's trunk was almost completely frozen, and its internal organs were almost frozen. If it were another creature, there would be no need for treatment at all, and it could be buried directly.

But the wind dragon is a species that adapts to severe cold and wields frost.

The vitality of the flying dragon plus the potion refined by humans may have hope of surviving.

After the battle, Gu Gu stayed by the side of the purple wind dragon, never leaving, taking care of her "baby" carefully.

The craftsmen used canvas to build a temporary shed for it in the battle street to block the wind and snow. The alchemists sent a lot of medicines, and the hunters also dragged a few snow deer, saying that they were "sick meals" prepared for it.

As for when it can wake up, no one can tell.

Gordon's recent days are not very good.

Hayata is very angry.

Although she didn't say anything during the battle, she didn't give her husband a good face in the past few days after the Moon Star Defense War.

Although she didn't really sink the [Crazy Pattern] into the hot spring pool, she also supervised Gordon to wash it repeatedly several times, as if there was something dirty on it.

As for why Hayata was angry, Gordon naturally knew it well.

It seems heroic and refreshing to forcefully charge up and knock down the Ice Curse Dragon in the cold mist and breath that can freeze people into ice sculptures.

But in fact, it is no different from gambling with one's life.

This is different from the seemingly dangerous but actually sure response of a smooth posture or precise defense, but it is a real gambling of luck.

What if the smoke pipe cannot melt the frost and ice quickly enough?

What if the body collapses before releasing the real power slash?

What if the Ice Curse Dragon's breath was not directed towards the ground, but towards his body?

If any of these "ifs" became a reality, his fate would not be good.

Looking back, Gordon scratched his chin and felt scared.

Bravery and recklessness are two different things. His choice at that time was indeed too reckless.

When he was a teenager, he would occasionally do this, suddenly getting too excited, but Hayata and Ansir thought that another reason was more likely.

——His thinking was affected by the essence of the Nergigante hidden in the [Mad Mark] and became a little abnormal.

From the Terror Tyrannosaurus suit, to the [Greed] suit, and now to the [Mad Mark], he has used more than one set of armor that can easily drive the user crazy.

The power of the Furious Terror Tyrannosaurus is impressive, but the soul of that monster has long been devoured by endless appetite.

What remains in [Greed] is only the greedy and bloodthirsty gluttonous instinct.

But [Mad Mark] is different, this set of armor is more like alive.

The moment the mask was pulled down, the thought would drill into his brain, urging him to fight, bathe in blood, and devour everything.

He had always thought that he had done well and had never lost control.

His will had been tempered to be as tough as steel, and he was confident enough to suppress the [Mad Mark], just like when he controlled [Greed].

But now it seems that he is still a little arrogant.

Never losing control does not mean that he has not been affected. This influence is subtle.

If this problem cannot be completely solved, his fighting style may become more and more crazy until he is destroyed.

Stopping the use of [Mad Mark] and sealing it up is the simplest and most direct option.

He is a nine-star hunter, a strong man standing at the top of the hunters. Even if he retreats a little bit, he is still at the top.

But that is not his way.

If he stopped like this, he would not be able to get here.

For this reason, Gordon made a decision.

"What did you say?"

"Are you sick?"

"Believe in Kirana."

The silver-edged companions who were called to the tavern by Gordon and heard his decision had strange expressions.

"Well, I plan to practice alone for a while and seek a breakthrough."

"What about the base? Don't forget that you are the commander of Yuechen. The leader of the logistics team only handles chores for you. Many decisions must be made by you."

An Xier frowned and asked questions one after another: "And at your level, there is no such thing as 'practice breakthrough'.

Don't say that you plan to change into novice equipment. Since you started hunting wild boars, that set is no longer useful to you.

So how do you want to break through? Go and fight an ancient dragon?"

"That may be a way?" Gordon scratched his chin, "As for the position of commander of Yuechen, I plan to entrust it to you first, and the commander-in-chief will agree."

". Miss Hayata, please take care of your man."

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